Biographical Sketch of Joshua Johns

Joshua Johns, farmer; P. O. Charleston; was born in Pendleton Co., Va., June 6, 1821. When he was 18 years of age, he went to Bath Co., Virginia, working on the farm of William Friel, whose daughter Isabel he married, Sept. 15,, 1840, and after living there for three years moved to Pleasant Grove Tp. in this county, remaining there for twelve years when he came to Hutton Tp., and after settling on Sec. 33 remained there fourteen years, and in March, 1867, came to his present farm on Sec. 9; he owns 692 acres; has held the office of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph F. Goar

Joseph F. Goar, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Etna; was born in Parke Co., Ind. Jan. 8, 1832; he is a son of Clemme and Elizabeth (Hart) Goar; in 1836, his father came to Coles Co. and entered a large amount of Government land, returning for his family in 1837; he built the first steam mill in the county, and was a prominent citizen of Paradise Tp. until 1862, when he removed to Jacksonville, Ill., where he now resides; his mother died in this county in 1855. Joseph F. was raised on the farm, and on the 2d of Oct., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Cavins

Joseph Cavins, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; was born in Marion Co., Ohio, Jan. 24, 1838; moved to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., in 1840; was married Dec. 25, 1862; maiden name of wife Melissa E. Ferguson. Names of children: Elmer W., Joseph O., Elzy C., William F., Stanley T., Lester B. Owns 80 acres of land worth about six thousand dollars. Public offices held: Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk, School Trustee, Supervisor, and taught school nine terms in the same District; was also in the late war. His father and mother, Joseph and Nancy Cavins, were born in Loudoun Co., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Armstrong

Joseph Armstrong, farmer and stockdealer, Sec. 9; P. O. Charleston; was born in Pendleton Co., Va., Aug. 11, 1823; he lived with his parents, assisting his father on the farm until 23 years of age, when he married Elizabeth Leitch, Sept. 2, 1844; Mrs. Armstrong was born in Pendleton Co., Va., May 23, 1815; they have had four children, three living and one dead; their names are Charles E., Abel T. T., Margaret J., and Arametha L., who died. Mr. Armstrong has held the office of Township Collector one term, Road Commissioner one term, and School Director five years. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Wilson Walker

Jonathan Wilson Walker, farmer and stock-dealer, Sec. 21; P. O. Mattoon; owns 400 acres; was born in Bedford Co., Tenn., July 26, 1828; lived with his parents on the farm until 27 years of age. Married April 3, 1857, to Mary Sell; she was born in Preble Co., Ohio, March 8, 1831, and has had six children, five of whom are living – Joseph W., James A., Emma O., Mary I. and Sarah E. Mr. Walker has been School Director ten years and School Trustee five years. His father is a native of North Carolina and his mother of Virginia; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Shaver

Jonathan Shaver, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; the above – named gentleman was born in Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind., July 22, 1836; his father, Jonathan M. Shaver, a native of Virginia, was an early settler in Montgomery Co., having come there about the year 1830, his mother, Susan Shaver, being also a native of Virginia; Mr. Shaver was raised on a farm. He was married Sept. 30, 1856, to Miss Mary J. Stratton, of Greene Co., Ohio; she died Jan. 8, 1860, leaving two children Rosella and Emma J. Mr. Shaver was then poor; he worked at the time … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Woodfall

John Woodfall deceased, farmer. The subject of this sketch was born in England about the year 1807; he emigrated to America while quite a young man and located in Louisville, Ky., where he worked in a foundry and machine shop for about fifteen years, when he located in Morgan Tp., Coles Co., Ill., in January , 1857, when he purchased 200 acres of land in Sec. 31, where he lived until his death, which occurred June 14, 1857, being instantly killed by lightning while planting corn, leaving a widow and seven children. His marriage with Jane Stinson was celebrated in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Winkelblack

John Winkelblack, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; born in Dauphin Co., Penn., March 4, 1805, where he lived until 15 years of age, when he learned and worked at the tanner’s and currier’s trade at Harrisburg, Penn., until 1829, at which date he emigrated to Ohio, working at Cleveland, Massillon and Zanesville until February, 1830, when he went to Pennsylvania and the following spring returned to Zanesville, Ohio, where he followed his trade until the fall of 1835; he then emigrated to Illinois and located upon Sec. 30, Morgan Tp., where he now lives; upon locating here he entered … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Wilson

John Wilson, farmer, and Constable for Coles Co; P. O. Cook’s Mills; was born in Germany, March 8, 1840; came to the United States in 1857, and to this State in 1865 and to Coles Co. in1871. He was married to Miss Sarah Ann Prince, who was born in Indiana Jan. 19, 1848; they have two children deceased, viz., Mary C. and Louisa. Mr. Wilson has served a term in the United States Regular Army; he enlisted from New York City in Co. D, in 1861; he served all through the late rebellion, and at its close was discharged with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John White Rodgers

John White Rodgers, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Campbell; owns seventy acres; was born in Morgan Co., Ill., Feb. 10, 1831, and lived with his parents on the farm until 23 years of age. He was married to Margaret Elizabeth Gillinnater April 5, 1854; she was born in Effingham Co., Ill., Jan. 18, 1836; they have bad six children, five of whom are living, viz., James F., Mary L., William B., Hiram M. and Henry G.; deceased-Isaac E. Mr. Rodgers was Overseer of the Road one term and was elected Justice of the Peace, which office he now holds. His … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Weber

John Weber, the junior member of the firm of Weber Brothers, was also born in Westfield, Clark Co., Ill., April 19, 1856, and came with the other members of the family to Charleston, at the age of 10 years.

Biographical Sketch of John W. Soules

John W. Soules, proprietor meat market, Mattoon; was born in Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 10, 1828; his father was a farmer, and his early life was spent upon the farm; his education was limited entirely to the common school; he remained at home till his majority; at the age of 21 years, he engaged in the packing house of Ferrington & Williams, of Terre Haute, where he remained five years; he was next engaged in the same business with Jacob D. Early three years; in 1860, he came to Mattoon and took charge of a packing house for Messrs. Miller … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Seaman

John W. Seaman, farming and stock; P. O. Humbolt; was born in Adams Co., Ohio, May 28, 1837. He married Miss Mary Ann Ellison Feb. 15, 1859; she was born in the same place Sept. 1, 1840; they have ten children, viz., Emma J., James H., Franklin A., Fred J., Charlie, Harry, Lizzie S., Thomas E., Wm. E. and Maggie. He lived in Ohio until 1862; he was born on the farm and has always followed farming; in 1862, he came to Illinois and settled in North Okaw Tp., where he lived three years; he then moved to Humbolt Tp., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Miller

John W. Miller, farmer and stock-dealer, Sec. 1; P. O. Charleston; owns 800 acres, worth $40 per acre; he was born in Trimble Co., Ky., March 13, 1825; he lived in Kentucky until 12 years of age; then emigrated to Coles Co., Ill.. where he lived with his father on the farm; engaged in farming until he married Rebecca A. Tremble, June 26, 1851; she was born in Harrison Co., Ind., July 15, 1828; the fruit of this marriage was eight children, five living and three dead; the names of the living are Cephas, Horana, Armantha, John and James; the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Beavers

John W. Beavers, deceased; was born in Hampshire Co., Va., Sept. 3, 1814; he married Miss Mary A. Madden Sept. 10, 1840; she was born in Hampshire Co., Va., March 26, 1819; they had seven children, six living – Samuel M., John B., Richard R., George W., Marcellus S. and Mary E. He lived in Virginia until 1854, when he moved to Illinois, and settled about one-fourth of a mile west of the present village of Humbolt; in 1856, he moved to Iowa, and in 1857 he came to the present place; he was one of the first Road Commissioners … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Baker

John W. Baker, farmer; P. O. Campbell; owns 135 acres in Sec. 19; was born in Morgan Co., Ill., Feb. 17, 1840; lived with his parents until the age of 6, when they died, leaving him to shift for himself; he emigrated to this State in 1861, settling in Coles Co. Was married to Susan D. Rodgers April 5, 1866; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., Feb. 9, 1851; the fruit of this marriage is three children – Effie M., Mary A. and Isaac W. Mr. B. has held the office of School Director six years, and Commissioner of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Turner

John Turner, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Fuller’s Point; one of the first settlers and pioneers, was born in Virginia Dec. 16, 1812; came to this State and settled in Coles Co. in 1830; his first settlement was in what is now the township of Paradise; he cannot tell now that the township at that time had a name, and through it there was no mail-route; in 1835, he removed to North Okaw; this section of country was at that time all called Okaw; it derives its name from the two streams running through it; Mr. Turner is now the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Rutherford

John Rutherford, Cashier of the Oakland National Bank, Oakland; born in Oakland, Coles Co., Ill., June 21, 1844, where he engaged in farming and attending school until February, 1867, when he engaged in the dry goods trade with J. J. Pemberton, which business he followed until 1872; he was then employed as book-keeper for the banking firm of L. D. Carter & Co., which position he held until Aug. 1, 1874, at which time the National Bank of Oakland was formed and he was chosen Cashier, which position he has since held; he was made a member of the Oakland … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John R. Lawson

John R. Lawson, lumber and building materials, Oakland; born in Portsmouth, Scioto Co., Ohio, June 3, 1847, where he attended school constantly until 21 years of age, the last five years at the Portsmouth Normal School; at the above age, he engaged in book-keeping for the Portsmouth Foundry Co., which position he filled for two years; then, in 1871, he came West and engaged in book-keeping for Lawson & Burt, at Tuscola, Douglas Co., for two years, at the expiration of which time, he came to Oakland, Coles Co., and engaged in the lumber trade, dealing in lumber of all … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Nock

John Nock, farmer; P. O. Charleston; born in Germany Feb. 20, 1835; he emigrated with his parents to America when 2 years of age; coming directly West, they located first in Ross, then Waverly Cu., Ohio, until 1849, when they located in Charleston, Coles Co., Ill., where he learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 1863, at which date he located upon his present place, where he has since continued to live; he owns upon his present place 165 acres, upon which he has good buildings, and which is mostly under cultivation. He married Aug. 5, 1863, to Mary … Read more