Harrell, Thomas Andrew Sr. – Obituary

T. A. Harrell, Sr., dies Sunday. Well known Valley farmer passes away at age of 82, leaves many relatives. . Thomas A. Harrell, Sr., 82, well known in the valley where he has farmed for 16 years, passed away early Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jessie Cates. Mr. Harrell had been in poor health for a year, but his illness became serious only within the last week. Mr. Harrell was born in Tennessee in December, 1843, and he lived in that state until 16 years ago this spring when he came to Kittitas valley where he … Read more

Harrell, Thomas Andrew Jr. – Obituary

Thomas Andrew Harrell, 71, died today March 2, 1959 at the Valley General Hospital. He had been seriously ill for a week but has been in failing health for some time. He was born in Rogersville, Tenn. And came to the Kittitas Valley where he has been a rancher since 1904. He married Miss Maxie Taylor here in 1908. Following her death, he subsequently married Miss Alice Poskey who has also passed away. He is survived by his present wife, Mrs. Esther Harrell and by a daughter, Mrs. Louise Fleming now a resident of Ellensburg formerly of Seattle. He leaves … Read more

Harrell, Julia Derrick – Obituary

Valley Pioneer Dies on Monday. Mrs. Julia Harrell Resident of the Valley for 16 years dies after brief Illness. Mrs. Julia Harrell, 70, wife of T. A. Harrell, Sr., West Side rancher, passed away at her home Monday afternoon August 24, 1925 at 2:30, following a brief illness due to heart failure. Mrs. Harrell, with her husband and family, came to Ellensburg in 1909 and had lived on a ranch on the West Side ever since. She was born April 16, 1855, at Rogersville, Tenn. On December 25, 1871, she was married to Thomas A. Harrell and 11 children were … Read more

Harrell, Herbert – Obituary

Herbert Harrell, 39, former valley resident, died at Laramie, Wyoming, Wednesday, September 14 [1938]. Born at Rogersville, Tenn., August 5, 1899, he came west with his parents in the spring of 1909. Her parents settled in the Kittitas Valley and he received his education in the Ridgeway and Thorp schools. He was married to Eula Mundy April 27, 1917. The family moved to California in 1923, residing there until 1933 when they moved to Wyoming. He is survived by his widow, three daughters, Juanita, Louise and Bernadine; seven sisters, Mrs. W. T. Rutledge, Mrs. J. R. Morefield, Mrs. Jesse Cates, … Read more

Harrell, Alice Edna Poskey – Obituary

Mrs. Alice Edna Harrel, 64, died at her home on the Thorp highway at 10:30 a.m. today January 19, 1952 following a long illness. She was born in the state of Kansas and came to Kittitas Valley from Seattle in 1915. She was married in Ellensburg to Tom A. Harrel, September 4, 1925. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Harrel farmed in the Badger Pocket area prior to moving to their West Side ranch six years ago. She is survived by her husband and by a stepdaughter, Mrs. Louise Fleming of Seattle, two sisters, Mrs. … Read more

Harrel, Julia Ann Derrick – Obituary

Funeral services for Julia Ann Harrel, 90, who died yesterday [June 15, 1966] in the Kittitas Valley Community Hospital, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in Evenson’s Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Paul Nance officiating. Burial will be the IOOF Cemetery. Mrs. Harrel, a pioneer resident, was born Feb. 10, 1876, at Rogersville, Tenn., and was married to Edward Harrel Feb. 11, 1896 in Tennessee. They came to the Kittitas Valley from Rogersville in May 1902, and worked for William Packwood for three years. They then operated a farm for Clarence Palmer before buying a ranch in the Fairview District … Read more

Harrel, Edward Hamilton – Obituary

[The obituary was bound and some words are in the binding. Missing words are shown as …] Edward Hamilton Harrel, fatally injured when the automobile which he was driving turned turtle on the Dollarway on the afternoon of Sunday, April 28, died at the general hospital this morning [May 14, 1918] at 12:20 o’clock. Death was caused by a fracture at the base of the skull…from the first only slight hopes had been held out for his recovery. Yesterday it was known that there was no hope of recovery, and practically all of the relatives here were gathered at the … Read more

Hammond, Betty Leah Pease – Obituary

Funeral services were Tuesday in Fremont, Calif., for Betty Leah Hammond, 44, a former Ellensburg resident August 22, 1970. A native of Union, Oregon, she was raised in the Ellensburg area and graduated from Thorp High School. She lived in Fremont for 23 years. Survivors include her husband, Wesley L. Hammond; three children, Kirk, Kathryn, and Mary Ann, all of Fremont; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pease of Thorp; two brothers, Clifford Pease of Virginia Beach, Va. and Fred Pease of Othello. Remembrances may be made to Children’s Hospital, Oakland, Calif.

Hall, Zumbrunnen Bertha Annen – Obituary

Bertha Zumbrunnen Hall, 91, of Rt. 5, a long-time Kittitas Valley resident, died Monday at Royal Vista Care Center. Mrs. Hall, who was born in Switzerland on Nov. 15, 1892, came to the United States in 1912. On March 16 in that year, she and Victor Zumbrunnen were married on the ranch north of Ellensburg where she spent most of her life. Mr. Zumbrunnen died in January of 1935. In 1942, she married Evert Hall in Yuma, Ariz. They lived for a time in California, Friday Harbor and Aberdeen before returning to the original family ranch north of Ellensburg to … Read more

Hall, Margaret Olding – Obituary

Mrs. A. M. Hall Dies On Sunday. Was Born In Valley, Parents Being Pioneer Olding Family. Mrs. Margaret V. Hall, wife of a. M. Hall of the Fairview District and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John G. Olding, pioneer residents of the valley, died here Sunday morning December 19, 1932 at 10 o’clock. She was born in this valley August 16, 1882. Her father and mother came here in 1871 and settled on the homestead, six miles north of Ellensburg where Mrs. Hall was born and died. Her parents came here by ox team, driving from Walla Walla. … Read more

Hall, Lottie M. Ferrier – Obituary

Mrs. Wm. R. Hall died last night [October 16, 1910] at 8 o’clock at her home on West Tenth Street after a short illness. She was 28 years of age and leaves a husband, son, and infant daughter, besides her father, E. I. Ferrier, of this city, two sisters, Mrs. Frank Simpson and Mrs. Bert Carroll, and three brother, Jesse, Harry, and Jack Ferrier. She was buried this afternoon. [Interment at IOOF Cemetery] Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Hall, Evert – Obituary

Evert Hall, 87, Rt. 5, died Monday May 25, 1981 at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. He was born in Athens, Ohio, on May 24, 1894. He lived in San Diego, where he worked for Lockheed Aircraft during World War II. He and Bertha Annen Zumbrunnen were married in Yuma, Ariz. in 1942. They lived in Ellensburg for a time before moving to Friday Harbor in 1946. He worked in the cranberry fields near Friday Harbor and in the Aberdeen area. They returned to Ellensburg in 1974 from Aberdeen to live near their daughter and son-in-law, Bertha and the late Chet … Read more

Grunden, Selma Caroline Jacobsen – Obituary

Death came here this week to another of Kittitas Valley’s pioneers, Mrs. Selma Caroline Grunden, 80, who had lived here 68 years died November 29, 1946. Born in Sweden May 31, 1866, Mrs. Grunden came to Ellensburg in 1878, when she was 12 years old, and had made her home here continuously since that time. She was in Ellensburg during the last Indian uprising in Central Washington and witnessed growth of this area from a frontier section to its present development. She made her home with the late J. L. Vaughn for several years after coming to the valley. She … Read more

Grunden, John William – Obituary

John W. Grunden, 94, an Ellensburg native, died Saturday [June 26] at the Goldleaf Nursing Home where he had lived for the past 10 years. He was born on Oct. 12, 1887 in rural Ellensburg, a son of the late Elof and Selma (Jacobsen) Grunden. He served in the army during World War I. Mr. Grunden had worked in the hay bailing business as a pressman and foreman of the bailer crew. With the exception of 10 years in Toppenish, he had spent his entire life in the Kittitas Valley. Survivors include a brother, Glenn Grunden of Ellensburg; and three … Read more

Grunden, John William – Obituary

John W. Grunden, 94, an Ellensburg native, died Saturday June 26, 1982 at the Goldleaf Nursing Home where he had lived for the past 10 years. He was born on Oct. 12, 1887 in rural Ellensburg, a son of the late Elof and Selma (Jacobsen) Grunden. He served in the army during World War I. Mr. Grunden had worked in the hay baling business as a pressman and foreman of the bailer crew. With the exception of 10 years in Toppenish, he had spent his entire life in the Kittitas Valley. Survivors include a brother, Glenn Grunden of Ellensburg; and … Read more

Grunden, Elof Arnson – Obituary

Elof A. Grunden, 75 years old and a resident of Ellensburg for nearly 50 years, passed away at his home here early Sunday morning February 11, 1934. Born in Norway, June 24, 1858, Mr. Grunden came to this county as a young man and had resided in this city much of the time since. In addition to his widow, Selma, he is survived by three daughters Mrs. Grant Nichols of Ellensburg, Mrs. Donald Dale of Portland, and Mrs. Elmer Tyson of Seattle, and by three sons, John of Toppenish and Alfred and Glenn of Ellensburg. Funeral services are to be … Read more

Grunden, Al – Obituary – Obituary

Al Grunden, 41, dies after fall her Tuesday; Topples from Top of Tank in County Jail; Sheriff Ballard Spectator. Al Grunden, an Ellensburg boy, died in the Ellensburg General Hospital Tuesday afternoon a couple of hours after he was the victim of an unusual accident in the Kittitas County Jail. Grunden had just been committed a few hours previous to serve out a $12.50 fine and costs imposed by Police Judge Chester Thomas for intoxication and to pay for two previous suspended sentences. The accident occurred in full view of Sheriff Wayne Ballard who was standing in the door of … Read more

Grissom, William A. – Obituary

William A. Grissom, a well-known pioneer of Kittitas County, died last night March 14, 1910 at the Valley house. Mr. Grissom was 50 years old and his death was due to dropsy. He is survived by a son, Robert, and six daughters, Ethel, Kate, Myrtle, Ellie Belle, and Vera. The funeral services will be held tomorrow at Rose & Inman’s chapel at 2:30 p.m. Burial in IOOF Cemetery.

Grindrod, Mildred Miller – Obituary

Mildred M. Grindrod, 61, Kittitas, died Tuesday [December 3] morning at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. She was born in Ainsworth, Neb., on Sept. 3, 1924. She and Owen Grindrod were married in Sumner on April 4, 1942. They came to the Kittitas Valley from Puyallup in 1944 and farmed in the Badger Pocket area. They moved to Kittitas in 1959 and operated the O&M Café for a number of years. Mrs. Grindrod had been employed as a cook at Husky House for the past five years. She was a member of the Kittitas Community Church and the Kittitas Booster Club, … Read more

Grindrod, Edward Gove – Obituary

Following closely in death his wife and a son, E. G. Grindrod, Kittitas Valley pioneer, died at his home on East Capitol Avenue this morning. Eighty-four at the time of his death, Mr. Grindrod came to the valley as a young man and spent the remainder of his life here. He farmed for many years before retiring to make his home in the city. His wife, Mrs. Etta [Bonebrake] Grindrod, died here December 9, and a son, Roy, succumbed the following day. Surviving are a son, George and two daughters, Ione Grindrod of Seattle and Mrs. Floy Hunt of Ellensburg. … Read more