History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington 1889

History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

Biography of J. B. Tabor

J.B. TABOR. – The gentleman whose name appears above is one of those driving and thriving men whose situation had, through his own industry and sagacity, become one of enviable prosperity and comfort. Mr. Tabor owns a large stock ranch ten miles south of Colfax, Washington, and also a fruit ranch on the Snake river […]

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Biography of Ira F. M. Butler

IRA F.M. BUTLER. – The honesty and wholeheartedness of a certain, and indeed, predominating, class of our early settlers is nowhere better exemplified than in Mr. Butler. Seventy-seven years of age, but still vigorous and kindly, adhering firmly to the temperance principles which have prevented the dissipation of his native course, and while well-to-do, indeed

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Biography of Hon. William Lair Hill

HON. WILLIAM LAIR HILL. – The distinguished lawyer, author, versatile writer and thorough student whose name introduces this sketch was asked to furnish such data as might contribute in its production; and he diffidently and reluctantly responded. Among other hastily prepared notes, he answered: “Have lived an honest a life as my environments seemed to

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