Biography of J. B. Tabor

Last Updated on May 21, 2011 by

J.B. TABOR. – The gentleman whose name appears above is one of those driving and thriving men whose situation had, through his own industry and sagacity, become one of enviable prosperity and comfort. Mr. Tabor owns a large stock ranch ten miles south of Colfax, Washington, and also a fruit ranch on the Snake river bottom. For the latter he paid nine thousand dollars some years ago. He is the stepfather of W.J. Hamilton, the leading druggist of that city; and his two daughters are living near. One of these, the wife of J.B. Holt, is living on the Snake river place; and the other, Mrs. W.L. LaFallett, is located on the delightful farm near his own. The Snake river ranch is devoted to fruit. This strip of lowland, sandy, warm and in many places supplied with water from the springs or creeks from the surrounding hills, is equal to California for the production of grapes, peaches and sweet potatoes. Lands well situated for fruit command from seventy-five to one hundred dollars per acre. Mr. Tabor’s orchard is gradually becoming extensive; and, as the market is good, it is and will be a fine source of income.

He deserves his prosperity. He has been a frontiersman nearly all his life, having been born in Tennessee in 1821; and in 1840 he moved to Missouri. In 1849 he crossed the plains with ox-teams, and began mining at Grass Valley. In 1851 he came up to Oregon and took a farm in the Willamette valley. He there engaged in stock and grain raising. In 1856 he joined the volunteers and, with Colonel Cornelius, followed the Indians all over the Inland Empire; and even then he marked the choice location.

In 1872, desiring to change his home, he went up to the Palouse country, laying his claim ten miles south of Colfax, and engaged in raising horses, cattle, and especially sheep. Those high hills, from one thousand to two thousand feet above the sea-level, and nearly as high above the river bottoms, are the places for stock ranges and for grain. Twenty-five bushels of wheat per acre is assumed to be the average capacity of those uplands. Since going into the fruit business, Mr. Tabor has largely disposed of his stock. Upon his first arrival in the country, Colfax had no existence; and the first settlers, Cox, Perkins and Hollingsworth, who made the city, were very isolated frontiersmen. Mr. Tabor shares with these men the honor of creating Whitman county, and proving its adaptability to the uses of civilization. Large Agricultural, mineral and lumber interests of that section lie at the back of Colfax; and the railways assure its future.

Mr. Tabor has been county commissioner, and has always been ready to serve the community in every way. He is a man whose sturdy self-reliance, integrity and energy have won universal esteem.



Whitman County WA,

History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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