Thompson, Blanche – Obituary

Last Updated on November 23, 2011 by

Sudden Death
Blanche Thompson

Blanche, the little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Thompson, died at 4 p.m. Tuesday after an illness of only a few hours. The little one was apparently as well as common until about 10 o’clock when it was taken suddenly with an ailment of the kidneys, and, although Dr. Whiting was called at once he was unable to stay the progress of the disease and the little one passed away at 4 o’clock that afternoon.

The funeral services were conducted in the M.E. Church yesterday at 10 o’clock by Rev. A. Roberts and the interment was in the city cemetry.

The bereaved parents have the heart felt sympathy of the entire community in their sudden bereavement.

Elgin Recorder Friday November 13, 1903

Resolutions of Condolences

To the Chancellor Commander, officers and members of Orion Lodge No. 73, Knights of Pythias. We, your committee appointed to draft resolutions of condolence on the death of the beloved child of Brother S.S. Thompson, respectfully submit the following:

Whereas it has pleased Almight God, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in His infinite wisdom to remove from your midst Blanche, the beloved child of our esteemed brother.

THEREFORE, be it Resolved, that we sincerely share in the sorrow of our beloved brother and extend to him our feeble, though heartfelt sympathy in his loss, commending him in his great affliction to the tender care of him who said,”Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Be it further resolved that these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the lodge, a copy given to The Recorder for publication and one to Brother Thompson.

Fraternally submitted,

Elgin Recorder
Friday November 13, 1903



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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