A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.
Hakkyaiwal (Hăk-kyäi′wăl). A Yaquina village on the s. side of Yaquina r., Oreg. Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, in, 229, 1890.
Hashkushtun (Ha′-ckûc-tûn). A former Takelma village on the s. side of Rogue r. , Oreg. Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, in, 235, 1890.
Hathletukhish (Haçl′tûqĭc′). A former Yaquina village on the s. side of Yaquina r., Oreg. Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, in, 229, 1890.
Hauwiyat (Hau-wī-yät’). A former Siuslaw village on or near Siuslaw r., Oreg. Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, in, 230, 1890.
Hewut. The village of the Umpqua on upper Umpqua r., Oreg.
Hilakwitiyus (Hĭl-á-kwĭ-tĭ-yŭs’). A former Siuslaw village on or near Siuslaw r., Oreg. Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, in, 230, 1890.
Hitshinsuwit. A former Yaquina village on the s. side of Yaquina r., Oreg.
Hiwaitthe. A former Yaquina village on the s. side of Yaquina r., Oreg.
Holukhik (Ho-lŭq′-ĭk). A Yaquina village on the N. side of Yaquina r., Oreg.
Hudedut (Hûdedût′). A former Takilman village at the forks of Rogue r. and Applegate cr., Oreg.
Hunkkhwitik (Hŭñ-kqwi′-tik). A former Yaquina village on the N. side of Yaquina r., Oreg. Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, in, 229, 1890.