Biography of William P. Beers

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

To the esteemed and distinguished gentleman and worthy pioneer, whose name initiates this paragraph, it is fitting that a consideration be granted in the history of Malheur County, since he, perhaps more than any other one man, has been instrumental in making the County what it is today, and also in the development of the other sections adjacent. Mr. Beers has done the lion’s share, and in all this excellent labor and the achievements of his brain and hand, there have ever been manifested noble qualities of the typical man, and the courageous and intrepid pioneer, while his masterful ability has always placed him as leader among his fellows and rightly, ton, for success has always been the result of his keen perception, sagacity, and assiduity.

William T. Beers was born in Wayne County, Indiana, on August 18, 1842, being the son of enterprising and leading parents. The family came to Burlington. Iowa, when our subject was quite young and eight years later they removed to Scott County, and three years subsequent to that we find him in Decatur County. In these various places William P. was educated and when the call came in 1862 for the loyal hearts to take up the cause of their country, young Beers was one of the first to press to the post of duty and he en-listed in the Thirteenth Missouri Calvary where he fought in many battles and did arduous military duty until the time of his honorable discharge. Four years and five months were spent in this service and during this time he participated the battles of Springfield, Blue Mount, and also others among which was one on the plains, his regiment being stationed for a time at Fort Collins, in Wyoming. In 1866, he crossed the plains to Helena, Montana, then went to the Bitter Roots and ruined and in 1868 bought a freight outfit and did business between Fort Benton and Carrinne and Virginia City, making also three trips to Fort Hall, and then he came to the Snake and wintered near Idaho City. Then three years were spent in Nevada, and soon thereafter we find him in Silver City, Idaho, and after some more freighting to that city he sold his outfit and bought a portion of his present ranch, in 1874. The next years he assisted to erect a telegraph line from Winnemucca to Silver City, and also bought another freight outfit and moved mining machinery to Silver City, being in partnership with the well known John Catlow. Mr. Beers was here during the Indian outbreaks and his house still shows some of the bullet holes from the savages’ rifles.

Mr. Beers owns what is known as the Ruby ranch, which is located fifteen miles west from Jordan Valley, being, one of the first stage stations in the country. The ranch consists of three thousand, five hundred acres of fine land, being one of the best ranches in the entire state. Mr. Beers has about eight hundred head of cattle and three hundred head of horses. He used to handle about four thousand cattle but has now a less number and some of the finest specimens in the range. He has one thousand acres of fertile meadow land and is really the stock king of this country. Mr. Beers is actively interested in political matters and al-ways is progressive and aggressive, although dominated by wise caution, and he holds to the principles of the true Jeffersonian Democracy.

The marriage of our subject and Miss Mary F. Annawalt was solemnized on the ranch where they now live in 1877, and they have five children, Ethel F., William E., R. Lome, Nellie B., and Ruby. Mrs. Beers is a native of Kansas City, Missouri.



Malheur County OR,

Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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