DR. F.C. CAMPBELL. – Literary ability is not so common on this coast as to be a drug in the market. It is agreeable to find it in professional men. Doctor Campbell is one of these persons. He was born in Ashtabula county, Ohio, in the year 1854. He received a good common-school education in the Rock Creek graded school, and commenced the study of dentistry in the office of Doctor N.S. Burns, of Ashtabula, in 1872, completing his dental education in Monroe, Michigan, in 1875, since which time he has practiced in nearly every state and territory in the union.
The Doctor has traveled extensively, and has stored a fund of information which, for so young a man, is remarkable. Ambitious for a literary reputation, he has preserved copious notes of whatever of interest has come under his observation; and, quick to grasp the salient points, the productions of his pen have made him no small factor in the literary world in which he moves. Many good things from his pen have been either destroyed or filed away, owing to his diffidence in submitting his manuscripts. We predict a brilliant future for him, and hope soon to see all nom de plumes replaced by his own name. The Doctor is now practicing dentistry at Pendleton, where he has made many friends.