Additional Soldiers – W Surnames

Last Updated on November 18, 2011 by

Waddell, H. H., Seaman, Navy.
Wade, E. H., Corpl., Btry. F, 14th F. A. R. D.
Wade, G. R., Corpl., Depot B., Inf.
Wadsworth, J. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wadsworth, J. C., Private, Btry. F, 30th Div., 113th F. A.
Wagger, I. D., Co. 23, Inf.
Wagner, J. H., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wagner, J. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wagner, W. H., Private, Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Inf.
Wagoner, R. S., Sergt. ,Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wagoner, R. T., Wag., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wagoner, V., Chief Yeoman, Navy.
Wagoner, W. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Waldon, R., Private, Co. D, 96th Div., 365th F. A.
Waldron, H. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Waldrop, B. B., Private, M. C., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Waldrop, J. H., 2d Lt., Co. B, 3rd Replacement, Inf.
Walker, C. C., Seaman, Navy.
Walker, E. H., Amer. Red Cross.
Walker, F. A., Private, Co. C, Tank Service.
Walker, I., Corpl., Btry. E, Unassigned, 8th F. A.
Walker, P. C., Sergt., 803rd Aero Sq., Air Service.
Walker, P. H., Fireman, Navy.
Walker, P. L., Sergt., Q. M. C.
Walker, R. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Walker, S. O., Private, Butchers Co. 345, Q. M. C.
Walker, S. P., Sergt., Co. B, 5th Div., 7th Engrs.
Walkins, H. W., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wall, E. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wall, E., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wall, G. S., Sergt., 81st Div., 322nd M. G.
Wall, J. B., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wall, J. B., Sergt., Co. B, 30th Div., 105th Engrs.
Wall, W. E., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wallace, A. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wallace, B. C., Private, Co. I, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.
Wallace, G. L., Private, Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. A.
Wallace, J. H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wallace, J. L., Private, Co. 50, Rep. Det., M. G. Btn.
Wallace, J. W., 2d Lt., Btry. C, 82nd Div., 321st F. A.
Wallace, L. C., Private, Co. I, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.
Wallace, W. C., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wallace, W. S., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Waller, G. E., Private, Co. M, 26th Div., 104th Inf., Intelligence Section.
Waller, R., Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf.
Waller, W. J., Cook, Co. B-A, 81st Div., 317th F. A.
Walls, F. F., Corpl., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
Walsh, J. W., Private, Co. 30, M. P., 30th Div., 105th M. P.
Walston, P. L., Private, Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
Walston, W. C., 2d Lt., Q. M. C. and Engrs.
Walters, A., Jr., Private, Btry. D, 4th Div., 77th F. A.
Walters, F. E., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Walters, I. J., Private, Co. B, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.
Waltz, W. M., Private, Truck Co. No. 130, M. T. C.
Ward, C. O., Private, Med. Corps, 646th Aero Squadron.
Ward, E. J., Sergt., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 323rd Inf.
Ward, G. N., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Ward, G., Sergt., Co. C, 534th Engrs.
Ward, J. A., Private, M. P., 81st Div.
Ward, O. H., Private, Co. C, Inf., 1st Div.
Ward, P. F., Sergt., 30th M. P.
Ward, R. P., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div.
Ware, G. P., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Warn, C. E., Sergt., Co. 6, 20th Engrs.
Warren, B. S., Ph. Mate, Navy.
Warren, C. G., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Warren, C. H., Seaman, Navy.
Warren, C. O., Seaman, Navy.
Warren, C. W., Private, 120th Motor Amb., 30th Div.
Warren, George S., 1st Lt., Sup. Tr., 4th Div.
Warren, Ira W., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Inf.
Warren, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Warren, L. A., Private, Med. Dept., Co. 321, 306th San. Tr.
Warren, M. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Warren, M. D., Private, Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th F. A.
Warren, M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Warren, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Warren, W. J., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Warrenton, L. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Warrick, A. L., Q. M. Sergt., Q. M. Cook, Panama Canal Dept.
Washburn, George D., Private, Co. 330, Motor Transport.
Waters, C. L., Private, Co. K, 1st Div., 28th Inf.
Waters, C. S., Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Inf.
Waters, P., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Watkins, A. S., Seaman, N. R. F.
Watkins, B. L., Phm., Navy.
Watkins, E., Sergt., Casual Co.
Watkins, I. B., Seaman, N. R. F.
Watlington, P. V., Private, Co. D, 81st Div., 317th F. A.
Watrell, W. G., Private, Co. C, Army.
Watson, H. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Watson, J. McC., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital 65.
Watson, J. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Watson, J. T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Watson, K. D., Wag., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div.
Watson, M. P., Private, Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
Watson, W. E., Private, Btry. D, 81st Div., 316th F. A.
Watson, W. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Watts, E. M., Private, 322nd Inf.
Watts, J. H., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Watts, L. C., Private, 5th Co., 2nd Regt., Marines.
Watts, T., Sergt., Co. H, 9th Div., 45th Inf.
Waugh, T. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Waugh, T. B., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Engrs.
Way, C. B., Private, Med. Corps., Hospital Dept.
Way, J. B., Private, 118th M. G. Co., 30th Div., 118th Inf.
Wayne, McD., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Weant, R. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weatherly, W. H., Jr., Chief S. K., N. R. F.
Weatherman, M. F., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weatherman, M. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weathers, B. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Weathers, H. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Weaver, C. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weaver, C. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weaver, C. L., Private, Hdqrs. Co., Inf.
Weaver, F. E., Private, Co. 32, 156th Depot Brigade.
Weaver, G. A., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf.
Webb, G. E., Private, Co. L, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.
Webb, G. F., Sergt., Med. Corps, Base 65.
Webb, N. R., Private, 156th Depot Brigade.
Webb, T. R., Sergt., Personnel Office.
Webb, W. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Webb., B. A., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Webster, C. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Webster, C. C., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 9th Artly.
Webster, J. R., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div.
Webster, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs. ,30th Div.
Webtz, O. W., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weddington, F. D., Bug., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Weddington, J. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Weeks, A. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Weeks, C. D., Private, Amb., 90th Div., 320th Regt.
Weeks, C. L., Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 306th Inf.
Weeks, H. T., Cook, Co. A, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.
Weeks, H. W., Private, Btry. B, 81st Div., 316th F. A.
Weeks, J. C., Jr., Sergt., Q. M. C.
Weeks, J. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weeks, P. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Weisner, F., Private, Btry. C, 57th Div., 57th C. A.
Welch, J. A., Corpl. Co. E, 30th Div., 118th Inf.
Welch, J. C., Jr., Private, Co. M, 20th Div., 2nd Inf.
Wellons, B. F., 2nd Lt., Inf.
Wells, D. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wells, E. M., Elec., Navy.
Wells, J. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wells, L. S., Jr., Private, Co. A, 81st Div., 321st Inf.
Wells, R. V., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wells, T. M., Chief Q. M. C., Naval Aviation.
Wells, W. E., Seaman, Navy.
Wells, W. W., Sergt., Btry. C, 3rd Trench Artly.
Wells, W., Jr., 2d Lt., 5th Pioneer Inf.
Wentz, D. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wentz, S. J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wentz, W. B., Sergt., Med. Dept., 46th Inf.
Wertz, L. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
West, C. A., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
West, H. L., Private, Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Inf.
West, J. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
West, J. S., Private, Co. D, 81st Div., 233nd Inf.
West, L. O., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
West, O. O., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
West, R. R., Yeoman, Navy.
West, S. L., Wag., Co. B, 81st Div., 306th Amtn. Tr.
West, W., Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
Westbrook, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Westbrook, O. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Westmoreland, W. V., Seaman, Navy.
Weston, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Weston, R. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Westray, L. A., Private, Med. Corps, 333rd A. R. D.
Wetherington, A. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Whaley, E. L., Corpl., 281st Squadron, Air Service.
Whaley, J. C., 1st Lt., Co. C, 81st Div., 233nd Inf.
Whaling, G. W., R. S. S., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wharton, H. G., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wharton, W. L., Corpl., Co. 22, Inf.
Whichard, D. J., Jr., Med. Corps, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr.
Whisenant, H., Private, Co. 339, Motor Transport.
Whitaker, H. M., 2nd Lt., Co. B, 42nd Btn., U. S. G.
Whitaker, J. C., Private, Sup. Co., 30th Div., 117th Inf.
Whitaker, J. W., Fireman, Navy.
Whitaker, L. E., Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.
Whitaker, R. A., Flying Cadet, Air Squadron.
Whitaker, W. P., 1st Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, A. R., Sergt., A. G. O.
White, B., 1st Lt., Co. A, 1st Army Troops, 2nd A. A. M. G. Btn.
White, C., Sergt., Co. G, 81st Div., 321st Inf.
White, D., Sergt., Co. A, 219th M. P. Cook, 1st Army Hdqrs.
White, E. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, E. S., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, E. S., Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, E., Private, Q. M. C.
White, F. R., Seaman, Navy.
White, H. E., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, J. A., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, J. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, L. A., Sergt., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
White, L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, M. E., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
White, M. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
White, M. J., Bos. Mate, Navy.
White, McK., Private, Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
White, O. C., Corpl., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
White, O. W., Corpl., Co. A, 18th Div., 318th Inf.
White, R. A., Sergt., M. P., 30th Div.
White, S. W., 1st Lt., Air Service.
White, T. W., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, T., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
White, V. C., 2d Lt., 3rd Cav.
White, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
White, W. T., Private, San. Att. 156th Depot Brigade.
Whitehead, G. L., Sergt., 511th M. T. C. Co., 423rd S. T.
Whitehouse, C. M., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitehurst, B. F., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitehurst, W. C., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 316th Art., 81st Div.
Whitesides, A. B., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div.
Whitesides, Jim., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Whitfield, C. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitington, Henry C., Private, Btry. F, 4th Regt.
Whitley, David, Private 1st Cl., Co. C, 116th Am. Tr., Inf., 41st Div.
Whitley, E. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Whitlow, H. D., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitlow, H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitlow, Harry D., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitmore, H. S., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitson, George W., Sergt., Co. A, 26th Inf. Br., 1st Div.
Whitson, Joseph, Private 1st Cl., Co. K, 16th Inf., 1st Div.
Whitt, J. T., Private 1st Cl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Whitt, John T., Private 1st Cl., Co. C, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Whitted, H. P., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whitted, Hugh P., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Whittemore, Charles H., Private, 161st Co., Trans. Guard Service.
Whittington, C. C., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Whitworth, R. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Whorton, E. L., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., O. G. A.
Wicker, A. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wicker, A. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wicker, A. V., Sergt., Btry. D, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wicker, Angius Clarence, Sergt., 26th Co., Engrs.
Wicker, John D., Private 1st Cl., Co. A, 317th M. G. Bn., 81st Div.
Wicker, Leith M., Sergt. Maj., 4th Co., 30th C. A. C.
Wiggins, Jas., Wagoner, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wiggins, L. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wiggins, W. M., 1st Lt., Disbursing Officer of Red Cross.
Wiggs, J. P., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wiggs, W. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wike, David P., Sergt., Unit Div. Q. M.
Wilder, Avis Glenn, Corpl., Btry. E, 47th C. A. C.
Wilderson, A. E., Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wiley, R. H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilkerson, Thaddeus E., Capt., Medical Corps.
Wilkins, Allen B., Private, 10th Developing Group, M. G.
Wilkins, J. W., Corpl., Co. C, 318th Engrs., 6th Div.
Wilkins, John Allen., Private 1st Cl. Hdqrs. Co., 18th M. G. Bn., 6th Div.
Wilkins, Mac, Sergt., Ordnance Service.
Wilkins, Private, 1st Cl., 306th Truck Co., 81st Div.
Wilkins, R. T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilkins, Ross., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilkinson, Charles T., H. A. 1st Class, Navy.
Wilkinson, Chester H., Sergt., Co. A, 322nd Inf., 81st Div.
Wilkinson, Private 1st Cl., Co. G, 115th Inf., 29th Div.
Wilkinson, Robt. Watson, Private 1st Cl., Mob. Hos. 103.
Wilkinson, Walter L., Blacksmith, Remount Co., 308th Div.
Willard, H. N., Sergt., Personnel Co.
Willard, Wm. A., Private 1st Cl., Btry. C, 1st Separte Brigade, C. A. C.
Willet, John T., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
William, Albert Branch, Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. R. F.
William, J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, A. F., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, A. T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, Ambrose R., Sup. Sergt., Co. H, 119th Inf., 30th Div.
Williams, B. F., Wag., 324th Amb. Co., 306th San. Tr. 81st Div.
Williams, B. L., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, C. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, C. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, C. W., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, Carl, Private 1st Cl., 74th Co., 6th Marines, 2nd Div.
Williams, Charles Nelson, Private 1st Cl., Co. E, 323rd Inf., 81st Div.
Williams, D. M. G., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, D. McD., 2nd Lt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, D., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, Daniel W., Corpl., Co. I., 119th Inf., 30th Div.
Williams, Durand T., Private, Co. C, 6th Inf., 5th Div.
Williams, E. C., Jr., F Private 1st Cl., Co. F, 120th Inf., 30th Div.
Williams, E. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, E. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, Edw. S., 2nd Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div.
Williams, F. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, F., Private, Co. C, Inf., 79th Div.
Williams, George D., Sergt., Co. A, 119th Inf., 30th Div.
Williams, Harold, Private, Co. A, 303rd Engrs., 78th Div.
Williams, Harry B., Private, 22nd Co., Inf., O. T. S.
Williams, Herbert Clarence, Seaman, Naval Reserve.
Williams, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, J. J., Wag., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, Jas. C., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 322nd Inf., 81st Div.
Williams, Jas. M., 2nd Lt., Co. A, 141st M. G. Bn.
Williams, John Roland, Seaman 1st Class, Navy.
Williams, Jos. L., Private 1st Cl., Sup. Co., 321st Inf., 81st Div.
Williams, Jos., Private, 26th Co., Evac. Hosp.
Williams, M. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, M. W., Sup. Sergt., Btry. B, 113th Art., 30th Div.
Williams, N. F., Wag., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, N., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, R. F., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, R. M., 1st Lt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, R. M., 1st Lt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williams, Surry L., Private 1st Cl., Co. E, 116th Inf., 29th Div.
Williams, Thomas B., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy (Regular).
Williams, W. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, W. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williams, W. M., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williamson, Ed. O., Private 1st Cl., 10th Co., 3rd Rept., Depot Brigade.
Williamson, G. H., Corpl. Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williamson, H. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williamson, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williamson, J. R., Wag., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williamson, J. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williamson, LaFayette, Private 1st Cl., 1st Btry., F. A. R. R., 41st Div.
Williamson, P. M., Sergt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Williamson, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williamson, Romie C., Corpl., Co. A, 15th M. G. Bn., 5th Div.
Williford, B. J., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Williford, Benj. Morris, Private, Co. A, 144th M. G. Bn.
Williford, Hal. A., Private 1st Cl., 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div.
Willis, A. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Willis, Charles G., Surfman, U. S. N. R. F.
Willis, D. R., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Willis, F. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Willis, J. C., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Willis, L. D., Sig. Q. M., Navy.
Willis, S. J., Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class, Navy.
Willis, W. S., Private, 161st F. Hosp., Med. Corps.
Willis, Wm. M., M. D., 1st Lt., Field Hos. 164, Med. Corps
Willoughby, Jack B., Private 1st Cl., Btry. C, 1st H. A.
Willoughby, L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wills, C. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, E. E., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, F. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, F. F., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, F. H., Phm., Navy.
Wilson, G. H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, George W., Seaman 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F.
Wilson, J. A., Jr., Sergt., Co. G, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
Wilson, J. H., Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 321st Inf.
Wilson, J. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, Jesse K., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, Jesse Martin, Sergt., 7th Co., C. A. C.
Wilson, L. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, L. R., Private, M. C., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, Lee, Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, Leslie D., Chauffeur 1st Cl. Mech., 243rd Sqdn., Aviation.
Wilson, M. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, M. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, O. C., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, Ollie C., Corpl., Co. B-C, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, P. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wilson, R. D., 1st Lt., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Inf.
Wilson, Robt. J., Sergt. Maj., Adjt. Gen. Dept., P. M. G. Dept.
Wilson, S. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, Shug, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wilson, Spurgeon G., Corpl., 787th Co., Transp. Corps.
Wilson, Surry R., Private 1st Cl., 119th Amb. Co., 105th San. Tr., Medical, 30th Div.
Winberry, G. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Winberry, M. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Winborne, W. D., Private, Co. F, 5th Div., 7th Engrs.
Winebarger, W. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Winebarger, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Winecoff, M. W., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Winecoff, M. W., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 113th F. A.
Winfield, C. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wingard, J. R., Private, Btry. F, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wingard, R. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Winkler, J. R., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Winningham, V. W., Wag., Co. C, 306th Amtn. Tr., 81st Div.
Winslow, E. L., Jr., Private, Med. Corps, 105th San Tr., 30th Div., 117th Field Hospital.
Winslow, J. W., Private, Co. A, 27th Div., 107th Inf.
Winstead, W. H., Private, Co. C, 81st Div., 324th Inf.
Winston, C., Boatswain Mate, Navy.
Winston, L. L., Private, Co. 28, 156th Depot Brigade.
Winston, S. E., Capt., Sup. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf.
Winters, J. C., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Winters, N., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wishart, A. V. G., Private, 9th Co., 3rd Div., 156th Depot Brigade.
Wishart, F. E., Capt., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 317th M. G. Btn.
Withers, J. B., Limited Service.
Withers, J. M., Private, 39th M. G. Co., 4th Div.
Wolfe, R. M., Mach., Co. D, 83rd Div., 331st Inf.
Woltz, H. O., 2nd Lt., Inf.
Womack, J. F., Btn. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 6th Div., Inf.
Womble, T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wood, C. B., Sergt., Co. C, 7th E. Tr.
Wood, F. P., 2nd Lt., Btry. B, 2nd Trench Mortar, Btn., 4th Corps, C. A.
Wood, L. C., Private, Co. B, 81st Div., 323rd Inf.
Wood, T. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wood, W. C., Sergt., Q. M. C.
Woodall, J., Private, Med. Corps.
Woodard, G. B., Capt., 28th Engrs., Quary Regt.
Woodard, L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Woodard, V. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Woodley, W. W., Jr., Private, Co. B, S. A. T. C.
Woodruff, R. C., Sergt., Co. K, 81st Div., 324th Inf.
Woods, C. H., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Woods, H., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Woods, R. H., Jr., 1st Lt., Ordnance.
Woody, J. F., Private, Co. 22, 82nd Div., C. O. T. S.
Woolard, C. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Woolard, J. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Woolard, M. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Woolard, W. J. B., Corpl., Btry. F, 38th Brigade, 50th C. A.
Wooten, J. G., Capt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wooten, R. C., Corpl. Co. A., S. A. T. C.
Wooten, S. F., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Worley, G. E., Private, Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Worrell, I., Cook, Trench Artly., Co. 306, 81st Div.
Worrock, J. H., 1st Sergt., Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 114th M. G. Btn.
Worsham, W. B., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Worsley, W. C., Private, Co. E, 42nd Div., 166th Inf.
Wrenn, D. H., Seaman, Navy.
Wrenn, E. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wrenn, E. R., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wright, A. J., Private, Air Service, 167th Sq., 29th Div.
Wright, C., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wright, D. B., Meg., 117th Field Hospital.
Wright, E. H., Mech., Co. C, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.
Wright, J. D., Fireman, Navy.
Wright, J. H., Sergt., Co. C, Inf.
Wright, J. N., Private, Med., Base Hospital 65.
Wright, W. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Wrike, C. W., Sup. Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf.
Wyatt, W. W., Private, Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Sig. Corps.
Wynn, R. W., Gun Pointer, Navy.
Wyrick, G. C., Regt. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Wyrick, G. C., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.

World War 1,

Collection: North Carolina World War 1 Military Records.

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