Additional Soldiers – E Surnames

Last Updated on November 18, 2011 by

Eaker, Romeo, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy.
Eakes, William H., Private, Med. Dept., 1st Div.
Early, H. R., Sergt, 1st Class, Q. M. C.
Early, Lacy M., Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Corps, 80th Div., 318th Regt.
Early, Millard, Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Regt.
Earnest, R. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Earney, Robert M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Earnhardt, Raymond P., 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Earnhart, V. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Earp, Charles C., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. M, 42d Div., 168th Regt.
Earp, George, Private, Co. E., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Easeley, Phillip S., 1st Lieut., Med., 3d Army.
Eason, J. D., M. M., 1st Class, Naval Aviation, Sqdn. 6.
Eason, Milton L., Private, Med. Corps, Hdqrs. Co., 156th Depot Brigade.
Eason, Troy, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Eatman, Millard Glen, Sergt., Sixth Tr. Hdqrs., and M. P.
Eatman, Wyatt, Private, 1st Class, Inf., M. G. Co., 81st Div., 324th Regt.
Eborn, B. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Eckard, H. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Eckerrow, W. R., Corp., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Economides, Christ, Private, Inf., Co. G, 5th Regt.
Eddinger, Fred L., Private, 1st Class, Motor Trans., 789th Motor Trans. Corps.
Eddins, L. S., Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Eddleman, Flake S., Corporal, Motor Transp. Corps, 787th Co., 20th Div.
Edens, Thomas Olin, Wagoner, Co. C, 17th R. W. Engrs.
Edgerton, H. Yates, M. M., 1st Class, U. S. N. A.
Edgerton, L. T., Wagoner, Co. B, 81st Div., 306th Amb. Train.
Edmisten, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edmonds, H. H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Edmundson, M. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edsil, E. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edward, J. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edwards Fred J., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Edwards, A. F., Corporal, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt.
Edwards, B. F., Private, Inf., Co. M, 81st Div., 323d Regt.
Edwards, Berince M., Private, Inf., Depot Co.
Edwards, C. A., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edwards, E. J., Yeoman, 1st Class, Navy.
Edwards, Earl T., Private, 1st Class, M. P., 30th M. P. Co., 30th Div.
Edwards, Edward S., Private, Med. Corps., Amb. Co. B.
Edwards, J. D., Seaman, U. S. N.
Edwards, J. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Edwards, Joseph O., Private, 1st Class, Art., Sup. Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt.
Edwards, M. E., Private, Med. Dept., 323d Inf. 81st Div.
Edwards, R. H., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edwards, S. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edwards, W. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Edwards, W. M., Private, M. G. Bn., Co. B, 30th Div.
Edwards, William I., Private, Q. M. C.
Edwards, Willie, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Efird, Baird D., Private, 1st Class, M. T. C., Base Spar., Part 2.
Eitfort, Ord. Sergt., E. O. C., Ord. Detach. Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt. F. A.
Elkins D. L., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. B, 42d Div., 166th Regt.
Ellington, James M. Jr., 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Elliott, B. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elliott, B. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elliott, B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elliott, E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elliott, Ernest, Private, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elliott, H., Private, M. C., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elliott, Harry, Sergt., Inf., 10th Co., 156th D. B.
Elliott, Hoyle, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps., 30th Div.
Elliott, J. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Ellis, E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Ellis, Edwin D., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 119th Regt.
Ellis, G. F., Seaman, Navy.
Ellis, J., Private, Inf., Co. C, 42d Div., 116th Regt.
Ellis, Leroy C., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Ellis, P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Ellis, W. W., Mech., Inf., Co. M, 81st Div., 322d Regt.
Ellis, Walter Kenneth, Sergt., Provo Guard.
Ellis, Walter M., Corporal, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 322d Regt.
Ellis, William Charles, Sergt., Inf., Personnel Co., Camp Sevier.
Elmore, R. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elmore, R. R., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Elrod, F. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Elrod, R. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Embler, Flower, Sergt., Cavalry, Co. D.
English, J. H., Private, 1st Class, F. A., M. P.
English, John R., Private, 1st Class, Base Hospital, Base Hospital Detachment.
Ennis, Lindsay, Corporal, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Ennis, Lindsay, Corporal, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Ennis, Murrell Z. Jr., Sergt., Med. Corps, U. S. Gen’l Hospital No. 8.
Ennis, Roy B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Enock, J., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Entwistle, George P. Jr., Corporal, Marine, 44th Co., 3d Regt.
Epley, E. L., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div.
Ernest, W. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Erven, Walter Foster, Private, 1st Class, Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Regt.
Ervin, J. M., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Erwin, J. C., Musician, 1st Class, Hdqrs. Co., 29th Div., 116th Regt.
Erwin, Lenora, Corporal, Co. C, 81st Div., 322d Inf.
Erwood, C. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Eskridge, Samuel, Private, Aviation, 47th Aero.
Estep, B. C., Corporal, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Estep, George M., Private, Amb., 81st Div., 320th Co.
Estes, R. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Etheridge, David Myra, Capt., F. A., 306th Tr. Mortar Btry., 81st Div., 306th T. M. B.
Etheridge, G. L., Private, 1st Class, 48th Co.
Etheridge, H. H., 2d Engineman, U. S. N. R. F.
Etheridge, P. C., Storekeeper, 2d Class, Navy.
Etheridge, T. J. Jr., Sergt., 1st Class, Med., 324th F. A.
Etheridge, W. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Ethridge, Claude V., Corporal, 334th Motor Transport.
Ethridge, W. L., Corporal, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 324th Regt.
Etters, L. E., Private, Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Eubanks, B. F., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Eubanks, B. F., Sergt., F. A., Btry. D, 30th Div., 113th Regt.
Eubanks, M. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Eubanks, R. D., Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Eubanks, W. S., Saddler, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Evans, Basrum, Private, Dev. Brigade, Btry. B.
Evans, C. Raymond, Wagoner, 228th Amb., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr.
Evans, E. M., Corporal, M. G., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt.
Evans, G. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Evans, G. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Evans, H., C. M. M., U. S. N.
Evans, Herbert, Private, 118th F. Hosp., 105th San. Tr.
Evans, J. L., Capt., M. C., 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Evans, Joseph S., Sergt., Q. M. C., Utilities Div.
Evans, Sue., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Eveleigh, Frank K., Private, M. G., 129th M. G. Co., 35th Div., M. G. Regt.
Everett, C. G., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Everett, L. A., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Everett, Victor E., 1st Lieut., Air Service, 249th Sqdn.
Everett, Victor, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Everett, W. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Everett, William J., 1st Class Private, Cas. Co.
Everhart, J. O., Private, 1st Class, C. A. C., 15th Co.
Everington, D. C., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Ewell, W. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Ewing Walter Clyde, Seaman, Navy, on Trans. Hancock.
Exum, J. B. Jr., Corporal, Co. D, 81st Div., 306th Amb. Train.
Ezzell, John R., Private, 1st Class, Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Regt.
Ezzell, Willie, Private, Depot. Brig. Co.

World War 1,

Collection: North Carolina World War 1 Military Records.

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