Additional Soldiers – A Surnames

Last Updated on November 18, 2011 by

Aarons, Aaron, Private, 1st Class, Co. F, 81st Div., 322d Regt.
Abbott, Barney, Private, M. G., Co. 49, 5th Group.
Abbott, John William, Private, Art., F. A. R. Div., 8th Regt.
Abee, G. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Abee, Mart., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Abel, Joshua F, Major, Medical, Div. Genl. Hospital, Regt. 14.
Abernathy, A. A., Corporal, Co. A, Inf., 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Abernathy, J. B., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Abernathy, J. C., Horseshoer, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div.
Abernathy, L., Private, 501 Motor Truck Co.
Abernathy, M. T., Corporal, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Abernathy, Miles B., Captain, Medical Corps.
Abernathy, R. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Abernethy, Thomas H, Sergeant, Co. B, Inf., 30th Div., 119th Regt.
Abeyounis, Joseph Rufus, Sergeant, Battery D, Heavy Art., 1st Div., 1st Brig.
Absher, D. A., Corporal, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Acree, W. T., Regt. Supply Sergeant, Supply Co., 9th Div., 45th Regt.
Adams, A. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Adams, B. M., Private, Ordnance, 81st Div.
Adams, Frank, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Adams, H. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Adams, J. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Adams, J. F., Corporal, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Regt.
Adams, John Dewey, Private, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf.
Adams, Stephen R., First Lieut., Inf., M. G. Co., 81st Div., 321st Regt.
Adcock, E. W., Private, 113 F. A., 30th Div.
Adcox, Cyrus P., Private, 119th Regt.
Adkins, Howard Gay, Seaman.
Adkins, John S., Jr., E. 3c (R), R., Navy.
Aedgecock, Leslie T, Private, Engrs., Co. B, Separate Div., 68th Engrs.
Ahlers, Carl, 2d Lieut., Bat. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Aiken, H. R., 1st Lieut., Infantry, 81st Div., 306th Tm. Hdqrs.
Aiken, Leonard W., Private, Sanitary Detail, 30th Div., 114th Regt. M. G.
Aiken, Melvin, Cook, 115 Mgc., Co. B, 30th Div., 115th Regt.
Aiken, R., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div.
Aiken, Russel B, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs 30th Div.
Albea, Caswell Roberson, Sergeant, Base Hospital No. 65, N.C. Volunteer.
Albred, P., Bugler, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Albright, H. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Alderman, Willis W., Private, Marine Corps, Co. C, 5th Brigade, 11th Regt.
Alexander, A. H., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div.
Alexander, A. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Alexander, E. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Alexander, G. C., Private, 5th Co., C. A. C.
Alexander, Glen A, 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. B, 1st Replacement Regt.
Alexander, J. C., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Alexander, J. T., Horseshoer, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div.
Alexander, James Carl, Corporal, Co. F, 30th Div., 113th F. A.
Alexander, M. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Alexander, Philander A, Corporal, F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt.
Alexander, R. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Alexander, Stewart Parks, Private, Field Med. Sup. Dept.
Alexander, Wm. B., Private 1st Class, M. S. T., Co. C, 29th Div.
Alford, W. M., Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C., 81st Div.
Allen, Auburn, Sergeant, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Allen, C. D., Private, 115th F. A., 30th Div.
Allen, Charles David, Private, 1st Class, Art., Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th Regt.
Allen, Dores, Wagoner, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Allen, E. G., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Allen, F. J., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Allen, Fred J., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Allen, G. A., Private, Heavy F. A., Btry. E, 20th Div., 60th Regt.
Allen, Grady, Private, F. A., Bat. E, 30th Div., 113th Regt.
Allen, J. W., Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Allen, John C., Machinist’s Mate, Naval Aviation.
Allen, Lawrence P., Cook, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Allen, Louis C., Private, 5th Group M. T. D.
Allen, Onsbey, 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Regt.
Allen, Rob’t. L., Private, Q. M. C., Co. B. & C. School.
Allen, Sidney Broaddus, 2d Lieutenant, Field Art., 36th Training Bat., F. A. C. O. T. S.
Allen, W. A., Private, 1st Class, Infantry, Co. E, 81st Div., 322d Inf.
Allen, W. A., R. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Allen, W. H., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Alley, A. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Alley, Clyde G., Private, M. T. C.
Alligood, H. E., Private 113th F. A. 30th Div.
Alligood, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Allison, E., 1st Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Allison, Lowry T., Private, Art., F. A. Co. I. S.
Allred, Burgess Clyde, 1st Class Private, Artillery, Btry D, 30th Div., 114th F. Art.
Allred, Lacy J., Private 1st Class, Motor School.
Allred, R. P., Corporal, Aviators, Co. 17.
Allred, R. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Alston, Edgar L., Cook, Base Med. Corps, Base 65.
Alston, Reginald, Sergeant, Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Alston, Thomas C., Corporal, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Alverson, Z., Private Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Amerson, Charlie, Corporal, Inf., Co. L., 30th Div., 119th Regt.
Ammons, M. H., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. E, 20th Div., 48th Regt.
Amos, F. T., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div.
Amos, Lloyd C., Sergt. C. Q. M., (Aviation), Navy.
Anders, E. J., 2d Class Musician, Q. M. O. Band, Co. 24, Band.
Anderson, B. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Anderson, Clyde Donald, Private, Electrical Eng., Co. B.
Anderson, E. F., Private, Cavalry, Troop A, 11th Regt.
Anderson, Garland Midgett, Private, Transport (Motor), Co. A.
Anderson, J. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Anderson, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Anderson, William B., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. 6th.
Anderson, William Lee, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy.
Andrews, Allen B., Private, Med. Corps, 20th Div.
Andrews, Alva E., Corporal, Aviation, Co. 12th, 3d Regt.
Andrews, C. B., Corporal, 113 F. A., 30th Div.
Andrews, C. L., Private, 1st Class, Art., Btry. D, 77th Div., 305th Regt.
Andrews, C. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Andrews, H. S., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Andrews, Otho Y., Corporal, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf.
Andrews, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Andrews, Ray Von Pearce, Sergt., Q. M. C., Utilities.
Andrews, Richard H., Hosp. Sergt., 1st Class, Navy.
Andrews, William M., Seaman, Naval.
Annas, P. D., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Annas, R. A., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Anthony, T. A., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Apperson, Luther L., Private, 1st Class, Signal Corps, Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Regt.
Apple, C. H., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Apple, J. E., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div.
Applewhite, Wm., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Archer, Raymond, Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 118th Regt.
Armfield, George W. Jr., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Surveyor.
Armfield, J. V., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Armstrong, J. C., Private, Trench Mortar Btry., 81st Div., 306th Regt.
Armstrong, J. E., Bn. Sgt.-Maj., F. A. R. D.
Armstrong, J. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Armstrong, Lymon, Private, 1st Class, Art., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 317th Regt.
Armstrong, T. C., Corporal, Co. D, 105th Engrs, 30th Div.
Arnett, J. H., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Arnett, John, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps.
Arnett, Leon, Corporal, Machine Gun, Co. B, 81st Div., 317th Regt.
Arney, E. C., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Arnold, T. L., Sergt., 113 F. A., 30th Div.
Arnold, Tom C., Private, Eng.
Arnold, Troy L., Sergt., Btry A, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Arps, Ernest G., Private, 1st Class, Med. Dept., Base Hospital.
Arps, P. M., H. A. 1, Apprentice, 1st Class, Navy.
Arrington, J. E., Electrician, Med. Corps (Naval), Co. I.
Arther, Henry, Private, F. Art., Hdq. Co., 81st Div., 9th Regt.
Arthur, Seth S., Private, Ambulance Co., 80th Div., 317th Regt.
Arwood, W. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Asby, J. D., Private, 113th F. A., 20th Div.
Ashcraft, F. B. Jr., 2d Lieut., F. Art., Btry. F, 83d Div., 28th Regt.
Ashcraft, W. L., Corporal, F. A., Btry. C, 21st Div., 5th Regt.
Ashe, J. B., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div.
Ashe, J. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Ashe, W. M., Private, 1st Class, Co. 105 Feed Sergt. Bn., 30th Div.
Ashley, J. R., Private, Signal Corps, Co. A, 306 F. Sig. Bn.
Ashley, Samuel V., Wagoner, Div. Hdqrs. Troops, 81st Div.
Atkins, George W., Corporal, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Atkins, James Hugh, Store Keeper 2d Cl., Naval Reserves.
Atkins, L. A., Private, Inf., Co. G, 5th Regt.
Atkins, R. P., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Atkins, T. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Atkinson, C. F., Private, F. Art., Btry. B, 3d Regt.
Atkinson, William Franklin, Corporal, Marines, Co. 18, 2d Div., 5th Regt.
Atwater, F. P., Private, 113 F. A., 30th Div.
Atwater, R. L., Sergt., 113 F. A., 30th Div.
Ausbon, C. S., Sergt., 113 F. A., 30th Div.
Austin, Arthur T., Private, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt.
Austin, D. H., Private, Artillery, Btry. F, 2d Regt.
Austin, DeWitt Ray, Capt., Med. Corps, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Regt.
Austin, Hugh M., Private, 1st Class, Medical.
Austin, J. W., Corp, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Austin, J., Private, 1st Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Austin, John W., Corporal, Btry D, 30th Div., 113th F. A.
Austin, M. E., Corp, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Austin, O. B., Private, 113 F. A., 30th Div.
Austin, Ralph M., Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Dept., Co. 312 F. H., 87th Div.
Avent, A. R., Private, Med. Corps, 80th Div., 317th Amb. Co.
Avery E. C., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Avery, O., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Avery, Otis, Sergt., Btry A, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Avery, Yancey, Private, Depot Brigade, 3d Prov., 156th Depot Brigade.
Aycock, Dr. B. L. Jr., Private, Med. Dept., 81st Div., 324th Inf.
Aycock, Leslie Barnes.
Aycock, W. B., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Regt.
Ayers, R. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs 30th Div.
Ayers, R. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Azmon, J. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.

World War 1,

Collection: North Carolina World War 1 Military Records.

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