The Landing on the South Shore

Last Updated on May 15, 2012 by Dennis

I suggested in my article that the expedition probably landed in the secluded cove now known as Henderson Bay, sheltered by Stony Point. Not that the text or map of Champlain indicates that, or any other particular place with any certainty, but

First. Because it appeared a convenient and appropriate locality.

It did not seem probable that Champlain, accompanied by so large an army, would boldly land on an enemy’s shore, exposed to observation for twenty miles in two directions, with scarcely a hope of successfully concealing the canoes, which were so essential for his return voyage.

Second. Because Henderson Bay, long previous to the settlement of the country, had been a favorite landing place for the Indians passing to and from Canada, as is well attested by tradition. The name of ” Indian Wharf ” still bears witness to the fact. A portage road led from the landing to Stony Creek, called by the French the ” rivière a Monsieur le Comte.” That the expedition landed there, was a mere suggestion derived from the probabilities of the case. I do not insist upon it. In good weather an equally favorable landing could have been made in the small cove at the mouth of Stony Creek, though not so secluded from observation. It is not possible, from the meager details of the narrative, to state with any certainty, much less to prove the exact point of landing. That it took place at Little Sandy Lake, selected by General Clark, is not probable, and for the following reasons:

Assuming for the present what I expect to prove in the sequel-that the expedition followed the sandy beach of the lake no farther south than Salmon River, where it left for the interior-we must look, according to the text of Champlain, for the following conditions between the places where he landed and where he left for the interior.

Champlain's Expedition of 1615 Against the Onondaga Magazine Of American History Vol. I January 1877.

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