C- New York Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Cahunghage. A former Iroquois village on the s. side of Oneida lake, N. Y. Canadasaga (Gă-nă-dă-se′-ge, ‘at the new town’). A former Seneca town near the present Geneva, N. Y. On account of its size it was for a time considered one of the chief towns of the tribe. In 1700 it was situated 1 m. s. E. of Geneva, but in 1732, on account of the ravages of smallpox, the inhabitants removed 2 or 3 m. s. w., to … Read more

Biography of Alden Chester

ALDEN CHESTER A WELL-KNOWN, industrious, painstaking lawyer of this city, whose early struggles in life and well-directed efforts to secure an education have been crowned with success in his chosen profession, is Alden Chester. Born at Westford, a small village in Otsego County, N. Y., September 4, 1848, he is the youngest of four sons of Alden Chester. His father was born at New London, Conn., in 1803, and died at Westford on the 4th of March, 1857. He was a public-spirited man, of a noble nature, and a true friend of education. At first a cabinet-maker, he afterward carried … Read more

Biography of Norton Chase

NORTON CHASE AMONG the rising young men of Albany who have reflected no little credit upon their native city by their earnest efforts for the advancement of worthy causes, is the Hon. Norton Chase. Born in this city on the 3d of September, 1861, he is a son of Nelson H. Chase, a useful and respected citizen of Albany. From his earliest youth he was inclined to study, and when a mere child he became a pupil in the Albany academy, where he devoted himself with great ardor to study, and made rapid progress in ascending the hill of science. … Read more

Biography of Edwin K. Burnham

EDWIN K. BURNHAM A BUSY, representative man, who has faithfully served his country both in a military and civil capacity, is the Hon. Edwin K. Burnham, the present careful, efficient superintendent of public buildings of the state of New York, whose official residence is now in Albany. In his veins flow the blood of the loyal, patriotic, enterprising race of New Englanders. Vermont is his native state, and in the rural town of Randolph – named, we believe, in honor of the famous Virginian orator and statesman John Randolph – he was born on the 8th of September, 1839. His … Read more

Biography of John M. Bailey

John M. Bailey IN THE conflict of arms, in the arena of the law, in the struggle of politics, and in the principles of diplomacy, an Albanian who has been an active participant, gaining distinction at home and abroad is the Hon. John M. Bailey, the present surveyor of customs in Albany. His career, thus far, is illustrative of that success which usually attends a line of action clearly marked out and steadfastly followed amidst the phases of public life. He is of New England origin. His father, Henry Bailey, owned and cultivated a farm in Bethlehem, Albany County, N. … Read more

Biography of Lewis Balch, M. D., PH. D.

LEWIS BALCH, M. D., PH. D. ONE of the physicians and surgeons of Albany, whose professional assistance has been sought often in consultation through the state, is Dr. Lewis Balch. He was born in the city of New York, corner of Great Jones street and Second Avenue, on the 7th day of July, 1847. Ancestry on both sides is a notable one. It is of English and French origin. Several of his ancestors have rendered no small service in this country in civil and ecclesiastical matters. He is the oldest son of the Rev. Lewis P. W. Balch, D. D., … Read more

Biography of John Battersby

JOHN BATTERSBY. AMONG the noted men of Albany, whose usefulness and whose generosity will always be held in high esteem by our citizens irrespective of party, is John Battersby, the present republican county treasurer of Albany. Born on the 19th of January 1834, in the town of Dromore, Ireland, he passed his earliest youth with his parents on the shores of the Emerald Isle, playing and working on the green fields, breathing the invigorating air of that healthful climate, and laying the foundation of a sound, vigorous constitution. John was the pride of his parents, who took the greatest delight … Read more

Biography of Edwin C. Baxter

EDWIN C. BAXTER THE subject of our sketch, Dr. Edwin C. Baxter, is of A New England ancestry, born at Kenduskeag, ME., February 1, 1845. He is a son of Dr. Hiram C. Baxter, of Kenduskeag, a prominent physician, who, for nearly sixty years, has devoted himself to the practice of his profession. His grandfather, Dr. Elihu Baxter, also an eminent physician of Maine, was born in Norwich, VT., in 1781. He practiced his profession over sixty years, a considerable portion of the time in the city of Portland, where his character as a citizen and skill as a physician … Read more

Biography of John Bogart

JOHN BOGART AN Albanian by birth, who holds an important position as a state officer, and whose abilities have brought him into wide notice, is the Hon. John Bogart, the accomplished state engineer and surveyor. He was born in Albany, on the 8th of February, 1836. His ancestors came from Holland to this city as early as 1640, and owned lands in Beverwyck, now Albany, in 1641; they were consequently among its very earliest settlers. And here their descendants lived in characteristically simple, honest, industrious ways, until they established comfortable and substantial homes for themselves and competencies for their children. … Read more

Biography of Jonas H. Brooks

JONAS H. BROOKS A LEADING, representative young man of Albany – a banker by profession – who is identified with the commercial interests of the city, is Jonas H. Brooks. He was born at Rutland, Worcester County, Mass., on the 5th of January, 1848. He comes from a long line of New England ancestry, which dates back to the formation of the Massachusetts colony in 1630-1. He is of the eighth generation of this strong and sterling old race in this country. The parents of Jonas H. Brooks are Moses Brooks and Sophronia Greenwood. His grandfather was Jonas Brooks of … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Buchanan

CHARLES J. BUCHANAN AN industrious and accomplished Albany lawyer, who has already gained no little distinction in the legal profession, and whose record in our civil war was most honorable, is Charles J. Buchanan, now of the well-known firm of Moak & Buchanan. Of Scotch-Irish ancestry – an ancestry noted for its strong mental and physical powers – he was born at New Berlin, Chenango County, N. Y., on the 27th of December, 1843. In the common schools of his native town, and in the New Berlin academy, amidst the richness and quietude of rural life, his school-boy days were … Read more

Biography of Joel Wakeman Burdick

JOEL WAKEMAN BURDICK AN Albanian well known in railroad circles and by the traveling public is J. W. Burdick, the genial general passenger agent of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company railroad. He comes from the sturdy, enterprising race of New Englanders who have done so much to advance the material interests of our country in the development of its vast resources. Born on the 20th of June, 1853, in the rural village of Almond, Allegany County, N. Y., he is a son of R. M. Burdick and Sarah E, Farnsworth, his wife. His father, now retired from the more … Read more

Biography of Eugene Burlingame

EUGENE BURLINGAME IN THE long list of noted Albanians who have reflected honor upon their native or adopted city, the name of Eugene Burlingame stands in a conspicuous place. He has thus far exhibited a true manhood, an enterprising, industrious and persevering spirit in his private and professional career. He comes from a substantial family of New England, the distinguished Anson Burlingame being a relative of his. He was born on the 24th of January, 1847, in the town of Willet, Cortland County, N. Y. His grandfather, a pioneer from New England, was one of the earliest settlers of that … Read more

Biography of Theodore V. Van Heusen

THEODORE V. VAN HEUSEN THEODORE V. Van Heusen was born in 1818, in the city of Albany, N. Y. He is descended from the German and Scotch on his mother’s side and from the Holland Dutch on his father’s side. In this blending of lineage he inherits those leading qualities of intellect and heart, which have exerted such a powerful influence in the civilization, progress, intelligence and refinement of past and present generations. His paternal ancestors, the Van Heusens, were early settled along the borders of the Hudson river, especially in the region now known as Columbia county, where they … Read more

Biography of William B. Van Rensselaer

WILLIAM B. VAN RENSSELAER WILLIAM Bayard Van Rensselaer, one of the few living descendants of the Van Rensselaer family in Albany, was born in this city on the 4th of October, 1856. He is a son of Bayard Van Rensselaer and Laura Reynolds, both natives of Albany. His father died in 1859, but his mother is still living. His ancestry which is well known to the students of our early history is a remarkable one, of which we have only time and space here to give a passing notice. His great-grandfather, Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, was a man of high … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Ramsey

JOSEPH H. RAMSEY AMONG the distinguished men who have figured honorably in the civil and political affairs of Albany and Schoharie county, is the Hon. Joseph H. Ramsey, ex-senator. He has been aptly styled the little giant of the Albany and Susquehanna railroad. Stirring and exciting actions, especially in railroad matters, have marked his long and busy career – actions in which he has shown a determination and an unyielding perseverance seldom equaled or surpassed in fighting for what he deemed to be right, as well as for the best interests of his fellow-citizens in railroad matters. Born on the … Read more

Biography of William McEniry

William McEniry, one of the early settlers of the County of Rock Island, was born in Charleville, County Cork, Ireland, a village near the line of County Limerick, on February 15, 1817, where he received his education and where he was engaged in mercantile business two years prior to his departure for America which was in April 1840, having heard much of the United States from an uncle who at that time lived in Albany, New York, he concluded to pay a visit to his uncle, and in company with his eldest sister, departed for America, arriving in New York … Read more

Biography of Dr. Charles Crawford Carter

No vocation in life offers opportunity for greater genuine service to mankind than that of doctor of medicine, and the physician who fully appreciates his responsibilities and conscientiously responds to every call made upon him is a public benefactor in the highest sense of the term. There can be no question as to the reward that will be his in the after life. Such a man was Charles Crawford Carter, one of the best known and most generally beloved medical practitioners who ever ministered to the ills of the people of Rock Island County. Purity of mind, lofty ideals, and … Read more

Biography of Hon. John T. Browning

The oldest member of the Rock Island County Bar, a lawyer of ripe learninig and wide experience, who has now retired from the active practice of his profession, is the Honorable John T. Browning, of Moline. He was born in Genesee County, New York, June 11, 1830, his parents being John L. and Lucy (Tillotson) Browning. He received an academic education at Rochester, where later he was admitted to the bar in the Autumn of 1858. He came west in December of that same year and located at Moline, where he immediately engaged in the practice of law, being that … Read more

Wenrohronon Tribe

1670 Herrmann's map of Virginia and Maryland

The suggested meaning of the name would seem to indicate that the Wenrohronon may have lived in the vicinity of the famous on spring of the town of Cuba, Allegany county, N. Y., described as a filthy, stagnant pool, about 20 ft in diameter, without an outlet. The tribe was likely part of the Cat Nation referred to by the Jesuits in their journals.