Biography of William Edward Delehant

William Edward Delehant, organizer and promoter of the Cardinal Drug Company of Muskogee, conducting both a whole-sale and retail business, has long been recognized as a dynamic force in the commercial circles of Muskogee. Starting in business here with an extremely limited capital, he has steadily developed his interests and the scope of his activities until his position in commercial circles is one of prominence and leadership. He has ever been a man of broad vision in relation to business affairs and his life record should serve as a source of encouragement and inspiration to others, showing what can be … Read more

Arnold, George – Obituary

George Arnold, born April 26, 1853, in New York, passed away June 23 at his home in Pasco, Washington. Funeral services were held June 25 at the chapel at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. U. F. Hawk. Deceased made Pasco his home for about six years. He is survived by his wife, a niece, Mrs. John Perry, and two nephews, John and Francis Arnold, all of Pasco. Mr. Arnold was a resident of Union for many years and news of his death will be a shock to many friends in this section. 1929 newspaper item Contributed by: Larry Rader

Buell, Hosmer L. – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon The death of H.L. Buell a well known Elgin citizen occurred in this city, Sunday morning June 28, 1905, after an illness of only a few days. Tuesday of last week Mr. Buell accidently took a dose of aconite, thinking it camphor. The day of the accident it was thought that his life could not be saved, but by hard work on the part of the physicians Mr. Buell was considerable relieved from the effects of the poison and it was thought that he would recover but death came Sunday morning. Hosmer L. Buell was born … Read more

Bidwell, Mary A. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Died-At North Powder, Oregon, Tuesday, August 30, 1921, Mary A. Bidwell, age 82 years and 5 months. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church, Union, Oregon, Thursday, September 1, at 2 p.m. Mary Ann Gilbert was born March 31, 1839, at Spencer, New York. When but a small child she moved with her parents to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where she lived till she reached womanhood. On September 5, 1859, she was united in marriage to Charles C. Bidwell who passed away November 25, 1915. To this union were born five children, four … Read more

Blakeslee, Caroline D. – Obituary

Caroline D. Blakeslee, age 90 years, 4 months and 22 days, died in La Grande Monday last, and the funeral took place from the Episcopal church, Union, Wednesday afternoon, the 30th inst. Mrs. Blakeslee was 90 years old, having been born in Lewiston, New York, September 6, 1827. She was married to Chas. L. Blakeslee, May 12, 1850, and lived in Battle Creek, Mich., until 1865, when they crossed the plains to Union, where she lived until 1910. Since that time she has loved with her daughter, Mrs. Oliver. Mr. Blakeslee passed away June 1, 1905. She is survived by … Read more

Blakeslee, Charles Lewis – Obituary

Charles Lewis Blakeslee was born in Berlin, New York, in the year 1827. At the age of thirteen years he removed to the state of Michigan. In 1850 he was married to Caroline Dewey, and made his home in Battle Creek, Michigan. In 1863 Mr. Blakeslee moved to Union County, Oregon, with the pioneers of that year, and his family followed him in 1867. Mr. Blakeslee taught some of the first schools in the Grande Ronde Valley, in Summerville, Cove and Union, and in the old school house still stands in Union that was the scene of his early labors. … Read more

Cowles, Clara Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Clara Cowles aged eighty-five years, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter Mrs. Robert Clark, four miles east of North Powder. Mrs. Cowles was born in Syracuse, N.Y., but has been a resident of this section many years. The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday morning conducted by Rev. G.R. Archer. The body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. North Powder News Saturday, December 25, 1920

Clark, William – Obituary

Of general debility at the residence of A.T. Ellis, near Hot Lake, Monday, May 28th, William Clark aged 70 years, 3 months and 28 days. Mr. Clark was an old and highly esteemed citizen of Grande Ronde valley having came here in 1862. In 1864 he and his partner Mr. Newhard took the claim on which the Hot Lake is located and proceeded to build the celebrated Hot Lake House which Mr. Clark has made his home ever since. Mr. Clark was born in Livingston County N.Y., January 31st, 1808 and came to California in 1850 from Illinois. A wide … Read more

Colt, Phebe Brook Mrs. – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Eastern Oregon Pioneer Passes; Burial Tuesday Another Eastern Oregon pioneer passed on during the weekend, when Mrs. Phebe Brook Colt, a resident of Summerville for some 45 years, died in Portland Saturday. Funeral services will be held at the Summerville chapel at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug 7 with Snodgrass and Zimmerman in charge of arrangements. The services will be conducted by Rev. Paul DeF. Mortimore, of the Christian church, of which Mrs. Colt was a member. The body will arrive in La Grande tomorrow morning. Mrs. Colt was born Dec. 7 1838 at Rhysussex, England and … Read more

Biography of H. V. Foster

No history of Oklahoma especially having to do with the development of the great oil industry in the state would be complete without extended reference to the Foster family. Their activities have been a most potent element in connection with the development of the natural resources of the southwest and I L and H. V. Foster maintains the family standard of activity, progressiveness, initiative, determination and sagacity in relation to business affairs. He is today President of the Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, with headquarters at Bartlesville and is the directing head of the company which controls the famous Foster … Read more

Biography of H. O. Ballard

Dairying is rapidly becoming an important industry in north-eastern Oklahoma and modernly equipped and sanitary establishments of this kind in Washington county are making this section a valuable factor in developing the resources of the state. Among the men who are identified with this phase of activity is numbered H. O. Ballard, a partner in the Empire Dairy Company, which is conducting one of the leading enterprises of the kind in this part of the state. Mr. Ballard is a native of the east. He was born in Friendship, Allegany county, New York, August 7, 1873, and on reaching years … Read more

Geer, Mary Mrs. – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon Mrs Mary Geer Dies Today At Daughter’s Home Mary Holtby Geer died unexpectedly today at noon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Philip Lockwood, of heart disease. The body is at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary and funeral arrangements have not been completed. Mrs. Geer was the widow of Judd Geer, who died several years ago. She was a pioneer resident, coming to Union county 47 years ago which she made her home until death. She was born in Rome, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1862 and was 72 years, seven months and 25 days of … Read more

Kellog, John R. Major – Obituary

Another Pioneer Gone Major John R. Kellog One by one the early pioneers of Union county are passing from the scene of action and leaving their inheritance to the descendants. The latest to answer to roll call was Major John R. Kellog, one of the first settlers of the county. He passed away at 4:30 p.m. Monday at the family residence three miles north of La Grande, where he settled in 1862. Deceased was born in Oswego county, New York, July 20, 1830, and was therefore a little over 74 years old at the time of his death. Mr. Kellogg … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. W. Pearson

E. W. Pearson, an enterprising farmer of Coffee County, was born in Bedford County, November 23, 1856. He is the son of Charles and Mary J. (Wells) Pearson, natives of Tennessee. The elder Pearson was a manufacturer in Bedford County until 1871, when he was a farmer and millwright in Coffee County, and finally at Sparta, Tennessee, where he is still milling. Our subject, the oldest of seven children, after an academic training attended Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Returning home he began the lumber business for I. W. Whitman, of Boston, and in August 1878, was employed by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. E. Mead

D. E. Mead, merchant of Hillsboro, was born September 7, 1839, at Greenville, N. Y. His father, W. R. Mead, was born about 1798 and died in 1879, in Vermont. His grandfather, Adolphus, was in the Revolution. Liddie (Colwell) Mead, his mother, was born about 1800 in Virginia, and died in 1882 in New York. Living on his father’s farm until twenty-two years of age, he began business at Logansport, Inc., but was soon commissioned sutler under General Rosecrans. After the war he engaged in merchandising at Tullahoma until 1866, when he began his present occupation. He has served almost … Read more

McLachlen, Don – Obituary

Don McLachlen Answers Call Death Comes After Brief Illness Funeral to be held from the Home Tomorrow Afternoon at 2 O’clock Donald A. McLachlen aged 37, died last midnight after an illness of less than a month brought about by hardening of arteries. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from the J. H. McLachlen home, 1803 Third street. His life has been despaired for several days and the end came about midnight last night. His son Archie was called from Portland, and his near relations were assembled in the home of his father, J. H. McLachlen … Read more

McLachlen, J. – Obituary

J. McLachlen, Ex-Sheriff, Passes On Man Who Lead Posse Which Captured Til Taylor’s Slayers Dies Accident Given As Death Cause Funeral Services For Pioneer Union County Officer Will Be Held Here Saturday John H. McLachlen, pioneer officer of Union County, died at the Grande Ronde hospital Thursday. Ten days ago while picking apples, he fell from the tree, breaking three ribs. The injuries and the shock to a man of his advanced years, are said to have caused his death. Funeral services will be held at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, with the Odd Fellows … Read more

McLachlen, Mary – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Mrs. McLachlen Dies Wednesday; Funeral Friday Mrs. Mary McLachlen, a pioneer resident of La Grande, passed away on Wednesday, her death terminating in lingering illness. The body is at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary where funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock with burial in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Born in Rochester, N. J. [sic – N. Y.] Aug. 18, 1850, she was 83 years, three months and 25 days of age. Her husband, John McLachlen, preceded her in death Nov. 2 of this year. They were married in 1871, … Read more

Richey, George Mack – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Richey Services Will Be Held On Tuesday At 2:00 Funeral services for George Mack Richey, pioneer who died yesterday about noon, will be held at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Clarence Kopp, rector of St. Peter’s church, will have charge. Mr. Richey, who died after a long illness, was a member of the K. P. and B. P. O. Elks lodges. He was born in New York Sept 27, 1864 and was 71 years, three months and 14 days of age. He came to La Grande in 1883, going … Read more

Reynolds, M. M. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon M. M. Reynolds Passes Away Has Been Ill For The Past Several Months Was One of Early Pioneers of This County, Coming Here in 1876, Retired 15 Years Ago Merritt M. Reynolds, one of the early settlers in Grande Ronde valley, passed away last evening at his home, 1607 Adams avenue, following an extended illness lasting for the past year. Born in Chautauqua county, New York, Mr. Reynolds later went to Indiana with his family and then later to Des Moines, Iowa. On February 8, 1861, he was married to Miss Mary A. Wheeler. To … Read more