Biography of Fred Roscoe Sutton, M. D.

Dr. Fred Roscoe Sutton, physician and surgeon of Bartlesville, has been successfully engaged in the practice of medicine in Oklahoma since 1898. The passing years have chronicled the steady growth and progress of the state and in keeping with the trend of change and advancement is the record of Dr. Sutton, who at all times has kept abreast of the latest researches and discoveries relative to the laws of health. He was born in Emporia, Kansas, January 14, 1874, and is a son of Dr. George W. Sutton, a native of Kentucky, whose birth occurred just across the River from … Read more

Wood, William H. – Obituary

Lostine, Oregon Pioneer Gone to Rest William H. Wood was born August 26, 1822 in Cattaragus County, New York. When three years old he was taken by his parents to Michigan and in the course of a few years found his way from Michigan to Iowa. From there to Missouri, and from Missouri to California in 1846. About this time there was trouble between U.S. and Mexico, and “Uncle Billy” volunteered in the Federal forces. Mr. Wood was one of the runners who carried the peace terms to the Mexican lines, traveling 190 miles without food or rest, stopping only … Read more

Biography of Almiron E. Leet

Almiron E. Leet has been well known in business circles in Lyon County for more than a quarter of a century. He was formerly a resident of Bushong, and then became proprietor of the principal hardware and implement house at Americus, and occupied the honorable position of mayor of that little city. He is a New York State man and his ancestors came from England to Connecticut in colonial times. He was born at Meredith, Delaware County, New York, November 17, 1855, a son of William Edward and Hulda (Fox) Leet. His father was born at Meredith in 1815 and … Read more

Biography of George W. Vaughn

George W. Vaughn. Constructive enterprise in America had had its most notable triumphs in railroad building. In that field American ingenuity, indomitable energy and resourcefulness, have been displayed at their best. The history of railway building on this continent had many splendid names, and some of the greatest of them belong to Kansas. Not least among them was the late George W. Vaughn, or Major Vaughn, as he was more generally known, who died at Leavenworth February 3, 1916. He had a national reputation in engineering circles, and was a man, who, from the common walks of life, attained wide … Read more

Biography of Henry Ettenson

Henry Ettenson, who died at Leavenworth October 19, 1909, though of foreign birth deserved and exemplified every characteristic associated with the title of a true American citizen. His was a career remarkable for obstacles overcome, for successes attained and for influences that helped make a community better and greater. He was born at Wilkowishken, Russia, June 30, 1850, one of a family of five children. He received the foundation of a practical education in his native country, and like most Jewish boys was well grounded in those two essential cardinal virtues of success–thrift and industry. To avoid the compulsory military … Read more

Biography of John J. Griffin

John J. Griffin. There are several reasons for the success of John J. Griffin, superintendent at Iola of the Wichita Pipe Line Company, and these may be said to be energy, system and practical knowledge. The range of his activities had been large, but from the beginning of his career he had sought to work steadily and energetically for ultimate results, and had never been content to labor merely for the present. Self help had accomplished about all the worth-while things in the world, and as a general rule the men who have found success have not awaited the knock … Read more

Biography of Elmore W. Snyder

Elmore W. Snyder. A resident of Kansas since 1878, and with possibly one exception the oldest living bank president in the state, Elmore W. Snyder, president of the Manufacturers National Bank of Leavenworth, had been actively identified with the commercial and financial history of Kansas for nearly forty years. He was born in the Village of Red Creek, Wayne County, New York, November 23, 1850. Jacob Snyder, his great-grandfather, settled in that section of York State in pioneer times and operated a grist mill for many years. His grandfather, Amos Snyder, was there reared, engaged in farming, practiced law and … Read more

Biography of Paul Rohr

Paul Rohr. The Rohr family is one of the oldest names of Leavenworth. The family came to Kansas in the early territorial period, soon after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill and at the beginning of the struggle between the free state and pro-slavery elements. The name had many active associations with business, public and civic affairs in Leavenworth and the surrounding district. The late Paul Rohr, founder of the family in Kansas, was born in the Province of Lorain, then part of France, now Germany, in the district of Rohrbach on October 1, 1818. His father was Paul Rohr … Read more

Biography of Alexander Lewis

Alexander Lewis was identified with business and civic affairs at Lawrence from territorial times until his death on January 30, 1905. He was one of the fine characters of the university city and a man whose capable business judgment was marked by a benevolence and a kindly interest in the welfare of his community and his fellow man. He was born in Tompkins County, New York, November 13, 1830, and lived to be nearly seventy-five years of age. His parents were Luther and Mary (Sheldon) Lewis. His grandfather Luther Lewis was a native of Suffield, Connecticut, and moved from there … Read more

Biography of William Henry Van Meer, M. D.

William Henry Van Meer, M. D. A comparatively recent recruit to the medical fraternity of Elk County, Dr. William Henry Van Meer is a physician and surgeon of more than a quarter of a century of standing and experience. When he entered upon his professional career it was as a man of matured mind, thoroughly alive to the responsibilities of the course which he had chosen, and one whose broad experience in other fields of endeavor had given him a keen insight into human nature, as well as developed his sympathies and spirit of kindliness. During the short time that … Read more

Biography of Sheldon Griswold Catlin

Sheldon Griswold Catlin. A notable figure in the commercial life of the City of Leavenworth was the late Sheldon Griswold Catlin. He was a Yankee, of Connecticut birth and ancestry, and possessed the genius of a typical New Englander for trade. Bulwarking his genius in this direction was a remarkable integrity of character and a wholesomeness and breadth of mind which made his presence in any community a source of strength and uplift. It was in 1863 that he came to Leavenworth and became a member of the old wholesale shoe firm of George O. Catlin & Company, a business … Read more

Biography of John Gottlieb Seewir

John Gottlieb Seewir was one of Kansas’ pioneer physicians. He was prominent in the profession at Lawrence from the beginning of the Civil war until his death twenty years later, and his life was one of unceasing devotion to his profession and to the service to humanity which he rendered through it. Doctor Seewir was born in Switzerland, March 4, 1828, a son of John G. and Elizabeth Seewir. In 1838 the family immigrated to America. They came on a sailing vessel and the vessel took fire and burned for two days before it was extinguished. The family located at … Read more

Biography of Ely Moore, Sr.

Ely Moore, Sr. If Kansas should seek among its living citizens a man whose career is richest in associations with the events far back in territorial times there could be no better approximation to the ideal choice than that of the venerable Ely Moore, Sr., of Lawrence. Now in his eighty-fifth year, he saw when a young man in his early twenties much of that strenuous struggle which made Kansas Territory the battle ground of the nation. His own life had been regulated on strenuous lines, and he comes of fighting ancestry. He is descended from Sir Thomas More, who … Read more

Biography of Charles Purdy Ives

Charles Purdy Ives. Every substantial city in Kansas had reason to be grateful to a group of its individual citizens who took the lead in affairs and largely molded those influences and institutions which make the community noteworthy and distinctive. Baldwin City thus honors the memory of the late Charles Purdy Ives, who was not only a business man but a citizen who stood foremost in every movement for the general good. Mr. Ives had a very long and interesting career. He was born January 27, 1840, in West Plains, New York, now part of New York City. When a … Read more

Biography of William J. Johnston

William J. Johnston, cashier of the First National Bank of Eureka, is the only democrat who was ever elected to the office of sheriff in Greenwood County. That political distinction may have been inherited. At any rate, he is not the only member of his family whose qualifications and personal popularily have proved so strong as to overturn normal majorities. His father back in New York State in Washington County enjoyed a similar honor many years ago, and in all the years of the political annals of Washington County it had had only one democratic sheriff. Mr. Johnston, who had … Read more

Biography of Leroy B. Sheldon

Leroy B. Sheldon. One of the oldest merchants in Lyon County, in years of continuous business, is Leroy B. Sheldon of Reading, who had had a store in that village supplying general merchandise to a large community for fully thirty years. Mr. Sheldon is also vice president of the Reading State Bank and had been quite a factor in local affairs. He comes of old American stock, the Sheldons having come from England to the New England states in colonial times. His grandfather was a native of Vermont, moved from Paulet, that state, to Chautauqua County, New York, and is … Read more

Biography of Edwin Ruthven Heath

Edwin Ruthven Heath, a prominent physician and specialist of Kansas City, Kansas, had a record among Kansas citizens that is unique. As a boy he knew the terrors, excitements and thrilling incidents of life in California following the discovery of gold in ’49. As a traveler both in North and South America he had contributed a part of the world’s knowledge of geography, peoples and science. He spent twelve years in South America, practiced medicine in remote construction camps and among wild and semi-barbarous tribes, and he helped build some of the pioneer railways of that continent. To as great … Read more

Biography of C. G. Pierce

C. G. Pierce. A quarter of a century is a long time to be identified with any line of business in one location, and twenty-five or more years of continuous management of a country paper almost constitutes a record in itself. C. G. Pierce was the founder of the Severyite at Severy, Kansas, more than twenty-five years ago, and is still its editor and proprietor. He was born at Cobleskill, New York, January 1, 1869. His Pierce ancestors came out of Ireland and settled in New York in colonial days. His great-grandfather is buried at Fergusonville in Delaware County, New … Read more

Biography of Wilbur Austin Lawton

Wilbur Austin Lawton. When Mr. Lawton came to Lyon County more than thirty years ago he found the district around what is now the flourishing little City of Americus a raw and almost unbroken prairie. He was one of the men who undertook to convert the former cattle range into a fertile farming district, and he had contributed to this development to the extent of several hundred acres at least. At the same time he had been an important factor in local affairs, had been a banker, active in local politics, and for a number of years had been postmaster … Read more

Biography of Clarence Case Goddard, M. D.

Clarence Case Goddard, M. D. While Doctor Goddard now gives all his time and attention to the Evergreen Place Hospital at Leavenworth, a high class sanitarium for nervous and mental troubles, liquor and drug habits, he had occupied such a disguished position in Kansas medical circles for so many years that hardly any name in the profession is more widely known and more highly honored. In 1911 he was elected president of the Kansas State Medical Society. He served four terms as president of the County Medical Society, had been the president of the District Society, had been a delegate … Read more