Will of Roger Rugg – 1675

“Whereas ROGER RUGG, merchant, of this city, dyed lately without making any formal will, yet by a nuncupative will, before sufficient testimony, some short time before his decease, bequeathed his estate to Mr. John Rider and his wife of this city, and desiring Captain Nathaniel Davenport to be assisting unto them, and having made proof of the will before the Court of Mayor and Aldermen.” The said John Rider is made administrator, August 9, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 117

Will of Edmund Farrington – 1675

“Whereas EDMUND FARRINGTON, of Flushing, upon Long Island, in his will appointed his wife Dorothy his executor, and the original having been transmitted to the Office of Record, where it flow remains.” The said Dorothy is confirmed as executrix, July 1, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 118

Will of Francis Munsy – 1675

“Whereas FRANCIS MUNSY, late of Setalcot, upon Long Island, died intestate.” His wife Hannah is appointed administratrix, September 10, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 120

Will of William Ludlum – 1655

WILLIAM LUDLAM, Southampton. Leaves to his son Anthony “all my housing and lands at the old ground,” and a £50 right of commonage in town of Southampton. Leaves to his son Joseph “my new dwelling-house with two acres of land adjoining, and thirty acres of land adjoining to the mill and mill pond, on the east side of the mill river; and a £50 right of commonage.” Leaves legacies to daughters Grace, Frances, and Mary, also to “eldest child of my son William,” “my son Henry’s child,” “my daughter Grace’s child,” and to “the eldest child of my danghter Frances.” … Read more

Will of Cornelius Beackman – 1668

CORNELIS BEACKMAN, New Utrecht. “Being sicke in his bed, disposes his estate as follows.” First, he, the said Cornelis Beackman, and his wife Marihe Cornelis “do break and anull their first Contract of Marriage,” and do declare that of all they have in this world the said wife shall have one half, and his daughter Mellitie the other half. But if his wife should die before the daughter is twelve years of age, “which God forbid,” the testator appoints Lucas Dirckse and John ye Cooper, Jr., to be tutors of said child, they being both inhabitants of New York. Dated … Read more

Will of John Stricklin – 1672

JOHN STICKLIN, of Jamaica, “Being my greate paine.” Leaves to daughter Loanus £10. “To my danghter Mathew’s youngest child” 40 shillings. To Jonathan Mills, one cow. To eldest daughter of John Loanus, one cow. Rest of estate to his daughter’s children (not named). Makes “my son John Smith, my son Saml Matthews,” John Foster and Benjamin Coe, executors. “It is to be understood that the 2 cows mentioned to John Loanus’ daughter and to Jonathan Mills were my wife’s, and she gave them as she saw good, I having promised to perform her will.” Dated September 5, 1672. Witnesses, John … Read more

Will of Samuel Lane – 1675

“Whereas SAMUEL LANE, late a Souldier in this Garrison, died intestate, having no relations or kindred in these parts.” Alexander Wardrappe, “one of his fellow souldiers,” is appointed as administrator. April 26, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 113

Will of John Elton – 1675

JOHN ELTON, Southold. “Being very weake.” Leaves one half of movable estate to wife, the other half to Isaac Overton. Leaves to wife one half of lands and houses during life. After her decease the whole to go to Isaac Overton, “my sister’s son.” To daughter in law, Anna Nicolls, £10, in cattle. Makes his “trusty and well beloved friends,” Mr. Joshua Hobert and Mr. Thomas Hutchinson executors, and they are “to use all decent means to promote the welfare of my estate, and to counsel and direct my dear wife and kinsman, as may be most to God’s glory, … Read more

Will of William Betts – 1673

WM. BETTS, Yonkers. “The Twelfth day of the Twelfth month 1673.” “I William Betts of the Yonckers Plantation, in the Jurisdiction now of New Orange so called.” Leaves to wife Alice, “house, barn and home lot, and meadows that are lying by my house lot,” also one third of my lot in the Planting Field, during her life: Also leaves her household goods. Leaves to son Samuel Betts, after his wife’s decease, the said house, Home lot and meadows, and one third of all lands in the Yonckers Plantation. Also a Home lot next to the home lot of Goodman … Read more

Will of Daniel Whitehead – 1669

DANIEL WHITEHEAD, of Maspeth Kills, in Newtowne, left will, and made his wife (not named) executrix. She renounced the right, and Letters of Administration were granted to Stephanus Van Coitlandt, March 31, 1669. LIBER 1-2, page 33

Will of Robert Fecks – 1669

ROBERT FECKS, of Flushing, died intestate. His wife Sarah was appointed administratrix, June 19, 1669. LIBER 1-2, page 38

Will of Elizabeth Partridge – 1669

ELIZABETH PARTRIDGE, of Flushing. Leaves one fourth of estate “to all my grandchildren equally.” The rest “to all my children equally.” Makes “Mr. Elias Doughty, of Flushing,” executor. Dated May 23, 1669. Written at order of Elizabeth Partridge by me, Anthony Waters, Clerk. Proved June 9, 1669. Debts mentioned as owing to her from Robert Fecks, Francis ye Carpenter, Nicholas Davis, John Gonin. LIBER 1-2, page 38 Inventory of estate of ELIZABETH PARTRIDGE, taken by Wm. Laurence and Eyrke Jacobs, overseers chosen by the Constable,” October 18, 1669. House and lot, £45. Apraisal made by John Bowne, Wm. Noble, and … Read more

Will of George Jewell – 1670

GEORGE JEWELL, of Maspeth Kills, died intestate, and Richard Panton, of Westchester, “being nearly related to the children of said deceased,” was appointed Administrator , July 1, 1670. LIBER 1-2, page 49

Will of Richard Townsend – 1670

RICHARD TOWNSEND, of ‘Lusum, in Oyster Bay, died intestate, and Letters of Administration were granted to wife, Elizabeth, September 23, 1670. Children are mentioned but not named. [NOTE.—” Lusum,” supposed to be a contraction of Lewisham, is now Jericho.]

Will of Jacob Woolpherts Cowenhoven – 1670

JACOB WOOLPHERTS COWENHOVEN, of New York, died intestate, and Johanes Van Brugh, Paulus Leendertson Van der Gruff, and Isaac Greveratt were appointed administrators by Court of Mayor and Aldermen. April 21, 1670. Wife and children mentioned, but not named.

Will of Thomas Robinson – 1671

Whereas THOMAS ROBINSON, late of Newtown, died intestate, leaving two sons, his only children, namely, Thomas and Josyas, the care of whom for the present is committed by the officers of the town to Jacob Reade, their uncle. He is appointed administrator, September 23, 1671. LIBER 1-2, page 68

Will of Anna Hall – 1669

ANNA HALL, widow of Thomas Hall, of New York, was made executrix of his will, and confirmed March. 15, 1669/70. LIBER 1-2, page 51

Will of Balthazar De Vasch – 1670

BALTHAZAR DE VASCH, of Amesford, having absented himself from his habitation, and is gone out of the country, Capt. Elbert Elberts and Mr. Jacob Strycker, of Midwood, are appointed Trustees of his estate to take possession. October 21, 1670. LIBER 1-2, page 52

Will of Thomas Ireland – 1669

THOMAS IRELAND, Hempstead. Leaves to eldest daughter Jane, one Cow, and £l0 when she is 18. To son Thomas “all Housing and lands,” to youngest daughter Elizabeth £20 when 18. Makes wife (not named) executrix. Dated September 30, 1669. Witnesses, Jonah Fordham, John Smith, Sr. LIBER 1-2, page 1669

Will of John Marshall – 1670

JOHN MARSHALL, Flushing. “I give to ye Lord my Soule, who gave it mee, and my Body to ye Earth from whence it came. I give unto my wife Angle Marshall, my whole estate, to be putt at her own disposall after my decease. As witnesse my hand this 23d of October, 1670. Witnesses: his the marke of Robt. X Terrey John X Marshall.” marke John Hinchman Proved January 3, 1670/1, Anthony Waters, Clerk. [The above will, which is given entire, is the shortest as recorded.] LIBER 1-2, page 54