Miscellaneous Records from Mrs. Ulessus Kennedy’s Ledger

Records that occurred within or around the Allegany Reservation in New York, and were recorded in in an old ledger owned by Mrs. Ulessus Kennedy.

Smith, Bertha Pierce, returned from Seattle Washington with two children
	June 5th, 1904.
Smith, Bertha Pierce & Ed Smith, started today for his home, Junction City,
	Washington, Dec. 27, 1902.
Pierce, Bertha, graduated at Gov. School, March 15, 1900.
Smith, Ed, Warren & Edna, gone to their western home, Hadlock, July 23, 1907.
Pierce, Hattie's house burned, July 16, 1907, about 2:30 am, occupied by
	Edwin Smith.
Smith, Edna, surprise party, March 16 1906.
Tallchief, Louisa & Carlina Hanson, gone to Boston, Aug. 19, 1895.
Tallchief, Miss, returned from Boston, Aug. 23, 1896.
Tallchief, Louisa, farewell party for, Aug. 26, 1896.
Bee, Clearing at Skis today & a dance, Jan. 12, 1906.
Williams, Spencer, gone to Carlisle, Dec. 8, 1902.
Lay, Doug, gone traveling with show, Dec. 19, 1902.
Ulyssus, went to Carlisle, March 12, 1900.
Ulyssus, returned from Carlisle, March 17, 1900, fate $5.69.
Pierce, Ely & to Tom Kennedy, appointed to go to Washington D.C. for the purpose
	Of urging the Ryan Bill. Feb. 6, 1901.
Williams, Spencer, started for Wilmington, Del. Aug. 15, 1906.
Bishop, Lester, wend to Washington D.C. on account of the Bill, took $13.20 sent
	$5.25 to him, Jan. 31, 1900 (went to Washington, Jan. 31, 1900).
Tom & Eli, came from Washington, Feb. 16, 1900.
Rogers, Edith, came here today, March 12, 1886.
Ware, A.W., gave me the keys of the church to begin as janitor.
Bennett, H.L., rent on yellow house, 1895.
Stafford, Austin, moved into yellow house, April 27, 1899, $2 a month.
Stafford, Susia or Susan, Dec. 1902, (prob. In yellow house).
Simon, Peter, rented Lewis Seneca's house, Dec. 26, 1899.
Patterson, Jimmie, moved into the yellow house tonight, May 3, 1902.
Jimerson, John's house & barns burned at one o'clock, June 15, 1900.
Shongo, Alice, barn burned at 10:30 am, June 9, 1906.
My home burned, fired by Nellie Plummer, Sept. 17, 1906 (may also be Alice Shongo's).
Pierce, Hattie's house burned Jul 16, 1907, about 2:30 am, occupied by Edwin Smith.
Longfinger, Louis' barn & contents burned to the ground, two horses, Dec. 30,
Doxtator, Julia's barn destroyed by fire, Nov. 13, 1924.
Twoguns, George, acquitted of the murder of Fuller Redeye, Dec. 31, 1908.
Pierce, Sylvester, sued by Minnie King, case adjourned for one week, Dec. 9,
	1902 Dec. 17, 1902, Sylvester P. suit today, he was defeated one Night in jail.
Brant Circle organized, March 7, 1902.

Oct. 5, 1943. Six Nation Temperance Convention, held on Tuscarora Reserv.
Oct., 1944. Six Nation Temperance Convention, held on Cattaraugus Res.
Oct. 2, 1945, Six Nation Temp. Conv., on Tonawanda Res.
Oct. 1, 1945, Six Nation Temp. Conv., Alleghany.
Turtle Clan expenses, June 30, 1909.
Nov. 9, 1897, paid expenses of Andrew John, traveling to Allegany Reservation.
	Names	Jasper Button
		Jerome Kennedy
		C. York
		Lester Bishop
		Ely Pierce
		Walter Kennedy
		N.C. Batterson
		Frank Kennedy
We paid December 4, 1897, Lester Bishop take names, we agree to pay $1.00.
		Thomas Kennedy
		Andrew John
		Frank Kennedy
		Jerome Kennedy
		Ely Pierce
For the expenses of A. Bluesky, to defray the expenses of said Bluesky to
	Allegany Reservation.
		Thomas Doxtator
		Moses Shongo
		Jerome Kennedy
		L. Bishop
		Frank Kennedy
		Thomas Kennedy
December 6, 1897, list of names who paid in the funds for traveling expenses of
Delegate, Andrew John, to Washington
		Thomas Kennedy
		Theodore Gordon
		Sylvedter Pierce
		C.S. York
		Ely Pierce
		Lester Bishop
		Frank Kennedy
		Jerome Kennedy
		Mr. John Jamerson
		Willie John
		Jane Pierce
		Mrs. Guy Miller
		Lewis T. Jamesson
		Deforest Snow
		Jessee Turkey & Wife
		Mrs. Cornelius Seneca
		Mrs. S.C. Lay Sr.
		Wm. Nephew
		Thomas Eels
		Hattie Jonathen
		Emily Carry
		Harry Logan
		Chancy Johny John
		Newton Kennedy
		Theodore Jamison
		Julia Tallchief

Collections made Jan. 29, 1898, from people by A. Bluesky.
	Jan. 31, 1898, Pine Woods People by C. Tallchief
	Jan. 31, 1898, Collected from Newtown people by J Kennedy
	Feb. 2, 1898, collected from the across the creek people by N.C.P
	Feb. 2, 1898, Emily Tallchief.
	Feb. 7, 1898, from Irving People by Jerome.

Sept. 15, 1888, Miss Tyrrell came, she is to board with us for $2.
$2.50 per week.
Sept. 17, 1888, Miss Tyrrell, commenced to teach in school dist.
No. 3.
Oct. 8, 1888, Miss Tyrrell, went home, she stopped teaching school on 
Account of smallpox, she taught three weeks.

April 16, 1894, Sylvester Cooper.
April 23, 1894, Eliza Stevens.
June 13, 1894, Sylvester Lay.
June 14, 1894 Newton Pierce.
August 10, 1894. John Jimerson.
August 10, 1898 Ralph Evens, Jhney Steeproe or Stuproe.

Expenses for Moses Shongo to go to Tonawanda Jan. 1898
Jan. 1898, H.J. Merrill, N. Kennedy.
July 3, 1899, Jon snow, Burzenberg or Bursenberg, Bobby Pierce.
Sept. 4, 1894, Cattaraugus Reservation, I paid to John Kammerer.
Dec. 14, 1900, Paid to Frank Kammerer.
Sept.6, 1895, loaned Thomas Pierce..Sept. 28, paid LaGayette Green, paid
	H. Halftown.
May 15, 1892, Left colt in pasture, Sylvester cooper.
1883, John Trapp top of page, George Hammond, Paid Nov. 30, 1896.
April 1, 1883, H.l. Bennett, agreed to work for six months for $100.
1894, Mary Eunice Skye, on top of page, 37.
April 15, 1883, Wm. Hency Skinkle, top of page 39.
1887, Name on top of page, Michael Moll…
1889, Doug Lay, Leroy Snyder, Charlie Taylor, Frank Seneca, Ike Seneca, 
John Jimmerson.
Newhall 1883 painter Brant Center Oct. 1883.
Hean Bennett, Sept. 1883.
Steven Gordon, Aug. 1883.
J. Willis.
Frank Kennedy 1886.
Douck Lay, agreed to work for $25 a month.
May 19, 1883 paid N.H. Parker.
Wm. Champlin, Dec. 18, 1885.
A. dimon store in Brant 1886.
Old Snyder, June 21, 1884.
Old Snyder, June 21, 1884.
Jakie Snyder, Nov. 1885.
A.B. wood, Thomas Kennedy, Ralph Evans, George Lehley, John Tapp
Jacob Schneider, April 1887.
Noah Twoguns, May 10, 1890.
Ernest Fietz, April 18, 1890.
Albert Orton, May 8, 1891.
John Kammerer, Sept. 27, 1890 or 1891.
Peter Shongo's expenses to Salmanca, on our case. Maybe 1892.
U. Ansely
Marshall C. Tallchief, Oct. 15, Prob. 1891.
Andrew John, going to Allegany, Nov. 9, 1897.
A. John, going to Washington, Dec. 6, 1897.
Fred Kennedy & Gala Parker among workers for bridge, Jan. 17, 1901.
Ely Pierce, Fred Kennedy, billy Wilson, Jan. 17, 1901.
Percy Lay, worked July 29, 1903.
Alexander, John, Sarah William, Jane Pierce, Charlie Crawford, July 1, 16, 
18, 1903 (also John Lay, Isaac Seneca, & Guy Milley, July 29)
Wm. Parker, Aug. 13; Pete Pierce, Oct. 1, Widow Jabez Jones Oct. 1.
	Widow King Tallchief Oct. 2; Charles Williams, Nov. 1903
Crissey Williams was paid Jan. 9, 1904.
Jerome Kennedy, worked all day April 19, 1904.
Rushel Brentup, prob. Russell Trentup, worked July 13, 1904.
Angus Hene Bennett, July 4, 1904.
George Lehley, bought oil March 1905.
Milt Clark, June 4, 1906.
May 22, 1898; Ira Pierce; June 15, Oran Jemerson; 18th Sherman Parker;  25th
	George Willson; July 4, Chester Tallchief; 14th Oliver Silver, 11th George
J. Beuzenberg, Aug. 8, 1899.
Chris Williams, April 28, 1908; Job King, June 15, Prob. 1908.
David Brooks, Jan. 31, 1944, Chauncey Green, June 11, 1944.
Martin Kroll, paid April 1, 1915; Jacob Beuzenberg, April 30, 1915.
Nick Parker, April 6, 1916.
Newton Bennetts, April 12; account of Sarah Armstrong, April 26, Asher Hare,
	May 30, Elmer Armstrong, June1, Nick Parker, June 8, Catherine Seneca,
	June 9, Chanuncy Green, David George, June 25, Lucinda Lay, July 5, Russell Printup, July 8, Ely Pierce, July 8, Eddy Poodrey, July 18, Gas
	Crouse, Willet Jimerson, Aug. 16, 1912 farmwork.
Abe Simon's store, sept. 23, 1883.
Jewis Bennett, came to work Nov. 3, 1882, George Lehley, I paid prob. Jan. 5.
Mike Mall & George Walter, bought a calf each May & June prob. 1883.
Bought a colt of Ralph Shaw, Feb. 3, 1887. Bought colt from Philip Pierce, March
	27, 1882.
James Wilber, work Sept. 17, 1881.
Farm work, June 16, 1897, Billy Wilson; 21st, H.L. Bennett; 24h Doug Lay; 29th
	Jerome Kennedy; July 15th Wm. Jones, 19th, C. Seneca; 22nd Tracy; Aug. 2nd, Avery Logan & Eli Jemison; Aug. 3rd, Archie White &
	J. Jemison
Billy Wilson, April 9, 1901 - widow Wm. Wilson, June 21; Aug. 19th, Old John Winter.
Fred Beuzenberg, May 13-17, 1905; Earnest Spring, May 20, 1895, paid.
Victor Seneca, May 24, 1895; John Jemison, May 31, Lafatte Lafayette, May 31, Ira Pierce, June 1, Victor Seneca, June 16; Alex John, June 24,
	(July 9, Newton Pierce); Chester Tallchief, July 29, Dana Pierce, July 29, 1895.
Crawford Obail, July 4 (prob. 1894) Andrew John, July 5; Sylvester Lay, July 15; Mary Kennedy, July 16; John Kennedy, July 16, Mat Pierce, July 31,
	Charles Doctor, Aug. 1, Jon Steeprock, Aug. 5 (prob 1894)
Hacked on, Aug. 26, 1895, Wm. Chamberlain, Aug. 27.
Widow Jones, Peter Pierce, Guy Miller & Elmer Armstrong, June 6, 10, 12,1903.
Held a meeting at N.H. Parker's shop Jan. 22, 1885, appointed Thomas Kennedy
	for Treasurer, P.F. Pierce a motion to have a contribution of $2.00 a piece.
	Names that were present
	P.J. Pierce		Willie Parker
	N.H. Parker		Wallack Scott
	Lester Bishop		Doug Lay
	George Wilson		Moses Stevenson
	C.S. York		Charley Dennis
	Thomas Kennedy
	Jack Logan
	Fred S. Parker
	John Kennedy
	Thomas Jemerson
	John C. Lay
	Steeprock Kennedy.
April 9, 1883, Mr. Cawkins, was sawing lumber.
March 21, Asher Hare, March 28, f. Kennedy, 28th C.C. Lay

Sun. April 25, 1885				March 1885
	McRay Skye					S. Williams
	5th St.					307 West 27 St.
	Lackawanna, NY				New York

Dec. 14, 1886 & 1886	
	E. & M.E. Brown (maybe he owned store)		Warren G. Smith
	Versailles					Puyallup Washington
	Catt. Co. N.Y.				Route 1 Box 412

Jan. 5, 1880					Aug. 8, 1885 or 86
	David George				John Martin
	H.E. Bill				    15,	Peter Flance
	Canaseraga, Alleg. Co, N.Y>		    14, Wilson Wheeler
						    22, John Trapp & F. Sprage
						      (these bought flowers)
April 18, 1890, Earnest Fietz.
Aug. 30, (prob. 1884) A.S. Logan & Jackson Cemfield, Wm. John.
Harrison Halftown, traveling expenses for the above men to Carrolton &
	Salamanca, by order of President.
Aug. 29, Committee on……Andrew Fox, Hirom Dennis, Samuel Jemison & David
	Patterson at James Crawfords.   Oct. 10, paid F. Gangs.
Avery Jemison, taken to Hospital, Dec. 15, 1944 (sugar diabetes).
Sherman Parker, taken to Goawanda State Hosp. Jan. 30, 1908.
Drove to Syracuse after Winnie Gordon, arrived at Uly or Udy Pierce's at
	2:40. Oct. 21, 1930.

Wills Recorded in Kennedy’s Journal

(Maybe all Wills) found on bottom of page 35, name on top of page is Henan

	Bennett, Sept. 1883.
	1. Two Medals
	2. T.J.'s will.
	   (Thos. L. Ogden & Joseph Fellows)
	3. to Thomas Jemison - died or dead
	4. Cornelius Seneca and Alice Parker
	5. (looks like Proving) the will of Thos. Jemison
	6.  Joshua Williams to Eunice Stevenson
	7.  John Kennedy to Joshua Williams
	8.  Ruth Jemison two papers
	9.  Moses Stevenson to Thos. Sarah & Ulysses Kennedy
	10.  (looks like Buenss Pierce) to Ulysses Kennedy


Allegany Reservation,

Kennedy, Mrs. Ulessus. Ledger of Mrs Ulessus Kennedy. AccessGenealogy.com.

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