Return of the Colonel’s Company Third Regiment

Last Updated on November 7, 2013 by Dennis

Return of the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates who now are and those who have been in Colonel Alexander Scammells Company in the 3rd Battalion of New Hampshire Forces, Commanded by Colonel Alexander Scammell from 1 January 1777, to the 1st of January 1780. Showing the title of their enlistment, discharges, and time of their desertion.

NamesWhen Enlisted and TermRemarks
Sergeant Majors
Adino GoodanouffDec 16 1776. WarDischarged Dec 22, 1778
Neal McGaffeyJan 30 1777. 3 YearPromoted Dec 22, 1778 & Promoted to Ensign to take rank Nov 14, 1777
Edward MasonJan 30 1777. WarPromoted to a Serg. Maj. Feb 1, 1780
Quarter Master Sergeant
John JonesApr 1 1777. War
John HarveyFeb 22 1777. 3 Yearappointed to Ensign May 1 1778
Michael Parks




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