Military History of Chesterfield NH

In the troubled times of the Revolution the little town performed her part bravely and well. In September, 1775, the selectman made an enumeration of the inhabitants of the town, and in their report to the provincial authorities stated that thirty-six persons were absent in the army; that there were eighty-three guns in the town fit for use, ninety-nine more being needed; that there was no powder, and no slaves; and that the total number of inhabitants of the town, exclusive of those in the army, was 838. It will thus be seen that the town at a very early date showed her activity. Space, however, will not admit of a detailed account of her part in the great war. The following is a list, so far as known, of the Chesterfield men who served in that war:

Joseph Smith
Elijah Watson [Walton ?]
Eleazer Jordan
Gustavus Bingham
Jonathan Farr
Amasa Colburn
Joshua Farr
John Peacock
Eleazer Stoddard
Ebenezer Porter
Joseph Metcalf
William Day
Charles Johnson
Nathaniel Sanger
Elijah Walton
John Bishop
Josiah Hastings
James Robinson [Robertson?]
Elisha Walton
Josiah Hastings
Eleazer Cobleigh
Jonathan Fan
Ephraim Farr
Ezekiel Powers
Asa Gale
Jonathan Cressey
John Merrill
Jonathan Farwell
Benjamin Wheeler
Isaac Farr
Capt. Jacob Hinds
Nathan Thomas
Ezekiel Davis
Jonathan Farr 3d
David Stoddard
Zenas Fairbanks
William Farwell
Aaron Farr
Jacob Davis
Levi Fairbanks
David Robbins
Daniel Davis
Richard Coughlan
Daniel Colburn
Aaron Smith
Lieut. James Robertson
Nathaniel Bacon
William Hildreth
Eleazer Jordan
Daniel Farr
John Pratt
Eleazer Jordan
James Wheeler
Joseph Metcalf
Joseph Metcalf Jr.
Amos Partridge
Eli Partridge
Samuel Stearns
Ephraim Fan
Thomas Farr
Jacob Farr
Charles Farr
John Sanderson
William Thomas
Nathaniel Walton
Lieut. Oliver Cobleigh
Josiah Hastings
Samuel Davis
Ezekiel Powers
Amos Davis
Jonathan Farr, Jr.
Daniel Baldwin
Jonas Davis
James Wheeler
Dan Cobleigh
Thomas Whitcomb
Isaac Hildreth
Benjamin Smith
Ebenezer Farr
Eleazer Stoddard
Jonathan Cressey, Jr.
Joel Whitney
William Crofford
Amos Streeter
John Peacock
Ebenezer Fletcher
Joseph Higgins
Elisha Walton
Henry Cressey
Joseph Higgins, Jr.
Ephraim Amidon
Amos Smith
Aaron Smith
Martin Warner
Jonathan Davis
Moses Smith
Daniel Kennison
John Ellis
Silas Richardson
Jonathan Farwell.
John Pratt
William Richardson
John Davison
William Henry
Nathan Metcalf
Thomas Doby
Joseph Metcalf.
Ebenezer Streeter
Asa Gale
Samuel Davis Converse
Oliver Hobart [Hubbard ?]
Thomas Metcalf
Reuben Hildreth
Jesse Hildreth
Joseph Smith
Silas Thompson
Nathaniel Brigham
Andrew Hastings
Amos Partridge
Samuel Walker
Daniel Colburn
Elisha Rockwood
Joseph Metcalf, Jr.
Reuben Graves
Asa Metcalf
Capt. Kimball Carlton
Josiah Hastings
Noah Emmons
Daniel Farr
Thomas Metcalf
Joseph Metcalf
Charles Farr
William Farr
Lemuel Stoddard
Ebzy Evans
Jonathan Hildreth, Jr.
Amos Partridge
Thodoreus Bingham
Benjamin Streeter
Daniel Baldwin
Jacob Farr, Jr.
Jonathan Cobleigh
Samuel Peacock
Aaron Fisk
Samuel D. Converse
Ebenezer Fletcher
Amos Colburn
Gustavus Brigham
John Grandy
Jonathan Cressey
Martin Hildreth
John Putnam
William Nichols
Phineas Hemenway
Thomas Wooley
David Pierce
Simon Pierce
John Pratt
Daniel Baldwin
Capt. Josiah Hartwell
Francis Crane
William Lee
Reuben Still
Ebenezer Safford.
David Still
Noah Emmons
Nathan Dodge

“As the men whose names are here recorded served in several companies and regiments during the term of the war, the names of some are repeated.”

During the late great war, the town furnished seventy-four men. Ten of these were wounded, one of whom died from the effects thereof. Though none were killed in battle, six died of disease. The amount paid in bounties was $24.600.00. Twelve persons were drafted and paid commutation of $300.00 each; and twenty-seven furnished substitutes at an expense of from $100.00 to $400.00 each.

Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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