Biography of Oliver P. Redington

Last Updated on August 15, 2012 by

Oliver P. Redington subsequently engaged in manufacturing in the town of Andover, this county, two years later locating at Roby’s Corner. He started a water-power factory on the Warner River, about three miles above Waterloo, where he continued the manufacture of wooden bowls, adding that of excelsior. Subsequently, after enlarging his premises, he began making hubs and clothes-pins on a very small scale. Within a few years he acquired such a large trade in hubs that he confined his attention entirely to their manufacture. For these he uses elm timber, cut in New Hampshire, made into blocks, and seasoned by a special process, a large stock being constantly kept on hand. Abbott, Downing & Co., of Concord, use the hubs exclusively. However, seventy-five per cent. of the factory’s output is exported on orders received from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and other distant places. During the last five years, in spite of the depressing financial condition of the country, the business has increased fifty per cent.

Oliver P. Redington was a well-read and intelligent man, though not college-bred. Both he and his brother, John S. Redington, were anxious for a college education; but Oliver, the elder, realizing that it would be impossible Oliver also assisted his brother pecuniarily, so that John was enabled to enter Dartmouth, of which he was a student when his death occurred, in the first flush of manhood, with most flattering prospects of a brilliant career before him. Subsequently by close attention to business Oliver acquired a competency. He was a man of positive opinions, clear and courageous in his convictions, and a valued member of the Republican party, which he joined on its formation, having previously been a Whig. He died May 3, 1891.

Oliver P. Redington’s first wife, whose maiden name was Betsey Morgan, died about five years before he did. Afterward he married her sister, Hannah Morgan. His children, all born of his first marriage, were: Mary Frances, who was educated at New London, N.H., and afterward taught school for some years in the States of Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, and is now the wife of Dr. Samuel J. Hayes, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Sarah, who was also for many years engaged in teaching, having been educated in the Simond’s High School, and is now the wife of C. E. Hadley, the Superintendent of the New Hampshire Fruit Company; Annie, who died unmarried in 1877, aged twenty-six years; and Charles Walter.

Charles Walter Redington attended Bryant & Stratton’s Commercial College at both Manchester and Concord, receiving a fine business education. The day that he attained his majority he was taken into partnership by his father, forming the firm O. P. & C. W. Redington. From his father he learned every detail of the business of which he is now the sole proprietor, having charge in later years of the outside work. On the well-improved farm, where he employs men to do the manual labor, he carries on general farming, making a specialty of a milk dairy. He is also interested in the New Merrimack Glove Company and the New Hampshire Fruit Company of Concord, each of which he serves as Director. In politics he is an earnest advocate of the principles of the Republican party, and usually attends all party conventions in this section of New England. On March 7, 1878, Mr. Redington married Miss Ida M. Blood, daughter of A. B. and Mary Eveline (Muzzey) Blood. She is a woman of culture, and for some years prior to her marriage taught school in this vicinity. Born in Newbury, N.H., she was educated in Bradford, where her parents resided many years.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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