Biography of Lewis D. Haines

Last Updated on August 16, 2012 by

Lewis D. Haines, a prominent farmer and large land-owner residing in Northfield, was born in this town, February 7, 1845, son of the late Benjamin Haines and his wife, Martha (Kennison) Haines. The father, born in Epping, was only four years old when his father, George L. Haines, settled in Canterbury, this county. After living there for some years, father and son came to Northfield and settled on the homestead now occupied by Mr. Lewis Haines, and which was then known as the Ellison place. Benjamin Haines was a farmer by occupation. He died June 29, 1878, leaving a good name and a fair estate to his children. Martha, who was born in Canterbury, died July 18, 1896. The eldest of their three children, George B. Haines, M.D., is a well-known physician of Valley Falls, R.I. He married Dora Babbit, who is now deceased. The youngest child and the only daughter, Miss Ida M. Haines, who was born November 3, 1848, and was educated at Tilton Seminary, resides with her brother on the homestead. She is well known in the social life of Northfield, and is an active member of the Congregational church of that place.

Lewis D. Haines, the second son of his parents, attended the common schools of his native town. Since then he has always lived on the home farm, and has been engaged in farming. After the death of his father he took entire charge of the estate, which has been much improved in his hands. He is the owner of about five hundred acres of land. Besides carrying on general farming extensively, he does considerable dairy business. He keeps about thirty head of cattle, and ships milk to the Boston markets. Always a hardworking man, he has never sought public office. He is a good Republican, and has always voted that ticket. Both Mr. Haines and his sister are members of the grange at Tilton and regular attendants at the meetings of that organization. Mr. Haines’s farm was formerly owned by Richard Ellison, who was the grandfather of General Butler.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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