John F. Davis, Postmaster of Sunapee, was born here, November 11, 1835, son of Eli and Eunice (Pingree) Davis. The grandfather, Eli Davis (first), was born March 15, 1775, in Rowley, Mass. He was one of the first settlers of Springfield, N.H., where he went when quite a young man, and where he carried on general farming. Later he removed to Plainfield, N.H., where he spent the latter part of his life. He married Judith Sanborn, who was born June 6, 1776, and with her reared ten children. A prominent man, he served the town in several public capacities, including that of legislative Representative. He was also an esteemed member and Deacon of the Baptist church. He died October 22, 1848, and his wife on September 6, 1860.
Eli Davis (second), born in Springfield, N.H., December 29, 1807, was very successfully engaged in general farming, and spent most of his life in Sunapee. In politics he was a Democrat, but held no public office. In religious belief he was a Universalist. He married Eunice Pingree, who was born in Sunapee, January 15, 1807. She was a daughter of Francis Pingree, who was an early settler, a prominent man, and a public official of the town. Her husband died on April 25, 1875; and her death occurred March 31, 1893. They had six children, of whom four are now living. They were: Ruth A., born December 10, 1829; Permilla M., born November 12, 1831; Eunice M., born November 8, 1833; John F., the subject of this sketch; Mary S., born October 12, 1838; and Julia A., born March 28, 1841. Ruth A. is the widow of James W. Trow, and at present resides in Sunapee; Permilla M. married Francis S. Trow, and died October 7, 1894; Eunice M. is the wife of Nathaniel Messer, and lives with him in New London; Mary S. married Levit S. Pillsbury, and died April 26, 1888; Julia A. is the wife of Hiram P. Eastman, and lives in Sunapee.
John F. Davis was educated in the schools of his native town. Being an only son, he lived at home until he was twenty-three years of age. He then engaged in the manufacture of shoe-stiffening and other occupations. Later on he carried the United States mail between Sunapee and Sunapee Station, being mail and express agent for a period of fourteen years. Afterward he was in the hotel business for eight years, conducting the Runnells Lake View House and the Maplewood. He was next engaged in a mercantile business for a while, after which he moved to George’s Mills, a part of Sunapee, where he has resided ever since. He has been Postmaster here since 1893 and Tax Collector for three years, besides which he carries on the express business, and has been an undertaker for fifteen years. He also makes a business of taking summer boarders, having accommodations for ten guests and a livery for their convenience. In politics he is a Democrat. His religious views are liberal and not restricted to any sectarian creed. He is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, both the Sunapee and Lake Granges.
On February 14, 1858, Mr. Davis married Louisa S. Tucker, who was born in Sunapee, October 13, 1836, daughter of Joseph G. and Ruth (Gardner) Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Carrie J., born in Sunapee, April 26, 1859, who is now the wife of Charles H. Loveland, and resides in Melrose, Mass. Mr. Davis has a fine place at George’s Mills, which is a beautiful summer resort at the head of Lake Sunapee.