Butts County, Georgia Marriages 1826-1850

Butts County, Georgia – Marriage Records 1826-1850. The following marriage records have been extracted from Butts County Georgia court records. They contain an index to the marriage records for the years of 1826-1850, inclusive.

Camden County, Georgia Marriages 1787-1850

Camden County, Georgia – Marriage Records 1787-1850. Georgia marriage records which comprise a period of years between 1787-1850 for Camden County, Georgia. There are many missing years, including a block of years between 1797-1814, and the year 1840. We are unsure if marriages just did not occur during this time period, or if the records were lost, or just not recorded. This is a transcript of the marriage books, and only contains the groom, bride, and date of marriage.

Georgia Courthouse Disasters

This is a survey of Georgia Counties in which some sort of natural disaster (and man made in some cases) may have affected the county record repositories. You will notice that many of these dates correspond with years in the civil war as the Union soldiers made it a point to burn the county courthouse and all its property records which would include slave records. This survey does NOT imply that all records were lost. Researchers should consult both the Archives and the courthouse to determine what records survive. County Fire Flood Storm Baker 1925, 1929 Baldwin 1861 Bartow 1864 … Read more

Coweta County Georgia Marriages 1832-1850

The following marriage records have been extracted from Coweta County Georgia court records. They contain an index to the marriage records for the years of 1832-1850.

Bibb County, Georgia Marriages 1824-1850

Bibb County, Georgia – Marriage Records 1824-1850. The following marriage records have been extracted from Bibb County Georgia court records. They contain an index to the marriage records for the years of 1824-1850, inclusive.

Bulloch County, Georgia Marriages 1796-1850

Bulloch County, Georgia – Marriage Records 1796-1850. The following marriage records have been extracted from Bulloch County Georgia court records. They contain an index to the marriage records for the years of 1796-1850, inclusive.

Georgia Revolutionary War Pension Records

Revolutionary War Pensions – $ This collection of records includes digital images of entire pension files for soldiers and sailors who served during the Revolutionary War. These records reveal more details about the veteran’s history and service unlike selected service records chosen for genealogical content. They also contain more specific information about a soldier’s family, state of health, and life after the war. Pension Applications (All hosted at USGenWeb Pension Archives unless otherwise noted) Baldwin County Bickham/Beckham, Abner Talbert, Benjamin Butts County Ward, Samuel Campbell County Clinton, William Chattooga County Holbrook, Caleb Columbia County Lambert, John Ramsey, Randal Elbert County … Read more

Creek Indian Wars

The Creek Indians, who had been allies of the British during the War of 1812, were angered by white encroachment on their hunting grounds in Georgia and Alabama. In 1813, some Creeks under Chief Red Eagle (William Weatherford) (1780-1824) attacked and burned Fort Mims on the lower Alabama River, killing about 500 whites [the Fort Mims Massacre]. Afterward, US militiamen, led by General Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), invaded Creek territory in central Alabama and destroyed two Indian villages, Talladega and Tallasahatchee, in the fall of 1813. Jackson pursued the Creek, and on March 27, 1814, his 3,000 man army attacked and … Read more

Georgia Civil War Regiments

  Muster Roll of the Georgia Seige Artillery , Apr 1863-May 1865 (hosted at USGenWeb Archives) Muster Roll of the Georgia Seige Artillery , May 1865 (hosted at USGenWeb Archives) Roster of the Troup Artillery (hosted at Troup Artillery) 11th Georgia Artillery Battalion (hosted at Sumter Artillery) Company A Company C 12th Georgia Battalion Company A Coweta County  (hosted at USGenWeb Archives) Company B Washington County Company C Gwinnett, Dekalb, and Heard Counties Company D Richmond County Company F Washington County Lawton-Gordon-Evans Georgia Brigade Partisan Rangers Units and Guerrilla Commands Colquitt’s Brigade (developed by Thomas R. Fasulo) Harrison’s Brigade (developed by Thomas R. … Read more

Georgia Civil War Pensions

All pages listed, hosted at USGenWeb Archives Project Georgia Babb, Tillman L. Invalid Application Babb, William A. Widow’s Application & Misc. Badger, George M. Widow’s Application Extracts Ballard, James Pope , Daughters’ Application Extracts Boyd, W. L. E. , Widow’s Application Boyd, William , Invalid Application Brewer, John Wesley , Invalid, Widow’s Applications & Misc Bridges, Wiley Jones , Father’s Application & Misc Bryan, W. A. , Invalid Questionnaire & Misc Caldwell, P. Ct. , Widow’s Questionnaire & Misc. Chambers, William , Invalid Questionnaire, Csr Extracts & Misc. Coulter, R. M. V. , Invalid, Widow’s Questionnaire & Misc. Forshee, Noah … Read more

Georgia War of 1812 Pensions

Pension application files for most War of 1812 veterans, however, will be found in the second series of pension files, i.e., those based on the acts of 1871 and 1878. These acts, based on length of service alone, relate mostly to militia veterans called to federal service. The 1871 act provided pensions to veterans who had served at least sixty days or to their widows if they had married before 1815. The 1878 act provided pensions to those veterans, or their widows, who only served fourteen days. By the time these acts were passed, most applicants were widows or minors … Read more

Georgia 1920 -1930 Census Records

  Georgia Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Georgia census information directly from your computer at home.   1920 Fannin County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb Census Project)Franklin County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb Census Project) Noontootla Stock Hill Districts Bryant’s District Bryant’s District Bryant’s District Lavonia City Lavonia City Lavonia City Lavonia City Lavonia City Gunnels District Gunnels District Gunnels District Gunnels District Huntsville … Read more

Georgia 1900 Census Records

  Georgia Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Georgia census information directly from your computer at home. 1900 Chattooga County Georgia (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project) Part 1 Crawford County Georgia (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project) 521 Dist GM 521 Dist GM 521 Dist GM 521 Dist GM Part 1 Glascock County Georgia (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project) Part 1 1167 Militia District … Read more

Georgia 1910 Census Records

Georgia Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Georgia census information directly from your computer at home.  

Georgia 1870 Census Records

Georgia Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Georgia census information directly from your computer at home. 1870 Bryan County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb Census Project ) Index A-Buc Index Buck-Eng Index Engl-Hou Index Hous-McG Index McKn-Shu Index Shum-Wil Index Will-Zoucks Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Carroll County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb Census … Read more

Georgia 1880 Census Records

Georgia Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Georgia census information directly from your computer at home.   1880 Echols County Georgia (hosted by Echols County Georgia GAGenWeb Project) Partial Haralson County Georgia (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project) Index Part 1 Madison County Georgia (hosted at USGenWeb Census Project) Index (A-B) Index (C-E) Index (F-H) Index (I-M) Index (N-R) Index (S-V) Index (W-Z) Milton … Read more

Georgia 1860 Census Records

Georgia Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Georgia census information directly from your computer at home.  1860

Georgia 1850 Census Records

  Georgia Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Georgia census information directly from your computer at home.   1850 Bryan County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb Census Project) Part 1 Camden County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb Census Project) Index (A-L) Index (M-Z) Part 1 Part 2 Carroll County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb Census Project) Eleventh Division Eleventh Division Chatham County Georgia (hosted by USGenWeb … Read more