Biography of James Ferdinand Fleming

One of the most interesting of the pioneer citizens of Pulaski was James Ferdinand Fleming. His parents, James and Elizabeth Leonard Fleming, came from South Carolina in 1855 and settled at “Seven Miles Farm,” where he was born on June 8, 1858. When quite young he learned his first lesson in thrift by hauling logs to pay his tuition to private school. He proved himself a good student and won a certificate of merit. He began business as a farmer, but in 1883 he entered the mercantile business, which he continued successfully in the same building until his death. His … Read more

Biography of Eden Baskin Hatcher

Major John Hatcher, Revolutionary patriot of Wilkinson County, was the father of William Green Hatcher of Crawford County, who was the father of Cicero R. Hatcher, Perry, Georgia, and he was the father of Eden Baskin Hatcher of Pulaski County, the subject of this sketch, who was born in Crawford County, on Hatcher plantation, November 8, 1864. He moved to Pulaski County in 1910. He was educated in Bibb County and Macon High Schools, and married Miss Mary Elizabeth Hicks, of Taylor County, August 18, 1885. They had six children: Eulahlia, who married M. R. Miles, whose children are: Marian, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mary Fleming

Mary, born August 8, 1821, married William G. Fleming on January 4, 1843. They settled about three miles from Hawkinsville near what is now the Eastman highway, where her youngest son, E. Green Fleming, still lives with his wife, who was Miss Dora Lomon of Cochran. His only son, Robert F., was assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Hawkinsville for some time before enlisting in the army during the World War. Robert was one of Pulaski’s first volunteers to go overseas and served in Company K, 82d Division. He became weakened by the hardships and exposure of long … Read more

Biography of John Henry Caldwell

The members of the Henry-Caldwell family are descended from ancient families of England, France, and Ireland. Judge John Henry, head of the Henry-Caldwell family in Hawkinsville, was born June 12, in Belfast, Ireland. At the age of five years he came with his parents to this country, locating at Westfield, New York, and coming to Georgia as a very young man. For several years he lived at Hayneville, in Houston County, where he married Miss Civility Coates Kendrick, a descendant of some of the first families of Virginia, who served with distinction during the Colonial and Revolutionary periods. Just after … Read more

Biography of L. F. Finleyson

L. F. Finleyson was born in Bibb County in 1861. He moved to Wilcox County, near Finleyson, in 1899. He married Miss Mollie Hendley of Pulaski County in 1885. She was a woman of great strength of character, one who in deed and in truth labored side by side with her husband in every worthy undertaking. They had nine children, all of whom were boys: J. L. Finleyson, born 1887, farmer, married Sadie Horne in 1906; two children, Mildred and Loyd. B. L. Finleyson, born 1888, married Jewel Nelson in 1915, died 1918;. one son, Clayton Nelson, born in 1916. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. A. Haskins Jr.

The Honorable Hilary Alger Haskins, Ordinary of Pulaski County, was born April 10, 1890. He is the son of the late Hugh Augustus Haskins and Mrs. Nancy Fleming Haskins. He received his early education in the schools of this county. In 1912 he came to Hawkinsville and entered the mercantile business. Later he studied pharmacy and engaged in the drug business until 1923. During that year his father, who was Ordinary, died, and he was elected for the unexpired term and has continually been reelected since. This shows the confidence and high esteem in which he is held by his … Read more

Biography of John Buchan

The great-grandfather of the Buchans of Pulaski County was John Buchan, a Scotchman. He married Rachel McBride (Irish), and they were immigrants from Carolina in the early part of the eighteenth century. He was an extensive landholder in Pulaski and what is now Dodge, Bleckley, and Laurens Counties, and was Justice of the Peace in 1844 and tax collector in 1852-53. To this union seven children were born. Of these, David Augustus Buchan, a prominent farmer, cattle and slave owner, remained in Pulaski. He married Martha Simmons, and during the Confederate War served in Company J, Fifth Regiment, Georgia Reserves. … Read more

Biography of Nicholas Cabero

Perhaps nothing has meant more to the present business and civic life of Hawkinsville than the “Invasion of the Greeks,” more appropriately termed, the arrival of the Cabero brothers. Before that time Greeks had occasionally entered the field of business in Hawkinsville only to remain a short while and pass on, soon to be numbered among the forgotten. When the Cabero brothers, Nicholas, Leonidas, and Andrew, arrived, although small boys when they left their native country, they seemed destined to cast their lot in Hawkinsville, soon to become staunch, reliable and substantial citizens. They are now numbered among the leading … Read more

Biography of William Alexander Ferguson

The younger of two sons, only children of James B. and Martha Byrd Ferguson, William Ferguson was born in Bertie County, North Carolina, June 9, 1819. Grandparents on maternal side were John and Elizabeth Byrd. He married Margaret Ann Lee, December 16, 1836, whose early ancestors were from Virginia. She received her education from private tutors and Chawan College, Murfreesboro, N. C. Her father was William Henry Lee, her grandfather, Henry Lee. Her mother was Nancy Horne Lee, her grandmother, Annie Lee. Maternal side, her grandparents were Turner and Margaret Horne. Eight children were born to William and Margaret Ferguson. … Read more

Biography of Judge Hugh Augustus Haskins

Judge Hugh Augustus Haskins, generally beloved and highly respected citizen of Pulaski County, was born December 9, 1848, in this county. He was the son of Ottoway Haskins and Elizabeth Burkhalter Haskins, who were married March 26, 1844. When only sixteen years of age, he enlisted in the Confederate Army, on November 29, 1864, where he served with bravery till he was paroled May 2, 1865. He was one of the outstanding farmers of Pulaski County, and served the county as tax collector from the year 1895 to 1911. In 1912 he moved to Hawkinsville, and, upon the death of … Read more

Biography of John Daniel DuPree

The DuPree family settled nine miles southwest of Hawkinsville, in what later became DuPree’s Militia District of Pulaski County, in the early 1800’s, and some of- their descendants have lived there continually since. John Daniel DuPree is a direct descendant of Jeremiah DuPree, born in 1754, in Brunswick County, Virginia. Early in life Jeremiah moved to Greensville County, Virginia, from which place he volunteered for the Revolution in 1777, and was appointed ensign. In the Battle of Guilford he received a severe wound which disabled him for three months. He later re-entered the service, was in the expedition to Yorktown … Read more

Biography of L. S. Harrell

Noteworthy among the active and enterprising citizens of Hawkinsville and Pulaski County is Lou Stephen Harrell. He is ever using his means and influence to advance the various worthy objects connected with his community. Mr. Harrell was born August 30, 1878. His ancestry on both sides can be traced beyond the sixteenth century. Among the pioneer settlers of Pulaski County, his Harrell and Mitchell ancestors are outstanding, having engaged in the Revolutionary War and the War Between the States. His father, Benjamine Hamilton Harrell, married Mary Obedience Mitchell. It is interesting to know that his Harrell grandparents were: Wright W. … Read more

Biography of Pleasant H. Lovejoy

Pleasant H. Lovejoy, public-spirited, civic leader, prominent public official, and Christian gentleman. There is a sentiment and an inspiration among “the old red hills of Georgia” that “breeds and makes real men,” and in this atmosphere, in the county of Jasper, “Plez” Lovejoy first saw the light of day. Filled with energy and courage, he enlisted in the Confederate Army as a 16-year-old boy. Beginning life during the days of Southern reconstruction, facing the struggle and deprivations that fell on every one, he took his stand in the forefront of the battle for existence and, aided by sacrifice, effort and … Read more

Biography of William Benjamin Richardson

William Benjamin Richardson was born October 31, 1867. He was the son of Dr. Stephen Lawrence Richardson, prominent physician and surgeon, and Susan Radford Richardson, of Twiggs County. Early in life he was bereft of parents and was forced to seek a livelihood for himself. With his blithe courage and rugged determination he used the obstacles he encountered as opportunities to succeed. He united with Mount Calvary Baptist Church at Cary, Ga., and was called to serve as deacon soon thereafter, and was active in this work until he moved away. A lover of the simple and natural things of … Read more

Biography of John James Whitfield

The oldest son of a family of eight children who survived infancy, the exigencies of the situation prevented even a high school education, for at the age of 14 he entered the path as assistant bread winner, taking store jobs at meager pay with John Henry & Son, then M. D. Willcox, D. C. Joiner, and at the age of 17, with Merritt & Coney. On the dissolution of the latter firm, with R. A. Merritt taking the hardware division, young Whitfield entered that business. Mr. Merritt, going to Macon to live in 1889, sold his young protégé a half … Read more

Biography of Thomas E. Lovejoy

Among the historic landmarks that took rank and prominence in the days of “Georgia’s Aristocratic Knighthood” was “Old Spalding,” in Macon County, Georgia, and it was here that Thomas E. Lovejoy, the eldest son of the late P. H. and Henrietta Lovejoy, was born, sixty years ago. Graduating in the schools of Hawkinsville, he later finished his business course in Poughkeepsie, New York. He began his career in the grocery business with T. R. Wilcox, under the firm name of Wilcox & Lovejoy, in Hawkinsville. Very soon he became assistant cashier of the Planters Bank of this city, continuing in … Read more

Biography of Thomas Bartow Ragan

Thomas Bartow Ragan was born on a plantation in Pulaski County, Georgia, November 28, 1862, of sturdy Sew-Irish stock, the son of Alexander and Sophia Davis Ragan. Alexander Ragan was born in Robinson County, North Carolina, in 1827, and was but eight years old when his family moved to Georgia. He became a farmer and married Sophia, daughter of H. L. Davis, judge and justice in the early days of Pulaski County. Thomas Bartow Ragan was reared on the farm. He attended the country schools and supplemented his instruction by study, reading, and, later, by travel. At eighteen he came … Read more

Biography of Jacob Watson

The Watson family, coming from the Edgefield District of South Carolina, played a small part in the early history of Pulaski County. Watson and his son, Jacob Watson II came to Pulaski County in its early age (date unknown), just before the town of Hartford was organized in 1811. Jacob Watson I did not stay in Pulaski long, moving to Tennessee, Jacob Watson II remaining a citizen of Hartford. He was a sergeant in the Allen Tooke Company and served as a lieutenant under R. E. Thomas, captain, in the War of 1812, serving at Fort Mitchell from November 22, … Read more

Biography of Henry Waterman Sr.

Henry Waterman, Sr., was born in Germany, February 13, 1841. At the age of ten he went to New York to live, and two years later moved to Macon, Ga. He was married to Louisa Harris of Augusta, Ga., March 25, 1860. At the beginning of the War Between the States he enlisted on the side of the Confederacy and fought until the close of the war. Seven children were born to Henry and Louisa Harris Waterman, two having died in infancy. Henry Waterman, Jr., married Theresa Worthington, of Peoria, Illinois; Mollie Waterman married Henry L. Manne; Alice married Samuel … Read more

Biography of John W. and Robert J. Lancaster

John Wilson, born August 1, 1843, and Robert Johnson, born March 6, 1852, were sons of William (born April 13, 1813, died May 8, 1903) and Pherbia Wilson Lancaster (born March 9, 1821, died April 16, 1900), and grandsons of Washington and Nancy Johnson Lancaster, who came here from Burke County and built a nice home near what is now Bembry’s Mill. Washington obtained these lands, including lot No. 388, the mill site, from William S. Lancaster, a Revolutionary soldier, who purchased the latter from Cornelia Dunahoo at the land drawing in Milledgeville, November 7, 1807. The deed to this … Read more