The Track Rock Terrace Complex

In mid-July, a member of the Unicoi Turnpike Preservation Association,  telephoned me after reading an article that I had written in the Examiner. That particular column was about archaeological sites in western North Carolina.  He was also a member of the Towns County, GA Historical Society.  The Union County-Towns County line runs across the peak of Brasstown Bald Mountain, which contains Georgia’s highest elevation.  Brasstown Bald is immediately to the east of Track Rock Gap. The outdoor enthusiast was primarily interested in what I knew about the use of the Unicoi Turnpike during the Trail of Tears Period (1836-1838.)  The … Read more

Pre Darmos Casada

An inscription on a rock on Hoopers Bald contains the late Medieval Castillian words “PRE DARMOS CASADA – SEP 15, 1615” and an inscription on a boulder at Track Rock Gap contains the name “Liube 1725” a Jewish name… the significance of these inscriptions in South East United States are identified in this article.

The Trail to Yupaha

Track Rock Archaeological Site

An AccessGenealogy Exclusive: The Trail to Yupaha – Is Yupaha the Mayan connection to the Indians of the United States? This is a highly contentious look by Richard Thornton at the possibility of a trail he found in the Track Rock Gap area of Georgia being the connection to the Mayan of South America… The History Channel premiered it’s new show “American Unearthed” investigating this very issue. One of the people they interviewed on the show, now tells you in his own words, how this discovery all came about.

Biographical Sketch of John F. Thompson

(See Ghigau)-John Franklin, son of Caleb Starr and Matilda (Cordill) Thompson, was born November 20, 1853 in Union County, Georgia and educated in that State. Married in Georgia Aug. 13, 1876, Amanda C., daughter of Lewis and Catherine Little born Sept. 12, 1813 in N. C. They are the parents of: Lewis Caleb, born June 13, 1877 and died Dec. 4, 1899; David Elihu, born Aug. 4, 1878 and died Nov. 7, 1920; William Lafayette, born Nov. 13, 1879; Annie M. born July 19, 1881, died Jan. 30, 1903; John Nelson, born April 10, 1883; Mary S. born Oct. 29, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Felix G. Cowan

Richard Cowan was born October 9, 1839, in Georgia, and married in April, 1865, in Illinois, Elzada Allen, born November 22, 1840, in Tennessee. They were the parents of Felix G. Cowan, born July 22, 1866, in Illinois; and Sarah Cowan, who married James A. Thompson, and is now deceased. Mr. Cowan was educated in the Cherokee Nation, and married on June 1, 1886, Lulu Murry, and on March 22, 1909, he married at Indianola, Iowa, Rebecca Blair, daughter of Calvin C., and Cirthia Blair. Mrs. Cowan had three brothers and one sister as follows: William E., Jane A., Almus … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. John England

Susan Maude, daughter of Joseph Wesley and Martha (Perry) Davis was born February 5, 1879 in Georgia and educated in that State. She married in Georgia May 12, 1897 John, son of Joseph and Susan England. They are the parents of. Frederick Price, born November 6, 1898; Pauline, born February 9, 1901, married July 16, 1919 David C. Smith and has one daughter, Ruby Lee Smith, born April 19, 1920; Doc Herron, born April 18, 1904; Willie May, born July 18, 1906; Susan Maude, born January 20, 1909; Joseph Preston, born May 18, 1911 and Martha Lou, born February 26, … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Julia M. Boling

(See Grant)-Julia Matilda daughter of John and Ruth (Hall) was born Tuesday June 22, 1869 in Georgia. Married at the Martin Davis homestead on the Chickamauga battle ground, Georgia, December 3, 1891 James Madison, son of Reuben and Marguerite Boling born 31, 1856. He graduated from University of Georgia, Graduate of Missouri Medical College, Louis and University of Pennsylvania, Boling, who was a thirty second degree in died June 6, 1916. A pioneer physician and friend to the Cherokee and did much good. Reserved, talented and gracious; Mrs. Boling being possessed of ample means maintains a home in Tulsa, but … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cicero, J. Strange

(See Grant, Ghigau, Oolootsa and Adair)-Cicero James, son of William and Samantha (Boss) Strange was born February 8, 1874 in Georgia and educated in that state. Married at Chelsea December 24, 1894, Mary Bright, daughter of John Polk and Emily Jane (Walker) Drake, born January 28, 1878. They are the parents of: Mary Emma, born September 30, 1895; John Drake born February 13, 1895; Janie Anna, born April 5, 1900; Ella, born Feb. 11, 1902; Lulu Euphemia born June 26, 1904; Frank J. born February 27, 1906; Charles, born Jan. 4, 1909; Florence, born Sent. 17, 1916 and Margaret Strange … Read more

Biography of Mrs. F. B. Fite

(See Grant)-Julia Theresa, daughter of William Columbus and Jane (Davis) Patton was born December 29, 1867 in Walker County, Georgia. Educated at Drury College, Springfield, Missouri, and Vassar College. She married at Vinita November 13, 1889 Francis Bartow, son of H. W. and Sarah (Denman) Fite, born October 17, 1861 in Bartow County, Georgia. He graduated in 1886 from the Southern Medical College at Atlanta, Georgia, having received the medal for highest efficiency in his class. He is a leader in Oklahoma in surgery and civic progress. Dr. and Mrs. Fite, whose home is in Muskogee, are the parents of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas D. Bard Jr.

(See Cordery, Foreman and Blackburn)-Thomas Dunn, son of Thomas Dunn and Laura (Rogers) Bard, was born Oct. 4, 1880 in Dalton, Georgia. Educated in the Cherokee National Schools and Willie Halsell College. Joined the “Rough Riders” but mustered out on account of defective vision. Married at Claremore January 2, 1910, Elizabeth Belle, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Cherokee (Wisner) Prather, born July 29, 1889. They are the parents of: Jennie May, born Nov. 29, 1910; Jackson Rogers, born June 21, 1912 and Thomas Dunn Bard Ill, born May 24, 1915. Elizabeth Belle was educated at the Female Seminary and was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John G. Cearley

(See Ghigau and England)-John Gordon, son of Edmond Jeptlta and Sarah Letitia (Thompson) Cearley, born in Georgia May 19, 1880, educated in that State and in the Cherokee Nation. Married at Neosho, Missouri, January 15, 1908, Gertrude N., daughter of John Wesley and Ida Josephine (Jenkins) Harris, born near Vinita, January 13, 1899. They are the parents of Howard Luther, born October 8, 1908; Kenneth Raymond, born November 16, 1910 and John Gordon Cearley, born June 28, 1914. Mr. Cearley is a farmer near Big Cabin. Nannie Rider married David Thompson. Their son, Caleb Starr Thompson, married Matilda Cordill and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. John M. Carroll

(See Raper, Townsend)-Mary C. daughter of Thomas Martin and Marcella Fernandas (Townsend) Raper, was born in Georgia June 5, 1876, educated in Georgia, Indian Territory and North Carolina. Married January 8, 1893, John M. son of Jesse R. and Mary Jane Carroll, born Nov. 24, 1870 in Cherokee County, N. Carolina. They are the parents of: Myrtle J. born March 31, 1894. Married J. L. Nall, has one daughter Ella Clementine Nall, born April 20, 1914; Clem, born February 13, 1896; Gillie May, born March 24, 1898, married to James Ellis Sloan, Dec. 1, 1917; Jesse L. born July 11, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. S. Jones

(See Foreman).— Mary Elizabeth Dege, born in Atlanta, Georgia, October 30, 1881, educated at Pryor and Female Seminary. Married Oct­ober 5, 1907, J. S. Jones, D. D. S. They are the parents of James Staunton, born January 5, 1909; Mary Pauline, born July 7. 1911 and Helen Mercedes Jones, born September 13, 1913. Dr. Jones is a graduate of the Southern Dental College of Atlanta, Georgia. He was a volunteer in the World War and was stationed at Camp Greenleaf, was commissioned a First Lieutenant and transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Received his discharge on January 21, 1919. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James G. Keith

James G., son of Joel M. and Susan Ann (McClure) Keith was born in Georgia, March 4, 1874, and educated in that State. He married at Claremore, March 4, 1900, Lottie, daughter of A. L. and Abigal Knox, born April 2, 1880 in Concordia, Kansas and was educated in that state. They are the parents of: Joel A., born May 27, 1901; Viola R., born January 7, 1903; James R., born October 27, 1905; Mary A., born August 2, 1907; Susan H., born November 7, 1916; Sarah Charlotte born February 25, 1919; and LaVaughn Keith, born July 26, 1921. Mr. … Read more

Treaty of August 9, 1814

Articles of agreement and capitulation, made and concluded this ninth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, between major general Andrew Jackson, on behalf of the President of the United States of America, and the chiefs, deputies, and warriors of the Creek Nation. WHEREAS an unprovoked, inhuman, and sanguinary war, waged by the hostile Creeks against the United States, hath been repelled, prosecuted and determined, successfully, on the part of the said States, in conformity with principles of national justice and honorable warfare– And whereas consideration is due to the rectitude of proceeding dictated by instructions relating to … Read more

Treaty of May 6, 1828

Treaty of May 6, 1828, page 9

Articles of a Convention, concluded at the City of Washington this sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, between James Barbour, Secretary of War, being especially authorized therefore by the President of the United States, and the undersigned, Chiefs and Head Men of the Cherokee Nation of Indians, West of the Mississippi , they being duly authorized and empowered by their Nation. Whereas, it being the anxious desire of the Government of the United States to secure to the Cherokee nation of Indians, as well those now living within the limits … Read more

16th Century French Exploration of North America

Arx Carolina

An AccessGenealogy Exclusive: Richard Thornton’s study of the Sixteenth Century French Exploration of North America – replete with maps and images – Much of the research in this report was drawn from two books by former Congressman Charles Bennett of Florida, which were interpolated with the author’s personal knowledge of Georgia coast – while fishing, canoeing, sailing and camping in the region between Darien, GA and Jacksonville, FL. The author was born in Waycross, GA, is a Creek Indian and is an expert on Muskogean culture. The first book by Bennett, Three Voyages, translated the memoirs of Captain René Goulaine de Laudonniére. The second book by Bennett, De Laudonniére and Fort Caroline, translated the memoirs and letters by other members of the French colonizing expeditions. These books are supplemented by the English translation of Jacques Le Moyne’s illustrated book, Brevis narratio eorum quae in Florida Americai provincia Gallis acciderunt,” Le Moyne was the official artist of the Fort Caroline Colony, and one of the few who survived its massacre by the Spanish.

The Cherokee Land Lottery

1830 Map of Cherokee Territory in Georgia

The Land Lottery dataset contains the names and residence of all the fortunate drawers in the Land Lottery of the Cherokee country, arranged by districts in numerical order, all carefully copied from the originals in the Executive Department and the office of the Surveyor General, designating also the lots which have been granted. We have given the quality of the lots in some instances, but not generally, deeming it altogether unimportant, from the well known inaccuracy of the surveyors in classing their value, and from the additional fact that very few individuals engage in contracts for real estate until they are enabled by personal observation to place a proper estimate upon the premises. By reference to the numerical list, the drawer’s name and residence can be readily ascertained.

Slave Narrative of Eliza Whitmire

Person Interviewed: Eliza Whitmire Location: Vinita, Oklahoma Date of Birth: 1833 Age: 102 My name is Eliza Whitmire. I live on a farm, near Estella, where I settled shortly after the Civil War and where I have lived ever since. I was born in slavery in the state of Georgia, my parents having belonged to a Cherokee Indian of the name of George Sanders, who owned a large plantation in the old Cherokee Nation, in Georgia. He also owned a large number of slaves but I was too young to remember how many he owned. I do not know the … Read more

Slave Narrative of Alfred Smith

Person Interviewed: Alfred Smith Place of Birth: Calhoon, Georgia Occupation: Farmer I was born in Calhoon, Georgia. I don’t know the date of birth, but as near as I can get at, my age is 80 years old. My mother’s name is Mary Johnson and my father’s name is Alexandra Hamilton. He was named for his first master, but was later sold to Master Smith. I haven’t seen neither of them. I don’t even know how or who raised me up into the teens in age. I just remember my working here and there for what I could get. I … Read more