Unalachtigo Tribe

Unalachtigo Indians (properly W’nalātchtko, people who live near the ocean,’ because of their proximity to Delaware Bay – Brinton). The southernmost of the three main divisions of the Delaware, occupying the west bank of Delaware river, in Delaware, and probably also the east bank, in New Jersey, since many of the Delaware were forced to cross the river to escape the inroads of the Conestoga. Their totem was the turkey, whence they have been known as the Turkey tribe of the Delaware.

According to Brinton the totem has no reference to gentes, but was merely the emblem of a geographic division. Their principal seat was Chikohoki, on the site of Burlington, New Jersey.


Delaware, Unalachtigo,

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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