True Relations – Twelve Great Coppers

Last Updated on January 8, 2015 by Dennis

Captain Newport would not with less then twelve great coppers try his kindness, which he liberally requited with as much corn as a Chickhamania, I had for one of less proportions. And our hatches he would also have at his own rate and for which kindness he mush seemed to effect Captain Newport, some few bunches of blue beads I had, which he so desired and seeing a few he offered me a basket of two pecks, and that which I Drew to be three pecks at least and yet he seemed contented and desired more. I agreed with him the next day for two bushels. The ebb now enabled us to return to our boat. Although he encouraged us to stay for dinner, which he was providing, and being ready, he sent aboard after us, the dinner was bread and venison, sufficient for thirty or forty people.

The next day he sent his son in the morning for us not to bring a shore with us any pieces (arms), at least his women and children should not fear.

Captain Newport’s good belief would have satisfied that request yet twenty or thirty five shot we got ashore. The king in proclaiming us to leave our arms aboard ship, much mistaking my sword, pistol and target, I told him the men that slay my brother, with the like words he had persuaded me, and being unharmed shot at us and so betrayed us.

He often told Captain Newport that his men might leave their arms, which still he commended to the water side. This day we spent in trading for blue beads, and having near straighten our barge.

Captain Newport returned with them that came aboard, leaving myself and Paister Scriuener a shore to follow the canoes, and into one I got with five of our men, which being launched were stones cast from the shore struck fast in the Des. Paister Scriuener seeing this example, of seven to eight more passed the dreadful bridge, thinking to have found deeper water on the creek, but they were force to stay with such entertainment as a savage. Those being forced to stay in the wind and rain, staying in his canoe, as commonly they were. His house and household were instantly set up of mats which covered them from the storm.

The Indians seeing me stranded in the river, called to me, and then five to seven of the Kings chief men threw off their skins and jump in the middle of the river and came to carry me out on their heads. Their importance caused me better to like the canoe than their curtsy, excusing my denial for fear to fall into the river. Desiring them to bring me some wood, fire and mats to cover me, and I would content them. Each of them gave me their help to satisfy my request. In which pains a house scarcely have endured, yet a couple of bells richly contented them.

The Emperor sent his seamen Mantiuas in the evening with bread and vitals for me and my men. He was no more suspicious then the rest and he seemed to take pride in showing how little he regarded that miserable cold and dirty passage, though a dog would scarcely have endured it. This kindness I found when I little expected less than mischief, but the black night parting our companies, At midnight the flood seemed to carry us abroad. The next day we came ashore, and the King with a Solomon discourse causing all to depart, all but his principal men and this was the effect, when we had a desire to invade Monacum, against whom he was no professed enemy. Yet so far he would outfit us in this enterprise. First he would send his spies to perfectly understand their strength and ability to fight, in which he would against us or any enemy.





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