Sheriffs of the Cherokee Nation

Sheriffs of Canadian District

  • 1841 and 1843. James Mackey;
  • James Ore 1845;
  • Josiah Reese 1847;
  • John Shepherd Vann 1849;
  • James Starr 1851;
  • Nelson Riley 1853;
  • Joseph M. Reese 1855;
  • John Porum Davis 1857;
  • Charles Drew 1859;
  • Unknown 1861;
  • Charles Drew 1867;
  • John Q. Hayes 1869 and 1871;
  • Stand Watie Gray’ 1873;
  • Thomas Jefferson Bean 1875 and 1877, he was suspended and Henry Clay Lowrey was appointed April 16, 18 79;
  • McCoy Smith, 1879,
  • William Mosley West 1881;
  • Stand Watie Gray 1883, he was suspended and William Vann, appointed June 20, 1884;
  • William Vann 1885, 1887, 1889 and 1891;
  • John Calhoun West 1803;
  • Robert Emmett West 1895 and Thomas Graves 1907.

Sheriffs of Cooweescoowee District

  • John W. T. Spencer 1855;
  • John Lucien Brown 1857;
  • Daniel Ross Hicks 1859;
  • Unknown IS6I;
  • John Gunter Schrimsher 1867;
  • John W. T. Spencer 1869 and 1871, he was suspended for attempting to destroy election returns and John M. Smith was appointed December 2, 1872;
  • William McCracken 1871 and 1875;
  • John Gunter Scrimsher 1877;
  • Jesse Cochran 1879;
  • Samuel Houston Mayes 1881;
  • Jesse Cochran 1883;
  • William Edward Sanders 1885 and 1887;
  • Edward Alexander Adair 1889;
  • William Edward Sanders 1891;
  • James Tandy Musgrove 1893, he was killed June 3, 1895 and Joel Bryan Cornelius Ward was appointed;
  • Joel Bryan Cornelius Ward 1895 and 1897.

Sheriffs of Delaware District

  • Jesse Cochran 1841 and 1843;
  • Choo-wa-chu-kuh 1845;
  • Charles Landrum 1847 and 1849;
  • Jesse Buffington 1851;
  • Choo-wa-chu-kuh 1853;
  • Archibald Ballard 1855 and 1857; suspended and Choo-wa-chu-kuh appointed;
  • Archibald Ballard 1859;
  • Thomas Jefferson McGhee 1867;
  • William Snell 1869;
  • Stand Suagee 1871;
  • John Martin Daniel 1875;
  • James Tincup 1875 and 1877;
  • Andrew Cummings Johnson 1879;
  • David Suagee 1881;
  • Joseph D Muskrat 1883;
  • Benjamin Seth Landrum 1885;
  • William Penn Henderson 1887;
  • Percy Wyley 1889;
  • Thomas Jefferson Monroe 1891;
  • Thomas Jefferson Muskrat 1893;
  • John Lafayette Dameron 1895
  • Benjamin Cornelius England 1897.

Sheriffs of Flint District

  • William Griffin 1841, 1843 and 1845, he was suspended December 4, 1845;
  • William Foreman 1847;
  • Isaac Proctor 1849;
  • William Chambers 1851;
  • Runabout Scraper 1853, 1855 and 1857;
  • Samuel Adair 1859; Unknown 1861;
  • Jackson Christy 1867;
  • Unknown i860;
  • John B. Tulsa 1871;
  • Lewis Quinton 1873;
  • Cicero Leonidas Lynch 1875 and 1877;
  • John Bell Adair 1870;
  • Ellis Starr 1881;
  • Thomas Tail 1883 and 1885, he died September 18, 1886 and Charles Smith was appointed;
  • Richard Lee Taylor 1887 and 1889;
  • John Bell Adair 1891;
  • Richard Lee Taylor 1893;
  • Charles Smith 1895 and
  • John Bell Adair 1897.

Sheriffs of Going Snake District

  • George Washington Scraper 1841 and 1843;
  • Benjamin Vann 1845,
  • Aaron Wilkerson 1847 and 1849;
  • Eli Sanders 1851;
  • Cornelius Wright 1853,
  • Eli Sanders 1855;
  • Cornelius Wright 1857;
  • Eli Sanders 1859;
  • Ezekial Proctor 1867;
  • Daniel Webster 1869;
  • John R. Wright 1871, 1873 and 1875;
  • John Walkingstick 1877;
  • Nelson Foreman 1879;
  • George Washington Lee 1881;
  • Andrew Taylor Akin 1883;
  • John Walkingstick 1885;
  • Lincoln England 1887
  • Benjamin Knight 1880;
  • Thomas Welch 1891;
  • Isaac Walkingstick 1893, killed May 4, 1 804 and Ezekial Proctor appointed;
  • John Sanders 1895 and 1897.

Sheriffs of Illinois District

  • Alexander Foreman 1841 and 1843;
  • George Fields 1845;
  • Samuel McDaniel Taylor 1847;
  • Robert Brown 1849;
  • Tatnall Holt Post 1851;
  • Corn-silk 1853;
  • John W. Brown 1855;
  • George Washington Brewer 1857;
  • Martin McCoy 1859;
  • Bear Brown 1867;
  • William Young 1869;
  • Lovely Rogers 1871, 1873 and 1875, he died and Emory Linder was appointed January 5, 1877
  • Dekinney Waters 1877, he was elected to council and resigned and Edward Adair Walker was appointed on November 3, 1879;
  • Redbird Smith 1879,
  • Samuel McCoy 1881;
  • Thomas R. Gourd 1883;
  • John Lafayette Brown 1885;
  • John Benge 1887;
  • John Lafayette Brown 1889, 1891 and 1893;
  • Henry Ganoe Adair 1895
  • Joseph J. Cookson 1897.

Sheriffs of Saline District

  • John Lucien Brown 1841, 1843 and 1845;
  • George Cochran 1847,
  • Hiram Terrell Landrum 1849;
  • George Cochran 1851;
  • Jefferson Hicks 1853 and 1855;
  • Joseph V. Clingan 1857 and 1859;
  • George Downing 1867;
  • Backwater 1869;
  • John Leaf Springston 1871, suspended and Frank Consene, appointed;
  • Jackson Rope 1873 and 1875, he died and John Wickliffe, appointed;
  • Henry Clay Ross 1877, 1879 and 1881;
  • Osceola Powell Benge 1883 and 1885;
  • Edward Sylvester Adair 1887;
  • Jesse Sunday 1889, he died and William Smith was appointed February 11, 1890;
  • John North West 1891;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Rowe 1893;
  • John Henry Ross 1895, he died and George Downing was appointed September 23, 1897;
  • David Ridge 1897, he died and James Lovely Bumgarner was appointed.

Sheriffs of Sequoyah District

  • Carter Daniel 1853;
  • Bluford Baldridge 1855 and 1857;
  • Bat Puppy.
  • Jesse Baldridge 1867;
  • Rufus Bell Adair 1869;
  • Samuel Gunter 1871, he died and Bluford Baldridge was appointed;
  • Richard Benge 1873;
  • John Edward Gunter 1875 and 1877;
  • Albert M. Johnson 1879 and 1881, he was killed May 5, 1882 and Robert Faulkner was appointed;
  • Thomas Blair 1883,
  • George Washington Baldridge 1885;
  • Thomas Blair 1887;
  • Josiah Seabolt 1889;
  • Robert Czarnikow 1891;
  • John Faulkner 1895;
  • Mitchell Ellis 1895
  • George Washington Baldridge 1897.

Sheriffs of Skin Bayou District

  • George C. Lowrey 1841, 1843 and 1845;
  • Daniel Ross Nave 1847 and 1849;
  • William Benge 1851.

Sheriffs of Tahlequah District

  • Benjamin Downing 1841 and 1843;
  • Daniel Grasshopper 1845;
  • Nicholas Byars Sanders 1847, 1849 and 1851;
  • Benjamin Downing 1853;
  • Wah-la-nee-la 1855;
  • Nicholas Byars Sanders 1857;
  • Brushwood 1859;
  • Eli Spears 1867, 1869 and 1871;
  • Robert Bruce Ross 1873:
  • Henry Clay Barnes 1875, suspended and John Ross Meigs appointed March 18, 1876, Henry Clary Barnes was reinstated by council and again suspended March 17, 1877 and Harrison Williams, appointed;
  • Henry Clay Barnes 1877;
  • Madison Sanders 1879 and 1881;
  • Aaron Turrell 1883 and 1885, he was suspended August 13, 1887 and John Ross Meigs appointed on same day;
  • George Roach 1887;
  • Jay T. Clark 1889;
  • Ezekial Proctor Parris in I89i;
  • Charles Proctor 1893;
  • Leonard Williams 1895, he was suspended and Philip Osage was appointed on March 20, 1897;
  • Andrew Bell Cunningham 1897.


Indian Territory,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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