New Jersey Indians – B Surnames

Barrenach. Agreement, Dec., 1663. See Matanoo. Bawagtoons (a witness). Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow. Beoppo. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun. Bomokan, I. Indian deed, January 10, 1658. With seven ether Indians, for land on the west side of the North river, from Wiehacken to Constable’s Hoeck. Bussabenaling. See Alpoongan.

New Jersey Indians – A Surnames

Abozaweramud, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. With eleven other “Indian proprietors,” for a tract on Mattawang or Millstone River, extending to Pametapake, opposite Staten Island. Acchipoor of Hoogkong. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo. Ackitoauw (Winfield gives his name as Kikitoauw) and Aiarotuv, Virginians, “inhabitants and joint owners,” for themselves and three other proprietors. Indian deed, Nov. 22, 1630, for Ahasimus and the peninsula Aressick (Jersey City). Winfield’s Hist. Hudson County, 15; N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII., 2; Indians of N. J., 102. Agnamapamund. Indian deed, Nov. 19, 1681. See Pawark. Ahtakkones, Nauhoosing, Okanickkon, Weskeakitt, Petheatus, Apperingues, Kekroppamant. … Read more

New Jersey Indians – C Surnames

Cacanakque, in Indian deed, 1667. See Wapamuck. Calkanicha. King of the Delawares. See History of New Sweden, by Thomas Campanius Holm, in Memoirs of Hist. Soc. of Penn., III., 135. In Smith’s History of N. J. the name is given as Ockanickon, and the other names mentioned in connection with his are given as Iakhursoe and Sheoppy. Campanius gives them as Jahkiosol and Schoppie. See Ockanickon. Camoins (Winfield gives it as Cauwins, which is improbable). Indian deed, Nov. 22, 1630. See Ackitoauw. Canackamack, Capatamin and Thingorawis. Indian deed, September 14, 1677, in the presence of Emerus, Sachem of Navesinks, Queramack, … Read more

New Jersey Indians – N Surnames

Naamucksha. Indian deed, June 20, 1703. See Nanhamman. Nachoenkquy. Indian deed, May I, 1701. See Tapgow. Nacholas, 141. Indian deed, Oct. 29, 1701. See Tallquapie. Nachpong. Indian deed, Dec. 31, 1701. See Tapehou. Nackoniakene. Indian deed, April 12, 1684. See Tallaca. Nackpunck, 97. Indian deed, Nov. 29, 1686. “Weighrerens (on behalf of Nackpunck),” and others. See Hanayahame. Nachpunk is the name of a swamp in the south-eastern portion of Wayne township, which is drained by the Nachpunk brook into the Singack River. In 1898 I was retained to draft an act of the Legislature, incorporating the Borough of Totowa, and … Read more

New Jersey Indians – M Surnames

Machcopoiken. Mentioned in Indian deed, Oct. 29, 1701. See Tallquapie. Machcopoikan, Ashanham, Meshocorrang, lareandy (or lauwandy), Nockapowicke, Vugahen, Wellocke, Indian Sackamackers. Indian deed, Nov. 10, 1701, to John Johnston, for lands in Somerset county, on the west side of the north branch of Raritan River on Rachaneak River. E. J. Deeds, Lib. H, P- 37- Machcote, alias Keneckome, A whips, Negacape and Pamascone. Indian deed, May 12, 1681, for lands on Raritan river and Raweighweros brook. Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery, 53. Macheses. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey. Machierick Hitock, Tospecsmick, Wennaminck Keckquennen, Sachems of Hoppemense, 7. Indian deed, … Read more

New Jersey Indians – L Surnames

Lames. See Alpoongan. Lammusecon. Indian deed, March 30. 1688. See Hoham. Laparomza. Indian deed. Aug. 18, 1713. See Menaukahickon. Lapink. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun. Lappawinza. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Menaukahickon. Lawicowighe. Indian deed, June i, 1701. See Hippoquonow. Lawykaman. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun. Loantique, Taphaow, Manshuen, “with divers others, the owners and proprietors,” etc. Indian deed, March. 1701-2, to the inhabitants of Newark, for lands at Pine Brook, etc. (the Horseneck purchase). This deed having been “lost in a fire in the house of Jonathan Pierson at Newark, providentially burned March 7, … Read more

New Jersey Indians – K Surnames

Kaanserein. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow. Kagkennip, i. Indian deed, Jan. 10, 1658. See Bomokan. Kagno-Onnen. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow. Kahaew. Indian deed, April 21, 1727. See Mowessawach. Kaharosse. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey. Kanashalees. Indian deed, Oct. 23, 1758. See Egohohoun. Karstangh. See Carstangh. Kasamen. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey. Katamas, Sekappie, Poanto alias Enequete, Rennowighwan, Jackickon. Indian deed, Sept. 10, 1677, to Thomas Olive, for lands from Rankokus Creek to Timber creek. W. J. Deeds, Lib. B, Part i, p. 4. Keekott, Robert. Power of attorney, Feb. 23, 1758. … Read more

New Jersey Indians – I Surnames

Iakhursoe. Brother s son of Ockanickon, and appointed by Ockanickon to succeed him as King. Smith’s N. J., 148. See Ockanickon. (Jakhursoe Achcolsoet. one who takes care of a thing, a preserver. Heckewelder’s Dictionary of the Delaware, etc., 383.) Iareandy, Iauwandy. Indian deed, Nov. 10, 1701. See Machcopoikan. Ichchepe, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. See Abozaweramud. Ipan Kickan. Indian chief, of Rancokeskill, N. J. With three other Chiefs, at a conference with Governor Andros, at New Castle, Del., May 13, 1675. N. Y. Col. Docs., XII., 523; N. J. Archives, I., 182. Ireoseke. Indian deed, May 3, 1677. See … Read more

New Jersey Indians – H Surnames

Hagkinsiek (witness), 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow. Haham. Indian deed, Nov. 28, 1701. See Wiequahila. Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow. Haharois. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey. Hairish, in Indian deed, 1667. See Wapamuck. Hamahem, a Sakamaker of the Hackensacks, in 1678. Indians of N. J., 110. Hamakenon. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey. Hamemohakun (signed Henemohokun). Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow. Hanrapen, in Indian deed, 1678. See Manschy. Hanyaham, Hanayaham, Hanayahame, 7. Indian deed, July 20, 1668. See Anaren. Hanyahanum, 18. Indian deed, Feb. 28, 1671-2. See Capatamine. P. 97. Indian deed, … Read more

New Jersey Indians – F & G Surnames

Feetee. Indian sachem, May 30, 1704. See Mahwtatt. Genemay Nemow. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham. Ghonnojea and other “Indians and Sachems.” Indian deed, March 28, 1679, for Haquequenunck. Gnickap, 66. Indian deed, Aug. 22, 1681. See Abozaweramud. Gosque, 7. Indian deed, July 20, 1668. See Anaren. Gottawamerk (witness), 17. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow. Gwach (or Gwach, pachtan). Indian deed, Sept. 16, 1709. See Amegatha.

New Jersey Indians – E Surnames

Echkamare, an Indian of Sussex county, cir. 1715-40. See Ambehoes. Edgaques, Etgaqui. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow. Egohohoun, Chief of the Muncies, Lapink, Nepeas, Mechekamee, Cockalalaman, Lawykaman, Tutalayo, Kanashalees, Homeyquoaw, Beoppo, Pemattase, Quaquenow, Awquawaton, Chief of the Opings or Pomptons, Wettanesseck, Wayweenhunt, and Quiasecament. Signed Homeyquoan, Beoppo, Pemattase, Quaquenow, Awquawaton, Wettanesseck, Wayqueenhunt, Ouiasecamont, Egshohoun, Lapink, Nepeas, Mechekamee, Cockalalaman, Lawyhaman, Tutalayo, Kanashalees. Indian indenture made at Easton, Pa., Oct. 23, 1758, to Gover nor Bernard and Commissioners of New Jersey, for all the rights of the Minnisink or Munsie, and the Oping or Pompton Indians. “The Mingoes or United … Read more

New Jersey Indians – P Surnames

Paakek (or Paakek Siekaak, or Paakli Sekaak), 230. Indian deed, June 6, 1695. See Taepgan. Indians of N. J.. 112. Pachem, “a crafty man” of the Hackensacks, who urged the Indians to a general massacre early in 1643. See Oratamy. N. Y. Col. Docs., IV., 8; Indians of N. J., 104. Pachtan. Indian deed, September 16, 1709. See Amegatha, and Gwach. Paghquehom. Indian deed, May 19, 1671. See Assawakow. Paiquahakopawa. Indian deed, Nov. i, 1714. See Namaliskont. Pajpemoor (Pojpemoor), “brother to and reputed by Pajpemoor,” etc. Agreement, Dec., 1663. See Matanoo. Pakehautas. Indian deed, June 20, 1703. See Nanhamman. Pama … Read more

New Jersey Indians – O Surnames

Ockanickon. Indian sachem at Burlington, about 1680. Budd’s Good Order Established in Pennsilvania and New- Jersey in America, 1685, Gowans’s Reprint, New York, 1685, p. 64; Burrows Brothers Reprint. Cleveland, 1902, p. 67; Smith s N. J., 148. Oheloakhi. Indian deed, Nov. 28, 1701. See Wiequahila. Ohwsilopp, Indian Sachim, May 30, 1709. See Mahwtatatt. Okanickkon, 393. Indian deed, Oct. 10, 1677. See Ahtahkones. Okeyman, 639. Indian deed, June 16, 1703. See Awisham. Okonycan. See Alpoongan. Olamoeerinck. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy. Olamonossecunk. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy. Olomosecunck, 196. Indian deed, Dec. 16, 1689. See Hiphockanoway. … Read more

New Jersey Indians – S Surnames

Sacarois. Indian deed, 16th 9th mo., 1674. Apparently a contraction of Wassakorois, which see. Saccatorey, 559. Indian deed, Nov. 7, 1675. See Allowayes. Sackarois, Sackares, “Indian sachem and true owner of Mattitembe and several other parcels of land there unto adjacent.” Indian deed, December 10, 1674. Signed also with the mark of Sackarois son. An other deed, from same, same day, is also signed with the mark of Sackarois wife. No name is given to either wife or son. E, J. Deeds, Lib. No. i, p. 75, back. Sackatois. Mentioned in Indian deed, 23d 11th mo., 1676. (Same as Sackarois.) … Read more

New Jersey Indians – R Surnames

Raljolin, Ra Golen. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham. Rapighcumen (in the text, but not a signer of the deed). Indian deed, 1714. See Papejeco. Rarawaken. Indian deed, Dec. 31, 1701. See Tapehou. Rawantagwaywoahg. Indian deed, Nov. 17, 1709. See Sherikham. Rawantaques (Rawantagwas). Indian deed, May 19, 1710. See Memerescum. Rawatones. Indian deed, July 15, 1679. See Coovang. Rawautaqwaywoahg. Indian deed, Nov. 18, 1709. See Sherikham. Rawtom, 73. Indian deed, Oct. 16, 1684. See Hayamakeno. Remmatap, “chief of the Indians,” i. Indian deed, Aug. 5, 1650. For lands, bays, creeks and rivers, called Kaonmoes, etc., on the south side … Read more

New Jersey Indians – Q Surname

Quackpacktequa, Namerisko and Mataros, “the natural proprietors of a certain tract of land” at Wanaque, in 1729. Unrecorded deed, quoted in “The Early Days and Early Surveys of East New Jersey,” by William Roome, Morristown, 1883, p. 20. Quaghhum. Indian deed, Nov. 28, 1701. See Wiequahila. Quahick, Indian Sachem of Woomanasung. Indian deed, Aug. 12, 1677. See Janatan. Quanalam, 283. Indian deed, Sept. 2, 1696. See Mockhanghan. See also Mochanhan. Quanolam. Indian deed, June 1 6, 1703. See Wickwella. Quanolom. Indian deed, March 10, 1702-3. See Wickwella. Quaquahela. Said to have been a “great sachem” near Lake Hopatcong, according to … Read more

New Jersey Indians – T Surnames

Tachthochear. Indian deed, Dec. 10, 1737, to Jurian Thomase, of Bergen county, yeoman, and Adrian A. Post, of Essex County, baker, for the bottom of the River Passaic, a little piece above where the bridge formerly lay over the river. E. J. Deeds, Lib. 2, p. 158. Taepan or Taepgan, Oragnap, Mansiem, Wickwam, Rookham, Paakek, Siekaak, and others, Sachems of Mininssing, 230. Indian deed, June 6, 1695. For extensive tracts at and near Pompton. Taghkospeno of Tappaan, and nine or ten others. Indian deed, July 10, 1657, for Staten Island. O Callaghan’s New Netherland, II. , 575. Taghquekom. 17. Indian … Read more

New Jersey Indians – V Surnames

Veraggeppe. Indian deed, May i, 1701. See Tapgow. Vevenutting, 422. Indian deed, April 9, 1688. See Hoeham. Vorgaon. Indian deed, Aug. 18, 1713. See Menaukahickon. Vugahen. Indian deed, Nov. 10, 1701. See Machcopoikan.

New Jersey Indians – W & Y Surnames

Wachtaew. Indian deed, April 21, 1727. See Mowessawach. Waertsen of Hackingsack. Indian deed, July 10, 1657. See Taghkospemo. Wagakseni (Waghkseni in the text). Indian deed, Sept. 3, 1714. See Papejeco. Waiwemitting. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy. Wakaghshum (not in body of deed, but signed). Indian deed, Aug. 13, 1708. See Taphaow. Wakitaroe. Indian deed, June 8, 1677. See Mendawasey. Wallammassekaman, 173. Indian deed, April 6, 1687. See Wanamasoa. Walloughkomor. Indian deed, Nov. i, 1714. See Namaliskont. Walough Pekomon. Indian deed, Nov. i, 1714. See Namaliskont. Wamascuoning. Indian deed, June 4, 1687. See Mecoppy. Wamesane. Indian deed, July n, … Read more

Two War Trails

Many years ago there lived in the Blood camp a boy named Screech Owl (A’-tsi-tsi). He was rather a lonely boy, and did not care to go with other boys. He liked better to be by himself. Often he would go off alone, and stay out all night away from the camp. He used to pray to all kinds of birds and animals that he saw, and ask them to take pity on him and help him, saying that he wanted to be a warrior. He never used paint. He was a fine looking young man, and he thought it … Read more