Treaty of September 16, 1815

A treaty of peace and friendship, made and concluded at Portage des Sioux, between William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of the said States, of the one part; and the undersigned, King, Chiefs, and Warriors, of the Iaway [Iowa] Tribe or Nation, on the part and behalf of the said Tribe or Nation, of the other part. The parties being desirous of re-establishing peace and friendship between the United States and the said tribe or nation, and of being placed in all things, and in every … Read more

Indian Treaties Kalapuya to Lepan

Treaties for all tribes listed below. Names in (parentheses) are other names used for tribe. Tribes included on this page are the Kalapuya, Kansa, Kaskaskia, Ka-Ta-Ka, Keechy, Kickapoo, Kik-Ial-Lus, Kiowa, Klamath, Kootenay, Lepan, Long-Wha, and Lummi Tribes. Kalapuya Treaties (Calapooia) Treaty of January 22, 1855 Treaty of November 29, 1854 Kansa Treaties (Kanza, Kansas, Kanzas) Treaty of October 28, 1815 Treaty of June 3, 1825 Treaty of August 16, 1825 Treaty of January 14, 1846 Treaty of October 5, 1859 Treaty of March 13, 1862 Kaskaskia Treaties Treaty of August 3, 1795 Treaty of June 7, 1803 Treaty of August … Read more

Treaty of September 5, 1820

Articles of a convention made and concluded, between Benjamin Parke, a Commissioner on the part of the United States, for that purpose, of the one part, and the Chiefs, Warriors, and Head Men, of the Tribe of Kickapoos of the Vermilion, of the other part. Article I. It is agreed, that the annuity secured to the said Tribe, by the Treaty of the thirtieth of August, eighteen hundred and nineteen, shall hereafter be paid to the said Tribe at Kaskaskias, in the state of Illinois. Article II. As the said Tribe are now about leaving their settlements on the Wabash, … Read more

Treaty of July 19, 1820

A treaty made and concluded by, and between, Auguste Chouteau and Benjamin Stephenson, Commissioners of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of the said States, of the one part, and the undersigned Chiefs and Warriors, of the Kickapoo tribe of Indians, on the part and behalf of their said Nation, of the other part, the same being supplementary to, and amendatory of, the Treaty made and concluded at Edwardsville, on the 30th July, 1819, between the United States and the said Kickapoo nation. Article I. It is agreed, between the United States and the Kickapoo tribe … Read more

Treaty of August 30, 1819

A treaty made and concluded by Benjamin Parke, a commissioner on the part of the United States of America, of the one part, and the Chiefs, Warriors, and Head Men, of the tribe of Kickapoos of the Vermilion, of the other part. Article I. The Chiefs, Warriors, and Head Men, of the said tribe, agree to cede, and hereby relinquish, to the United States, all the lands which the said tribe has heretofore possessed, or which they may rightfully claim, on the Wabash river, or any of its waters. Article II. And to the end that the United States may … Read more

Treaty of September 2, 1815

A treaty of peace and friendship, made and concluded between William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of the said States, of the one part; and the undersigned Chiefs, Warriors, and Deputies, of the Kickapoo Tribe or Nation, on the part and behalf of the said Tribe or Nation, of the other part. The parties being desirous of re-establishing peace and friendship between the United States and the said tribe or nation, and of being placed in all things, and in every respect, on the same footing … Read more

Indian Treaties Makah to Muscogee

Treaties for all tribes listed below. Names in (parentheses) are other names used for tribe. The tribes included in the treaties on this page are: Makah, Mandan, Me-Sek-Wi-Guilse, Menominee, Miami, Middle Oregon Tribes, Minitaree, Mitchigamia, Modoc, Mohawk, Molala, Munsee, and Muscogee Tribes. Makah Treaties (Makah) Treaty of July 20, 1815 Treaty of October 6, 1825 Treaty of January 31, 1855 Mandan Treaties Treaty of July 30, 1825 Treaty of September 17, 1851 Agreement of July 17, 1866 Me-Sek-Wi-Guilse Treaties Treaty of January 22, 1855 Menominee Treaties (Menominie, Menomonie, Menomonee) Treaty of March 30, 1817 Treaty of August 19, 1825 Treaty … Read more

Treaty of November 28, 1840

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Forks of the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, this twenty-eighth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty, between Samuel Milroy and Allen Hamilton, acting (unofficially) as commissioners on the part of the United States, and the chiefs, warriors and headmen of the Miami tribe of Indians. Article I. The Miami tribe of Indians, do hereby cede to the United States all that tract of land on the south side of the Wabash river, not heretofore ceded, and commonly known as “the residue … Read more

Treaty of February 11, 1828

The Eel river or Thorntown party of Miami Indians cede to the U.S. all claim to a reservation of land about 10 miles square at their village on Sugar Tree creek in Indiana, reserved to them by article 2, of the treaty of Oct. 6, 1818.

Treaty of October 18, 1848

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Lake Pow-aw-hay-kon-nay, in the State of Wisconsin, on the eighteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, between the United States of America, by William Medill, a commissioner duly appointed for that purpose, and the Menomonee tribe of Indians, by the chiefs, headmen, and warriors of said tribe. Article I. It is stipulated and solemnly agreed that the peace and friendship now so happily subsisting between the Government and people of the United States and the Menomonee Indians shall be perpetual. Article II. The said Menomonee tribe of Indians agree … Read more

Treaty of March 30, 1817

A treaty of peace and friendship made and concluded at St. Louis by and between William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, commissioners on the part and behalf of the United States of America, of the one part, and the undersigned chiefs and warriors, deputed by the Menomenee tribe or nation of Indians, on the part and behalf of their said tribe or nation, of the other part. The parties, being desirous of re-establishing peace and friendship between the United States and the said tribe or nation, and of being placed in all things, and in every respect, on the … Read more

Treaty of July 20, 1815

A treaty of peace and friendship, made and concluded between William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of the said States, of the one part; and the Chiefs and Warriors of the Mahas, on the part and behalf of said Tribe or Nation, of the other part. The parties desirous of re-establishing peace and friendship between the United States and the said tribe or nation, and of being placed in all things, and in every respect, on the same footing upon which they stood before the late … Read more

Treaty of November 17, 1876

To The Honorable The Minister Of The Interior. Sir, –I recommended in my dispatch of the 7th June, that measures should be adopted to secure the adhesion of the Indians, who had not been met with when Treaty Number Five was concluded, and was requested by you to entrust the duty to Mr. Graham, of the Indian Department here, or to the Hon. Thomas Howard, Mr. Graham was unable to leave the office. I therefore entrusted the matter to Mr. Howard and J. Lestock Reid, D.L.S. I gave these gentleman written instructions, a copy of which will be found appended … Read more

Treaty of July 14, 1876

To The Hon. Thos. Howard And J. Lestock Reid, Esq. Dear sirs, –Under authority from the Minister of the Interior, I have to request you to proceed to Lake Winnipeg for the purpose of–on behalf of the Privy Council of Canada–securing the adhesion to Treaty Number Five of the Indians who have not yet been dealt with, and to make the necessary payments to the others. 1st. You will, if possible, together proceed to or meet at the following places, being there on the days named, viz.: Dog Head Point, 25th July, and Berens River on the 5th August. 2nd. … Read more

Burke Act

The Burke Act is an act to amend section six of an act approved February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (Burke Act), statutes at large 34, 182-83.

Treaty of November 15 1827

Articles of agreement made and concluded at the Creek Agency, on the fifteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, between Thomas L. McKenney, and John Crowell, in behalf of the United States, of the one part, and Little Prince and others, Chiefs and Head Men of the Creek Nation, of the other part. WHEREAS a Treaty of Cession was concluded at Washington City in the District of Columbia, by JAMES BARBOUR, Secretary of War, of the one part, and OPOTHLEOHOLO, JOHN STIDHAM, and OTHERS, of the other part, and which Treaty bears date the twenty-fourth day of … Read more

Treaty of January 24, 1826

Articles of a treaty made at the City of Washington, this twenty-fourth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, between James Barbour, Secretary of War, thereto specialty authorized by the President of the United States, and the undersigned, Chiefs and Head Men of the Creek Nation of Indians, who have received full power from the said Nation to conclude and arrange all the matters herein provided for. WHEREAS a treaty was concluded at the Indian Springs, on the twelfth day of February last, between Commissioners on the part of the United States, and a portion of the Creek … Read more

Treaty of February 12, 1825

Articles of a convention, entered into and concluded at the Indian Springs, between Duncan G. Campbell, and James Meriwether, Commissioners on the part of the United States of America, duly authorised, and the Chiefs of the Creek Nation, in Council assembled. WHEREAS the said Commissioners, on the part of the United States, have represented to the said Creek Nation that it is the policy and earnest wish of the General Government, that the several Indian tribes within the limits of any of the states of the Union should remove to territory to be designated on the west side of the … Read more

Treaty of January 8, 1821

Articles of a treaty entered into at the Indian Spring, in the Creek Nation, by Daniel M. Forney, of the State of North Carolina, and David Meriwether, of the State of Georgia, specially appointed for that purpose, on the part of the United States; and the Chiefs, Head Men, and Warriors, of the Creek Nation, in council assembled. Article 1. The Chiefs, Head Men, and Warriors, of the Creek Nation, in behalf of the said nation, do, by these presents, cede to the United States all that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being, east of the following … Read more