Arizona Indians Wounded in Action

Wamack Pavatea, Hopi

The following Indians Wounded in Action, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Paul Hendricks, Papago, Germany Manuel Kisto, Papago, Germany Fernando Lopez, Papago, Europe Nelson Lopez, Papago, Belgium Nalia Lopez, Papago, Belgium Hanson Norris, Papago, France Raymond Norris, Papago, Germany Louis Ortegas, Papago, France Ralph Patricia, Papago, Holland Ignacio B. Santos, Papago, France Rovelto Siquieros, Papago, Germany Victor B. Stevens, Papago, Germany Jose V. Wilson, Papago, Italy Patrick J. Franko, Papago, France Joseph R. Johnson, Papago, Iwo Jima Burton A. … Read more

Indians who Fought on Iwo Jima

Pfc. Ira H. Hayes, Pima Indian

Many Indians participated in the famous action on Iwo Jima. The most celebrated of these is Pfc. Ira H. Hayes, a full-blood Pima from Bapchule, Arizona, one of three survivors of the historic incident on Mount Suribachi, when six Marines raised the flag on the summit of the volcano, under heavy enemy fire. He served on Iwo Jima for 36 days and came away unwounded. Previously he had fought at Vella La Vella and Bougainville. Because of the nation-wide attention won by Rosenthal’s dramatic photograph of the flag-raising, symbol and expression of the invincible American spirit, Hayes and his two … Read more

Navajo Code Talkers

Navajo Code Talkers: Preston Toledo and cousin Frank, Marine Artillery Regiment, Pacific

By MT Sgt. Murrey Marder Corps Combat Correspondent Reprinted by Admission of The Marine Corps Gazette Through the Solomon’s, in the Marianas, at Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and almost every island where Marines have stormed ashore in this war, the Japanese have heard a strange language gurgling through the earphones of their radio listening sets a voice code which defies decoding. To the linguistically keen ear it shows a trace of Asiatic origin, and a lot of what sounds like American double talk. This strange tongue one of the most select in the world is Navajo, embellished with improvised words and … Read more

Wisconsin and Wyoming Indian Honored War Dead

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Wisconsin Richard J. Ackley, Chippewa, Italy Matthew Johnson, Winnebago, Europe Joseph Gravorette, Belgium Robert Duffy, Chippewa Joseph Matchoma, Menominee, France Donald J. Brisk, Oneida, France Robert A. Cornelius, Oneida, Germany Melvin Jordan, Oneida, France Marvin Johns, Oneida, France Joseph Ninhom, Oneida Joseph J. White, Winnebago, France Milan St. Germaine, Chippewa, France Thomas Soldier, Menominee, France Arnold Tepiew, Menominee, Burma Joseph Komanekin, Menominee, France James C. Ford, Jr., Chippewa, Italy … Read more

South Dakota Indian Honored War Dead

Waldron Frazier, Sioux

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Guy L. Archambeau, Sioux (Yankton, USA Daniel L. Quickbear, Sioux (Rosebud), Africa Joseph Running Horse, Sioux (Rosebud), Peleliu Raymond Lodge Skin, Sioux (Rosebud), Germany Warren C. Bonnin, Sioux (Yankton), Guam Floyd Bear Saves Life, Sioux (Pine Ridge), France Philip G. Atkinson, Sioux (Rosebud), France Ruben E. Redfeather, Sioux (Rosebud), France Stanley C. Rogers, Sioux (Rosebud), Luzon Ole J. Johnson, Sioux (Sisseton), Germany James L. Janis, Sioux (Pine Ridge), Luxembourg … Read more

Oregon, Utah, Washington Indian Honored War Dead

John H. Kittles, Lummi

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Oregon Raymond L. Enouf, Klamath, Pacific Roscoe Dick, Warm Springs, Philippines Gilbert Yahtin, Warm Springs, Belgium Wesley Morrisette, Walla Walla, Italy Utah Nelson Tonegates, Ute, Germany Ansel G. Wanzitz, Ute, France Washington Samuel C. Abrahamson, Colville, Manila Charles Schultz, Jr., Lummi, France Richard Wood, Clallam, Germany Roy Knight, Swinomish, Belgium John Bobb, Swinomish, Germany Melvin Ross, Muckleshoot, Italy Martin James, Snoqualmie, Luzon John H. Kittles, Lummi, Italy Herman John, … Read more

Oklahoma Indian Honored War Dead

Grant Gover, Pawnee

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Harold E. Rogers, Seneca, Europe Grant Gover, Pawnee, France Dennis W. Bluejacket, Shawnee-Cherokee, Europe George Choate, Jr., Cheyenne-Arapaho Charles Edward Harris, Pawnee, France Reuben Mashunkashey, Osage, Luxembourg Moses Red Eagle, Osage, Italy Mathson Whiteshield, Cheyenne-Arapaho Jim N. Chuculate, Five Civilized Tribes, Luxembourg Charles E. Sam, Five Civilized Tribes, Belgium Zack L. Smith, Ponca, Germany George D. Coons, Pawnee, Germany Cornelius Hardman, Jr. Ponca, Luxembourg James L. Douglas, Creek, Philippines … Read more

New York, North Carolina and North Dakota Indian Honored War Dead

Blain Queen, Cherokee

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. New York Collins Moses, Seneca, Germany Henry Powless, Onondaga, Tarawa Sylvester Thompson, Mohawk, France Silas William Chew, Tuscarora, Europe Ernest Printup, Tuscarora, Europe Archie Oakes, Mohawk, Europe Louis Barnes, Mohawk, France Andrew Cook, Mohawk, Manila Francis Jock, Mohawk, At Sea Clarence Carnon, Tonawanda Seneca, At Sea John Seabrean, Tonawanda Seneca, Sicily Carroll Paterson, Tonawanda Seneca, France Kenneth Fatty, Onondaga, France Linas Snow, Seneca, France Roland Redeye, Seneca Harlan Laye, … Read more

New Mexico Indian Honored War Dead

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. James Romero, Laguna Pueblo Alex Fragua, Jemez Pueblo, France Pablo Fragua, Jemez Pueblo Ben Quintana, Cochiti Pueblo, Philippines Anthony Mitchell, Navajo, France Osborne Sam, Navajo Jack Antonio, Acoma Pueblo, Germany Jose R. Lucero, Isleto Pueblo Alfonso G. Nahkai, Navajo, Palau Islands Aghe Beligoody, Navajo, France Silas Yazzie, Navajo, Italy Jim Tom, Navajo, France David Harvey, Navajo, Germany Bernard Dolan, Apache (Mescalero), Belgium Martin Aragon, Laguna Pueblo, France Kee Y. … Read more

Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska and Nevada Indian Honored War Dead

Louis C. Charlo, Flathead

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Mississippi Bob Allen, Choctaw, Solomons Gibson T. McMillan, Choctaw, Luzon Emmett Jackson, Choctaw, Germany Able Sam, Choctaw, Germany John Day Isaac, Choctaw, U.S.A. Raymond Martin, Choctaw, Germany Montana Murray L. Williamson, Blackfoot, Luzon Fredrick Bauer, Jr. Sioux Luzon Sam Davis Backwards Cheyenne Luzon George B. Magee, Jr. Blackfoot France U. S. A. Wilbur Spang, Cheyenne, Flathead, Germany Daniel L. Pablo, Flathead, Germany Warren L. Gardipe, Flathead, Philippines Leonard R. … Read more

Colorado, Idaho, Kansas and Minnesota Indian Honored War Dead

James L. Johnson, Chippewa

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Colorado Albert Bos, Ute, Leyte Wilbur Washington, Ute, Italy Elmer Lewis, Navajo Idaho James Burt, Shoshone, Luzon Howard Cutler, Shoshone, Atlantic Stanley George, Shoshone, Europe Matthew Honenah, Shoshone, Europe Nelson Ingawanup, Shoshone, Europe James Mosho, Jr., Shoshone, Europe Adolph Alexie, Coeur D’Alene, Okinawa Kansas William Lasley, Potawatomi, Italy Herbert H. DeRain, Iowa, France Paul G. Wamego, Potawatomi, Germany Edgar H. Goslin, Kickapoo, Pacific Minnesota Daniel McKenzie, Chippewa, Holland James … Read more

California Indian Honored War Dead

Reginaldo Helms, Mission

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Reginaldo Helms, Mission, (Soboba) Belgium John P. Emeterio, Sacramento, Belgium Otto Hodge, Yurok, Italy Baron D. Risling, Hoopa, U. S. A. Romaldo Natt, Yurok, Germany Joe Blacktooth, Mission (Palo), Japan Augustine Quevas, Mission (Santa Ysabel), Japan Lee M. Angel, Mission (Mesa Grande), Germany Gilbert Cleland, Mission (Mesa Grande), Germany George Estrada, Mission (Mesa Grande), Germany Steve Levi, Mission (Torres-Martinez), Saipan France Gene Pablo, Mission (Santa Ysabel), Pacific Philip Peters, … Read more

Arizona Indian Honored War Dead

Stephen Thomas Carrillo, Papago

The following Honored War Dead, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown.  No additional information was provided in the book. Lonnie Allen, Apache, (San Carlos) Pacific Adam Harney, Apache, (San Carlos) France Ernest Stanley, Apache (San Carlos) Luxembourg Johnnie Goodluck, Navajo, France Haskell A. Osife, Pima Anthony Jose, Pima Joe Terry, Pima Willacot Anton, Pima Robert E. Allison, Pima Joshua Morris, Pima Leander Shelde, Pima Joseph Thomas, Pima Percy Osife, Pima Fred Washington, Pima Phillip Largo, Pima Thomas Throssell, Papago, U. S, A. Alfred Perkins, Pima, Leyte Alfred Ferguson, … Read more

An Empty Saddle – Pvt. Clarence Spotted Wolf

Pvt. Clarence Spotted Wolf

“If I should be killed, I want you to bury me cession. It is pleasing to fancy the spirits of One of the hills east of the place where my brave warriors long departed watching benign grandparents and brothers and sisters only from the Happy Hunting Grounds, Other relatives are buried. As for the empty saddle — who knows? “If you have a memorial service, I want the soldiers to go ahead with the American flog. I want cowboys to follow, all on horseback. I want one of the cowboys to lend one of the wildest of the T over … Read more

A Choctaw Leads the Guerrillas

In April 1945, after mare than three years as a guerrilla leader in the Philippines, Lt. Col. Edward Ernest McClish came home to Okmulgee, Oklahoma, where his family, who had refused to believe him dead, waited for him. Ira Wolfert has told some of his story in American Guerrilla in the Philippines, and other details have been added in a report given to the Public Relations Bureau of the War Department by Col. McClish. It is an extraordinary tale of accomplishment against great odds. Lt. Col. McClish, a Choctaw, who graduated from Haskell Institute in 1929 and from Bacone College … Read more

Ceremonial Dances in the Pacific

Navajos dance on a beach in the Solomons

By Ernie Pyle One of the last stories written Fay Ernie Pyle before his tragic death on le Island was about the Indians of the First Marine Division on Okinawa. It is reprinted here by permission of Scripps-Howard Newspapers and United Feature Syndicate, Inc. The ceremonial dances, according to Marine Combat Correspondent Walter Wood, included the Apache Devil Dance, the Eagle Dance, the Hoop Dance, the War Dance, and the Navajo Mountain Chant. Besides the Navajos, Sioux, Comanche, Apache, Pima, Kiowa, Pueblo, and Crow Indians took part in the Ceremonies. Okinawa — (By Navy Radio); — Back nearly two years … Read more

Awards for Valor to WW2 Native Americans

Francis B Brave

Name appears under photograph Congressional Medal Of Honor Lt. Jack C. Montgomery,…………………………….. Cherokee, Oklahoma Lt. Ernest Childers,…………………………………….. Creek, Oklahoma Silver Star S/Sgt. Francis B. Brave, Sioux, Oklahoma Lt. William Sixkiller, Jr., Cherokee, Oklahoma Pfc. Warren Gullickson., Sioux, South Dakota Pfc., James R. Alexander, Lummi, Washington Cpl. Leonard Webber, Shoshone, Idaho Lt. James Sulphur, Creek, Oklahoma Sgt. Knowlton Merritt, Klamath-Modoc, Oregon T/4 Roger K. Paul, Blackfoot, Montana Sgt Perry Skenandore, Oneida, Wisconsin Pfc. Ben Quintana, Cochiti Pueblo, New Mexico Cpl. Vincent Village Center, Sioux, South Dakota T/Sgt. Joseph Lawrence, Sioux, South Dakota Pfc. Francis Shaw, Pointe, Nevada Pfc. Philip Kowice, Laguna … Read more

Indian Honors in World War 2

Sgt. Jimmy Declay, Apache, stands guard in Rome

A soldier, who is cited for gallantry in action, when that gallantry does not warrant the award of a Medal of Honor or a Distinguished Service Cross, is given the Silver Star. This decoration was awarded posthumously to Ben Quintana, a Keres, from Cochiti Pueblo. According to the citation, Ben was “an ammunition carrier in a light machine gun squadron charged with protection of the right flank of his troop which was counterattacked by superior numbers.” The gunner was killed and the assistant gunner severely wounded. “Private Quintana,” the citation continues, “refused to retire from this hazardous position and gallantly … Read more

Honor of Indian Heroism

Error Bake, Jr., and Pfc. George I, Opetotfi a portfolio radio sell on Marine Corporal Photo

The war has ended in victory for the United Nations, and after a troubled period of readjustment and reorganization, peace will come at last. The story of the Indians’ contribution to the winning of the war has been told only in part; and new material will be coming in for many months. As one of the Sioux boys says, “As a rule nowadays the fellows don’t go in for heroics.” But already the Indian record is impressive. In the spring of 1945, there were 2 1,767 Indians in the Army, 191 in the Navy, 121 in the Coast Guard, and … Read more

Wilford Longhair Taylor’s Testimony

Wilford “Longhair” Taylor Tribal Chief MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians Testimony Before the Committee on Resources Unites States House of Representatives Hearing on the Federal recognition and acknowledgement process by the Bureau of Indian Affairs March 31, 2004 Mr. Chairman and committee members: good morning. My name is Wilford “Longhair” Taylor and I am the elected tribal chief of the MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians. Thank you for granting me the opportunity to testify on the federal recognition and acknowledgement process by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The Choctaw Indians of Mobile and Washington Counties, Alabama (MOWA) are the … Read more