Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Canada

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was Canada at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Acous to Atlkum Beauport to Burrard Saw Mills Indians Cabbasagunti to Cumshewa Dadens to Douglas Ecorce to Ewawoos Flowpahhoultin to Friendly Village Gachigundae to Gyitwulnakyel Hachaath to Hwotsotenne Iahenhouton to Ittatso  

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Alabama

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Alabama at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Abihka to Aucheucaula Cahawba Old Towns to Crow Town Emussa to Eufaula Faluktabunnee to Fusihatchi Galley to Ghuaclahatche Hatchichapa to Huhliwahli Ikanachaka to Istudshilaika  

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Alaska

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Alaska at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Afognak to Aziavik Batza to Bolshoigor Carmel to Claikehak Dahet to Dyea Eider to Eyak Fetkina to Fugitive Gapkaliptoua to Gutheni Hachimuk to Hutsnuwu Ibin to Ivan    

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Arizona

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Arizona at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Acachin to Aycate Babacomero to Busanic Caborh to Cumaro Dueztumac Elogio to Etipsikya Four Mile Ruin to Fresnal Gaibanipitea to Gutubur Harsanykuk to Hushkovi Iguanes to Imiak    

Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Connecticut

These pages will provide an alphabetical listing for all the villages, towns, and settlements in what was the state of Connecticut at the time the Handbook of American Indian of North America was written. Aukumbumsk Bantam Cosattuck to Cuppunaugunnit Groton Hammonasset to Hassimanisco  

I- Oregon Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ilsethlthawaiame. A former village of the Mishikhwutmetunne on Coquille r., Oreg. Iwai. A former Yaquina village on the N. side of Yaquina r., Oreg. Iwai . Dorsey in Jour. Am. Folk-lore, in, 229, 1890.

I- Texas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ilisees. Mentioned by Ker ( Travels, 98, 1816) as the native name of a tribe, numbering about 2,000, which he says he met on upper Red r. of Louisiana, apparently in the N. E. corner of Texas. Their chief village was said to be Wascoo. Both the tribe and the village are seemingly imaginary. Irrupiens. A village on a river of the same name, an affluent of Trinity r., Tex., at which St Denis and his party stopped in 1717. … Read more

I- Nevada Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ichuarumpats (I′-chu-ar′-rum-pats, ‘people of cactus plains’). A Paiute tribe formerly in or near Moapa valley, s. E. Nev., numbering 35 in 1873. Powell in Ind. Aff. Rep. 1873, 50, 1874. Itsaatiaga (It-sa′-a-ti-a-ga). A Paviotso band formerly living about Unionville, w. Nev. Powell, Paviotso MS., B. A. E., 1881.

I- New Mexico Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ihamba (I’ha-mba). An ancient pueblo of the Tewa on the s. side of Pojoaque r., between Pojoaque and San Ildefonso pueblos, N. New Mex. Bandelier in Arch. Inst. Papers, iv, 85, 1892. IshtuaYene (Keresan: ishtoa, ‘arrow’). A place above Santo Domingo, N. Mex., whence fled the Cochiti inhabitants of Kuapa when pursued in prehistoric times by the mythical Pinini (q. v. ), or pygmies, according to San Felipe tradition. The place is so called on account of numerous arrowpoints found … Read more

I- North Carolina Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ibitoupa. A small tribe of unknown affinity, but the theory that they were connected with the Chickasaw has more arguments in its favor than any other. In 1699 they formed one of the villages mentioned by Iberville (Margry, Dec., iv, 180, 1880) as situated on Yazoo r., Ibitoupa being near the upper end of the group between the Chaquesauma (Chakchiuma) and the Thysia (Tioux) , according to the order named, which appears to be substantially correct, although Coxe (Carolana, 10, … Read more

I- Minnesota Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Inkpa. A band of the Wahpeton Sioux, living in 1886 at Big Stone lake, Minn., and probably at Cormorant pt., Mille Lacs, in 1862. Inyancheyaka-atonwan (village at the dam or rapids). A Wahpeton Sioux band or division residing in 1859 at Little Rapids, Sand Prairie, and Minnesota r., not far from Belleplaine, Minn. Mazomani was their chief in 1862. Inyangmani. A Wahpeton Sioux band, named after its chief, living on Yellow Medicine cr., Minn., in 1862.

I- Mississippi Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ikatchiocata. A former Choctaw town between the headwaters of Chicasawhay and Tombigbee rs., Miss. Imongalasha (Imoklasha, ‘their people are there’). A former Choctaw settlement, sometimes called West Imongalasha to distinguish it from Imongalasha Skatane, and also popularly known as Mokalusha. It was situated on the headwaters of Talasha cr., Neshoba co., Miss., and was the most important Choctaw town in that region, the name appearing often in early government records. Tecumseh visited it in 1811 and held a council there. … Read more

I- Missouri Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Intapupshe (Intahpupcě, ‘curved stone’). An ancient Osage village on upper Osage r., above the mouth of Sac r., Mo. Dorsey, Osage MS. vocab., B. A. K, 1883.

I- Kansas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Igamansabe (fgamansábě, ‘black paint’, Kansa name for Big Blue r. , Kans.) . One of the villages occupied by the Kansa, probably before 1820. Dorsey, MS. Kansas vocab., B. A. E., 1882. Ishtakhechiduba (Icta′qe tci dúba, four white men s houses ). One of the later villages occupied by the Kansa in their migration up Kansas r. Dorsey, Kansa MS. vocab., B, A. E., 1883. Ishtunga (right side). The name applied to those divisions of the Kansa that camped on … Read more

I- Maine Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Imnarkuan (where we make maple sugar). A Passamaquoddy village formerly on the site of Pembroke, Washington co., Me. Vetromile, Abnakis, 56, 1866.

I- Mexican Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Igualali (Ig-wa′-la-li, ‘a hole’). A small rancheria of the Tarahumare, not far from Norogachic, Chihuahua, Mexico. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894. Ilamatech. A former Tepehuane pueblo in Durango, Mexico, and the seat of a mission. Imuris. Given by early authorities as a Pima rancheria near the E. bank of Rio San Ignacio (or Magdalena), lat. 30° 50′, long. 110° 50′, in the present Sonora, Mexico. Orozco y Berra mentions the Himeris (who are evidently the inhabitants of this settlement) , with the … Read more

I- Canadian Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Iahenhouton (at the caves. Hewitt). A Huron village in Ontario in 1637. Jes. Rel. for 1637, 159, 1858. Ialmuk (Īa′lmuq). A Squawmish village community at Jericho, Burrard in let, Brit. Col. Hill-Tout in Rep. B. A. A. S., 475, 1900. Ialostimot (Īalo′stimōt, making good fire). A Talio division among the Bellacoola of British Columbia; named from a reputed ancestor. Ihonatiria. A former Huron village in Simcoe co., Ontario, built about 1634 and depopulated by pestilence in 1636. The Jesuits established … Read more

I- Georgia Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Icosans. Mentioned by Bartram (Trav., 54, 1792) in connection with the Ogeeche, Santee, Utina, Wapoo, Yamasi, etc., as having been attacked by the Creeks, and “who then surrounded and cramped the English possessions.” The reference is to the early colonial period of South Carolina and Georgia. Ikatikunahita (iká′tĭ‘ ‘swamp’, kûnahi′ta ‘long’: Long Swamp town). A Cherokee settlement, about the period of the removal in 1839, situated on Long Swamp cr., about the boundary of Forsyth and Cherokee cos., N. w. … Read more

I- California Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ialamma. A former Chumashan village subordinate to Purisima mission, Santa Barbara co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18,1861. Ialamne. A former Chumashan village subordinate to Santa Inez mission, Santa Barbara co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861. Possibly the same as Ialamma. Icayme. Given as the native name of the site on which San Luis Rey mission, s. California, was founded; perhaps also the name of a neighboring Diegueno village. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Feb. 22, 1860. … Read more

I- Alaska Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Ibin. A former Aleut village on Agattu id., Alaska, one of the Near id. group of the Aleutians, now uninhabited. Idiuteling. An Eskimo settlement on the N. shore of Home bay, Baffin land, where the Akudnirmiut Eskimo gather to hunt bear in the spring. Idjorituaktuin (with grass). A village of the Talirpingmiut division of the Okomiut Eskimo on the w. shore of Cumberland sd.; pop. 11 in 1883. Idjuniving. A spring settlement of Padlimiut Eskimo near the s. end of … Read more