Biography of William M. Boone, M. D.

William M. Boone, M. D., who located at Highland, Doniphan County, a well-equipped physician and surgeon in 1892, had steadily practiced in that community for over a quarter of a century and is now the oldest member in point of continuous service of the local profession. Doctor Boone belongs to the family of Kentucky Boones and four or five generations back his ancestry was the same as that of the famous frontiersman and hunter, Daniel Boone. The Boone family origlnated in Southern England, and it will be recalled that Daniel Boone was a native of Pennsylvania but subsequently went to … Read more

Biography of August Bondi

August Bondi was a splendid figure in the annals of Kansas for fully half a century, and had been fitly described as soldier and patriot and one of the immortal followers of John Brown. From the city of culture and of old world civilization, Vienna, Austria, it is a far cry to the plains of Kansas where were performed those deeds which will ring down through history. August Bondi was born at Vienna July 21, 1833, a son of Hart Emanuel and Martha (Frankl) Bondi, who were also natives of Vienna. His father was a Jewish manufacturer of cotton goods. … Read more

Biography of Alphius Lamont Hamilton

Alphius Lamont Hamilton. Forty-five years of continuous work and association with the law, public office, politics and civic affairs in El Dorado and, Butler County have naturally made Alphius Lamont Hamilton one of the noteworthy figures in that section of Kansas. That he takes first rank in the Kansas bar is a distinction that will be readily acknowledged by lawyers all over the state. He is also the dean of the profession in his home county. No one could be more thoroughly American than Judge Hamilton. His ancestors have been connected with every great war in which our nation engaged … Read more

Biography of Anthony Wayne Fairchild, M. D.

Anthony Wayne Fairchild, M. D. The work which he had done as a member of the medical profession in Fall River had already attracted much attention to Doctor Fairchild, whose attainments and abilities are much above the average. Not only does a large clientage esteem him for his services, but his wife, Mrs. Fairchild, is likewise a graduate physician and had a considerable practice, specializing in discases of the eye. The Fairchild family originated in England, coming to America in Colonial times. Doctor Fairchild’s grandfather was Minor Fairchild, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1818, and became a pioneer farmer … Read more

Biography of Edmund Woodbridge Buffon

E. W. Buffon. For the greater part of twenty years Edmund Woodbridge Buffon had been engaged in educational work and is now superintendent of the city schools of Centralia. He is a highly educated gentleman and had made his influence a decided factor in Nemsha County in other ways than as a school man. Mr. Buffon was born at Beatrice, Nebraska, November 30, 1875, but had lived in Kansas since early childhood. His ancestry goes back to Denmark. His great-grandrather came from that country and settled in one of the New England states. Mr. Buffon’s grandfather, George Buffon, was born … Read more

Biography of John Thomas Bartley

John Thomas Bartley has spent many years in Kansas and the Southwestern country and his business had been chiefly ranching on a large scale, either as manager for others or for himself. He now looks after a large farm at Fostoria in Pottawatomie County and had been a fine factor in the founding and upbuilding of that comparatively new village of Kansas. The home of the Bartleys for several generations had been Monroe County, Kentucky, where John Thomas was born March 7, 1865. His great-grandfather, Thomas Bartley, was born in Ireland in 1760. He came to this country a young, … Read more

Biography of Merle K. Scott, M. D.

Merle K. Scott, M. D. There are few lovers of literature who have not lost themselves in the incomparable romances of sir Walter Scott, and probably the most knowledge that many have ever gained of Scotland had been based on the illuminating writings of her greatest novalist. From that country and from the same stock came the Scotts of Kansas, a prominent reprecentative of which family is Dr. Merle K. Scott, physician and surgeon at Frontanac. Merle K. Scott was born at Coyville, Wilson County, Kansas, April 16, 1878. His parents are Rev. Robert M. and Sarah Kinnear (Kirkpatrick) Scott, … Read more

Biography of Martin S. McCreight, M. D.

Martin S. McCreight, M. D. A resident of Kansas since early boyhood, Doctor McCreight is one of the oldest business men and professional men of the City of Oskaloosa, where he began the practice of medicine and surgery over twenty years ago, and during the greater part of the time had also conducted a drug business and is vice president of the Jefferson County Bank. Doctor McCreight was born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. February 19, 1870, and is of Scotch ancestry. His grandfather McCreight was a native Scotchman and on coming to America located in Pennsylvania. Johnston McCreight, father of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cora Gilbert Lewis

Cora Gilbert Lewis, member of the Board of Educational Administration of Kansas, had long been interested in educational affairs in this state and had become one of the prominent Kansas women. Mrs. Lewis served as president of the Kansas Woman’s Press Association in 1901. In 1902 she was elected president of the Seventh District Federation of Women’s Clubs of Kansas. From 1903 to 1905, two years, she was president of the Kansas State Federation of Women’s Clubs and in 1905-07 was visiting member of the Kansas Board of Control. Her work as member of the Kansas Board of Educational Administration … Read more

Biography of Ed Heeney

Ed Heeney. For over thirty-five years the name Heeney had been associated with the mercantile enterprise of Severance. The firm of Ed Heeney & Son conducts the largest hardware, implement and furniture house in that part of Doniphan County. The senior member of the firm, who is now practically retired from business responsibilities, is Mr. Ed Heeney, who had lived in Northeastern Kansas since 1870 and had acquired and built up extensive interests both as a farmer and business man. The Heeney family comes from the vicinity of Oldcastle, County Meath, Ireland, where Ed Heeney was born May 21, 1852. … Read more

Biography of Walter C. Palmer, M. D.

Walter C. Palmer, M. D., after practicing several years in Kansas City, Missouri, where his father was for a number of years a member of the medical profession, removed to Hiawatha, Kansas, and is now giving all his time and attention to surgery. In addition to his broad experience as a practitioner and his equipment in American schools, Doctor Palmer, went abroad in 1916 and from April to July worked in the war hospitals in France. Nowhere had surgical methods undergone greater changes and been brought to a higher degree of perfection than in the hospitals in the war zone … Read more

Biography of George W. Pennell

George W. Pennell. It is given to few men to win the prizes of life, and George W. Pennell, of Atchison, belongs to that much favored class. In the building of the great West Mr. Pennell had played a major part. As a young man he had the instinct and the vision uncommon in the average man, which led him away from a comfortable home in a settled community out into the Mississippi Valley, the wonder land of the world. From an inconspicnous youth of vigorous Revolutionary stock, raised on a New York farm, he had become one of the … Read more

Biography of William R. Martin

William R. Martin is a native of Doniphan County, for many years was connected with a packing house at St. Joseph, and more recently had applied his efforts successfully to fruit growing and farming, which he still earries on in connection with his duties as postmaster at Wathena. His birth occurred near Wathena April 12, 1861. His full given name was William Redman Martin. Mr. Martin is descended originally from Scotch-Irish stock. There were two brothers of the name who immigrated to America during the early Colonial period, one of them settling in the North and the other going South … Read more

Biography of Riley Louthan V. S.

Riley Louthan, V. S. As more and more importance is paid every year to the handling of live stock on the farms of Kansas, so in proportion is the profession of veterinary surgery appreciated and increased in its scope of usefulness. It is through that profession that Riley Louthan is best known in the community of Glasco in Cloud County. He is a self-made man, in as much as he had succeeded in building up for himself a large practice under very discouraging circumstances. His knowledge of veterinary surgery might be called a natural product of experience and books. Such … Read more

Biography of Charles Proctor

Charles Proctor. The men who came in the early days to Kansas and stuck to their posts in spite of discouragements and setbacks, have with few exceptions gained all the prosperity that a man of ordinary ambition could erave. Such men possessed character as well as the ability to do hard work, and it is not strange that many of the public honors have been given to such citizens. One of this class in Cloud County is Mr. Charles Prostor of Miltonvale. He had lived a long and useful life and is now past fourscore. His years have ripened his judgment, and … Read more

Biography of Joseph O. Ward M. D.

Joseph O. Ward, M. D., is a physician and surgeon of Horton whose work and attainments have brought him increasing repntstion for skill and ability. Doctor Ward is a native of Kansas, was a successful teacher before he took up his preparation for a medical career, and had been in practice now for almost twenty years. His father, M. Ward, who is still living at the venerable age of eighty-four, had had a most mteresting career and one that had brought him in close contast with pioneer conditions of the Middle West. Born in Ireland in 1833, he came to this … Read more

Biography of Charles T. Gundy

Charles T. Gundy, county attorney of Atchison County and a well known and prominent lawyer of the city, is of old Holland Dutch lineage. His greatgrandfather, William Gundy, came from Holland and was a Colonial settler in Pennsylvania. He went with the Pennsylvania troops to help win independence during the Revolutionary war. Mr. Gundy’s grandfather, Jacob Gundy, was born in Pennsylvania in 1800, and was a pioneer settler in Scotland County, Missouri, where he followed farming until his death in 1892. He was cnrolled for service during the Black Hawk Indian war. Charles T. Gundy was born in Scotland County, … Read more

Biography of William Emmett Ham, M. D.

William Emmett Ham, M. D. The thirty-five years since he received his medical degree from Rush, Medical College of Chicago Doctor Ham had spent almost entirely in practice at Beattie, Kansas. He was the pioneer physician there, though the village had been established in 1870. He had remained throughout the years the leading general practitioner. of the town and a large surrounding country community, and he is the present president of the Marshall County Medical Society. Doctor Ham is of old American stock. His paternal ancestors came out of England and settled in New Hampshire in Colonial times, and some of the … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Browne

Charles H. Browne is proprietor and editor of the Horton Headlight-Commercial, now the only journal published in that enterprising and flourishing city of Brown County. Mr. Browne had been largely identified with newspaper work since he left school, and is a vigorous type of citizen and easily a leader in any community. For a number of years he had been connected with the National Guard of Kansas and had been especially active in recent events in which the country had been involved in tronble, first with Mexico and later with Germany. The Horton Headlight-Commercial is a consolidation of half a … Read more

Biography of Louis P. Johnson

Louis P. Johnson has spent his years profitably in Doniphan County, partly as a farmer, partly as a business man and partly as a public official. He now conducts the only hardware store at Bendena and is also the present postmaster of that town. Mr. Johnson was born in Doniphan County January 16, 1870. His father, Claus Johnson, was born in Denmark in 1836 and was one of the early farmer settlers in Doniphan County. He came to the United States in 1865, and for a time lived near Racine, Wisconsin. In 1866 he removed to Donipban County, Kansas, and … Read more