Biography of Walter C. Palmer, M. D.

Walter C. Palmer, M. D., after practicing several years in Kansas City, Missouri, where his father was for a number of years a member of the medical profession, removed to Hiawatha, Kansas, and is now giving all his time and attention to surgery. In addition to his broad experience as a practitioner and his equipment in American schools, Doctor Palmer, went abroad in 1916 and from April to July worked in the war hospitals in France. Nowhere had surgical methods undergone greater changes and been brought to a higher degree of perfection than in the hospitals in the war zone of Europe, and Doctor Palmer’s experience there was the most thorough post-graduate course open to any practitioner in the world.

Doctor Palmer was born in Streator, Illinois, August 26, 1876. His people have been in America since Colonial times, the Palmers coming originally from England. His grandfather was born in 1814 and was an early farmer settler in Illinois. He died at Plymouth in that state in 1886. Phillip C. Palmer, father of Dr. Walter C., was born at Plymouth, Illinois, in 1853, grew up in his native town and when a man removed to Streator, where he married. He was a telegraph operator, afterwards took up the study of medicine and was graduated from Rush Medical College at Chicago. In 1885 he removed to Kansas City, Missouri, and was actively engaged in the general practice of medicine until his death in August, 1916. He was a republican and an active member of the Christian Church. He also belonged to the Masonic traternity. Phillip C. Palmer married Charlotte Coombs, who was born in Streator, Illinois, in 1855 and died in that city in 1884. Doctor Palmer was the older of two children. His sister Corinna is the wife of H. C. Garner, who is connected with the National Cash Begister Company and residen at Carkland, California.

Doctor Palmer was educated primarily in the public schools of Kansas City, Missouri. He graduated from the Kansas City High School in 1898, and in the same year enlisted in Company I of the Third Missouri Begiment of Valunteers for service in the Spanish-American, war. This regiment was sent to Camp Alger near Washington, D. C., but never got beyond the border of the country. However, he had always felt satisfied that he was able to respond and answer the call of patriotism when the country needed him. He was mustered out with his regiment in 1898. Soon afterward he entered the Kansas City Medical College, where he was graduated M. D. with the class of 1900. Doctor Palmer took post-graduate work in the Chicago Policlinic in 1904 and again in 1906.

He was in practice at Kansas City from 1900 to 1909, in which year he removed to Hiawatha, Kansas, and for several years conducted a general medical and surgical practice. He now devotes all his time to surgery and his reputation as a general surgeon is rapidly making him well known not only in his home city but over the state and the Middle West. Doctor Palmer now had a hospital in the northwestern part of Hiawatha, with accommodations for ten patients. His surgical patients come from Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, North Dakota and even from more distant states. Doctor Palmer’s offices are in the World Building.

Besides his residence at Third and Miami streets Doctor Palmer owned a farm of eighty acres in Anderson County, Kansas. He is a member of the Brown County and the State Medical societies and the American Medical Association. In politica a republican, and in fraternal affiliations he is a member of Hiawatha Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Hiawatha Chapter No. 43, Royal Arch Masons, Hiawatha Commandery No. 13, Knights Templar, and Abdallah Temple of the Mystie Shrine at Leavenworth.

Doctor Palmer married in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1904, Miss Lida MeCuan, daughter of J. P. and Elizabeth McCuan, both now deceased. Her father for many years was a farmer in Missouri. Doctor and Mrs. Palmer have a daughter Florence Alice, born September 3, 1909.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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