Biography of B. C. Burgess

B. C. BURGESS. There are few men in business circles who show as much fitness for their avocation in that they are wide-awake, experienced, reliable and energetic as B. C. Burgess, the prominent miller at the old Watkin Mill, the most historic mill in Missouri. He was born and reared in North Carolina, his birth occurring June 8, 1833. He is the son of Emsley and Nancy (Cavness) Burgess, both natives of the Old North State. There the father resides at the present time, but the mother is deceased. Some of the early members of this family served in the … Read more

Biography of Capt. George W. Moore

Among the many prominent eastern families who at an early day migrated westward with a view to bettering their fortunes was the Moore family, an honored and respected member of whom, now residing in Stone County, is the subject of this sketch. His father, James M. Moore, was born in North Carolina May 13, 1811, and when about five years of age moved with his parents to Tennessee; where they remained until 1829. There James M. grew to mature years and married Miss Rachel W. Patton, a native of Tennessee, born in 1817, and the daughter of John and Sarah … Read more

Biography of J. S. Johnson

J. S. JOHNSON. It is always a pleasure to deal with the history of one of those grand old families that have for generations been distinguished for patriotism, genuine Christianity and strong characteristics which have made them prominent wherever they have settled. J. S. Johnson, who has been a resident of this State since 1868, and of Ozark since 1873, is descended from an old and prominent Virginia family. His grandfather Johnson was a native of the Old Dominion, and a soldier in the Revolutionary War, as were other members of this family. David Johnson, the father of our subject, … Read more

Biography of A. K. Oliver

A. K. OLIVER. Eminently worthy of mention in this work is A. K. Oliver who has devoted his life to farming, and now has a comfortable home and a fine estate in Pike Creek Valley. He is a native of Smith County, Tennessee, and there first opened his eyes on the light of day in 1825. A son of Bluford and Polly (Link) Oliver, natives of Virginia, who were born in 1782 and 1784 respectively, and were reared and married in the State of their birth. They eventually removed to Smith County, Tennessee, and in that section they resided until … Read more

Biography of Jefferson Beauregard Searcy

JEFFERSON BEAUREGARD SEARCY, county clerk of Shannon County, and one of the most popular officials of the county, is a product of Boone County, Missouri, born December 30, 1858, and the son of George N. and Amanda J. (Cochram) Searcy, both natives of Boone County, Missouri In this county the parents were married, and here passed the remainder of their days, dying when comparatively young people, the father in 1865, when thirty-three years of age, and the mother in 1868, when thirty years of age. The grandfather, Lemuel Searcy, was an early settler of Boone County, Missouri, from Kentucky. The … Read more

Biography of Harrison Haskin

HARRISON HASKIN, Ozark, Missouri Whatever may be said by demagogues about the tyranny of capital, the man who affords employment to his fellow men and maintains industries which turn out articles of utility does more real good for his generation than all the combined agitators of the country. Under existing civilization the only possible solution to the problem of the prevention of want and suffering is found in the great manufacturing plants, which have the capital necessary to pay wages to the many before pay is received for the goods. A glance at the thriving city of Ozark, Missouri, shows … Read more

Biography of Dr. G. P. S. Brown

DR. G. P. S. BROWN. Prominent in the professional world of Christian County is the name of Dr. Brown, whose services to humanity are worthy of record in this volume, for the professional career of a skillful and devoted physician ever furnishes material of great interest to all readers, and the life narrative of Dr. Brown is no exception to this general statement. He is a native of Greene County, Missouri, born in 1853, and the son of John D. and Mary (Bray) Brown, both natives of the Old North State, the father’s birth occurring in Randolph County in 1798, … Read more

Biography of John Angle

JOHN ANGLE. This shrewd, practical and successful business man is a member of the well-known mercantile firm of Cantrell & Angle, of Bruno, Arkansas, and since 1852 has been a resident of Marion County, coming thither from middle Tennessee in 1850, and for two years was a resident of Van Buren County. He owes his nativity to Tennessee, where he first saw the light February 5, 1841, being one of a good old-fashioned family of fourteen children born to James and Elizabeth (Ward) Angle, the former of whom was a native of Hickman County, Tennessee, and a son of John … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Purdy

Among the reputable men of Billings, Missouri, who, in their conduct of business matters and the duties belonging to the various relations of life, have acquired a worthy name, is Charles E. Purdy, the efficient, intelligent and energetic mayor of that place. Although young in years he is old in experience, and is one of the leading.spirits of the city, guarding its interests and furthering all worthy enterprises. Mr. Purdy came originally from Jackson County, Illinois, born April 5, 1860. A son of Henry I. and Polly A. (Varnum) Purdy, natives of Vermont. His grandfather, Isham Purdy, was born in … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Ambrose

HENRY C. AMBROSE. A large class of the farmers of Stone County, Missouri, lead such modest and quiet lives as to be seldom heard of outside of their own townships. They are doing fine work in their own community, but do not care to mingle in the more public matters of political life, as they wish to devote all their time and energies to the cultivation of their farms and the development of the resources of their lands. Such men deserve more mention than they ordinarily receive, and we are pleased to present here one of them, in the person … Read more

Biography of Hon. Jacob B. Reaser

HON. JACOB B. REASER. This prominent and successful stockman and farmer of Birch Tree, Missouri, was born in Jackson County, Tennessee, in 1837. A son of Peter and Emeline (Brown) Reaser, who were natives of Virginia, but removed to Tennessee with their parents, where they were reared, received such education as the schools of that day afforded, and were married in Jackson County, Tennessee. In May, 1822, they came by ox team to Oregon County, Missouri, at which time that section was very wild and unsettled, and for a long time the most of their marketing was done at St. … Read more

Biography of James Franklin Norton

JAMES FRANKLIN NORTON, merchant and farmer of Eminence, Missouri, is a native of the Blue Grass State, born in Lawrence County, in 1839. His father, David Norton, who was reared in Virginia, moved to Kentucky at an early date and when our subject was but an infant came to Audrain County, Missouri, where he passed his last days. He was a prominent farmer and stockraiser, and while a resident of Audrain County held the office of justice of the peace. Politically he was a Democrat, and fraternally a Mason. His death occurred in 1852 when about forty years of age. … Read more

Biography of Spencer Hugh Ware

SPENCER HUGH WARE. Efficient, capable and trustworthy would be the verdict passed upon the character and official standing of our subject by any one in Shannon County to whom the question might be asked. Spencer Hugh Ware, circuit clerk and recorder of this county, is a most ardent Democrat, and most loyally stands by and works for the nominees of his party. He is a native Missourian, born in Licking, February 10, 1851. The son of Henry and Martha (Mitchell) Ware, natives of Maryland and White County, Tennessee, respectively, the father born in the year 181I. Henry Ware left his … Read more

Biography of Stanford Chapman

Stanford Chapman

Missouri Few men have lived more quietly and unostentatiously than Mr. Stanford Chapman, and yet few have exerted a more salutary influence upon the immediate society in which they move, or impressed a community with a more profound reliance on their honor, ability and sterling worth. His life has not been marked by startling or striking contrasts, but it has shown how a laudable ambition may be gratified when accompanied by pure motives, perseverance, industry and steadfastness of purpose. Mr. Chapman came originally from Tennessee, his birth occurring June 3, 1825. He is the son of Benjamin and Mary (Cavett) … Read more

Biography of Sigel Henson

SIGEL HENSON. This gentleman, who is a prominent merchant at Cape Fair, is a descendant of one of the early pioneer families of Stone County, his parents, Zachariah and Armala (Williams) Henson, having settled on Flat Creek, this county, in 1835. He is a product of this county, born August 20, 1861, but just ten days after the battle of Wilson Creek, and the youngest in an old-fashioned family of twelve children. His youthful days were passed in attending school (taught in the old Jones’ schoolhouse of his district) and assisting on the farm. When sixteen years of age he … Read more

Biography of Rufus McLelland

This worthy citizen has made his home in south Missouri and this county since 1851, and by his upright, honorable career has won the respect and confidence of all. He was born May 17, 1822, in North Carolina, of which State his parents, William R. and Clarissa (Crawford) McLelland, were also natives. The father was a prominent business man and a large slave owner although he prayed for the day to come that would set the slaves free. That day he was not destined to see, for he died before the war. He passed away in North Carolina, as did … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah B. Simpson, M. D.

JEREMIAH B. SIMPSON, M. D. There is no man more highly esteemed in a community than the medical practitioner, and there is not among all the physicians of Baxter County, Arkansas, one who is held higher in public favor than Dr. Jeremiah B. Simpson. This gentleman was born in Wayne County, Illinois, in 1851 , to John W. and Sallie (Murphy) Simpson, the former of whom was also born there. The paternal grandfather, William Simpson, was a Tennessean, and a pioneer of Wayne County, Illinois, where he lived and died. John W. Simpson was a worthy tiller of the soil, … Read more

Biography of Charles R. Fulbright

CHARLES R. FULBRIGHT. In tracing back the genealogy of the Fulbright family we find that it sprang from good old German stock. William Fulbright, the great-grandfather of our subject, was a native of the Old North State, and spoke the German language fluently. He married Miss Ruth Hollingsworth and went to Tennessee where he became the owner of a large farm and many Negroes. In the spring of 1830 he came to Greene County, Missouri, with his family, making the trip in wagons; he also brought thirty slaves. He had four brothers who came to Missouri with families: David, John, … Read more

Biography of Wright Simpson

WRIGHT SIMPSON, a prominent citizen residing four miles northeast of Alton, is a native of DeKalb County, Tennessee, born in the year 1839, and is the son of Thomas Simpson and Nancy (Moreland) Simpson, the father a native of Rockingham County, N. C., and the mother of Carter County, East Tennessee The parents were married in Warren County, Tennessee, and resided in that and DeKalb Counties until 1853, when they came to Missouri, where they located in township 24, range 4 and section 13. This farm was in the dense woods and the nearest neighbor lived as far away as … Read more

Biography of Frank Kentling

FRANK KENTLING. In the midst of the failures and disasters of life it is a real pleasure to review the career of a man whose efforts have been crowned with success and whose life has been honorable in every particular, as has that of Frank Kentling. He is now a general merchant, farmer and stock dealer at Highlandville, Missouri, and is one of the foremost business men of his section. He possesses all the thrift and perseverance of his Teutonic ancestors and has met with the success that is sure to follow. Mr. Kentling was born in 1841 in North … Read more