Biography of James H. French

JAMES H. FRENCH. The agricultural part of any community is the bone and sinew from which comes the strength and vigor necessary to carry on the affairs of manufacture, commerce and the State. When the farming people are composed of men and women of courage, enterprise, intelligence and integrity, prosperity will attend all departments of activity, and this is preminently the case in Christian County, Missouri, and among those who hold high rank as a tiller of the soil is Mr. French, who springs from one of the pioneer families of this section. He is the youngest but one of … Read more

Biography of Judge John P. Collier

JUDGE JOHN P. COLLIER. The philosophy of success in life is an interesting study, and affords a lesson from which others can profit. In choosing a pursuit in life, taste, mental gifts, opportunity and disposition to labor, should be considered, as many a young man who has a disposition to become a respectable and useful citizen desires to succeed therein. On the 15th of July, 1842, a boy was born in Warren County, Kentucky, who grew up to sturdy manhood, ambitious to excel and possessing much energy and determination, attributes which are essential to success in any calling. This boy … Read more

Biography of Anthony Casey

ANTHONY CASEY. Anthony Casey is one of those men who faithfully served his country during the troublesome times of war and is now a prominent, law-abiding, public-spirited and patriotic citizen. He is a product of Tennessee, born in Morgan County, in 1826, and remained in that State until about eight years of age, when he came with his parents, Jesse and Martha (Coe) Casey, to Franklin County, Missouri About two years later the parents came to Johnson County, Arkansas, where they resided about five years and then moved to Newton County, making their home at the head of the Hudson … Read more

Biography of John Kintrea

JOHN KINTREA. Among the countless industries of the United States, there are none which attracts more universal attention than that of merchandising. Among those prominently engaged in this occupation in Taney County, is John Kintrea, who has a fine store at Kirbyville. This gentleman was born at Woodstock, February 28, 1852, and, no doubt, inherits his perseverance, industry and sturdy traits of character from his Scotch ancestors. His father, James Kintrea, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1820, and when a young man emigrated to Canada. Later he found his way to Missouri and followed the painter’s trade at Springfield, … Read more

Biography of J. S. Cowdrey

Among the representative business men of Yellville, Arkansas, none hold a more prominent place than J. S. Cowdrey, whose high reputation and material prosperity came as the reward of unusual natural abilities, industriously applied. The establishment which he now owns has a good share of patronage and support, and his trade is increasing in a very flattering manner. He was born in this county July 15, 1846, a son of Dr. J. M. and Agnes (McCubbin) Cowdrey, who were among the early pioneers of this section of the country. Dr. James M. Cowdrey, the father, was born in South Carolina … Read more

Biography of Richard S. Holt

RICHARD S. HOLT. It is a pleasure to write the biography of a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so comprehensive that happiness and success in any enterprise is bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any reasonable problem in life. It is an unwritten law that the secret of success in life in all individual cases is the common property or heritage of all unfortunates of the human race. It is therefore eminently proper for the historian or delineator of character to review the lives of those individuals … Read more

Biography of James C. Harmon

JAMES C. HARMON. It is the men of broad and comprehensive views who give life to communities-men who have foresight and energy, pluck and push to forward their enterprises and still retain an untarnished reputation through it all. Such a man is James C. Harmon, who is one of the leading citizens of Cleburne County, Arkansas He was born in Monroe County, Tennessee, in 1846, and is a son of Peter and Caroline (Kirkland) Harmon, natives also of that county, their marriage taking place near Madison. From their native State they removed to Arkansas, in 1849, and located in Independence … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. W. McClurg

HON. J. W. McCLURG, ex-governor of the State of Missouri. A man’s life work measures his success, and the man who devotes his powers to the accomplishment of an honorable purpose is to be honored. If a careful study is made of the motives which actuate every man’s life, there is always to be found some object for which he lives. In Hon. J. W. McClurg it seems to have been an ambition to make the best use of his native and acquired powers and to develop in himself a true manhood. A native of St. Louis County, Missouri, he … Read more

Biography of Walter A. Long

Among the bright and promising young attorneys of Christian County, Missouri, is Walter A. Long, who has secured a satisfactory degree of worldly success by reason of his personal traits and the exercise of unmistakable business ability. His natural acumen, added to the thorough education he received in his youth, makes him judicious in law, and his desire to reach the highest possible position in the profession keeps him ever on the alert to add to his knowledge by observation and study. For the past six years he has practiced his profession in this and other counties of the State, … Read more

Biography of Irving H. Boemer, M.D.

Dr. Irving H. Boemer, a St. Louis physician, with offices 1n the Metropolitan building, was born in St. Clair county, Illinois, September 13, 1889. His father, Henry Boemer, was also born in St. Clair county, while the paternal grandfather was a native of Germany. Henry Boemer is now living retired and makes his home in St. Louis. In early manhood he wedded Katherine Merod, who was born in St. Clair county and is a representative of an old French family. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boemer was celebrated in 1887 and they became the parents of two eons … Read more

Biography of Thomas F. Williams

THOMAS F. WILLIAMS. T. F. Williams is a substantial citizen of Taney County, Missouri, and from early boyhood has devoted his attention to farming interests, being now the owner of an excellent tract of 280 acres, 100 acres under cultivation, in Swan township. Mr. Williams was born in Polk County, Missouri, December 6, 1859, and is a son of John E. and Louisa J. (Hale) Williams, both natives of Tennessee, the former born October 21, 1820, and the latter September 27, 1830. The grandfather, John Williams, died in Tennessee. About 1852 the father of our subject came to Missouri and … Read more

Biography of J. Frank Seaman

J. FRANK SEAMAN. Among the reputable men of Galena who have made their home in Stone County since 1865, is J. Frank Seaman, whose birth occurred at Carrollton, Carroll County, Arkansas, October 1, 1847. His father, Hon. John F. Seaman, was born in Saratoga County, New York, in 1812, and was of Scotch origin. He remained in his native county until grown, and then became a driver on the Erie Canal. Following this, he became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in 1834 emigrated to Michigan, where he resided two years. In 1836 he was appointed a missionary … Read more

Biography of Col. J. C. Cravens

COL. J. C. CRAVENS. Among the most esteemed and respected citizens of Springfield, Missouri, there is not one who has been a more faithful soldier, a more pleasant or agreeable member of society, or a more thorough or sagacious attorney than the gentleman whose name is mentioned above. He is a native of Saline County, Missouri, where he was born February 18, 1838. The son of Dr. John and Ruhannah (Chaplin) Cravens, the former of whom was born at Harrisburg, Rockingham County, Virginia, a son of Dr. Joseph Cravens. This family is of Scotch-Irish descent and first took root on … Read more

Biography of S. W. Boswell

S. W. BOSWELL, vice-president of Taney County Bank, and general business man of Forsyth, Missouri, was born in that city, October 15, 1860. He is a son of Levi and Louisa (Wilks) Boswell, both natives of Missouri, the father being born in Taney County. Levi Boswell, Sr., grandfather of our subject, was born in Tennessee, and came to this State at an early day, taking up land on Swan Creek, about sixteen miles from Forsyth. There he resided until 1861, when, on account of his political views he was obliged to remove to Greene County, Missouri, where he remained during … Read more

Biography of Isaac A. Tyndall

ISAAC A. TYNDALL. The gentleman who occupies the honorable position of assessor of Christian County, Missouri, was first elected to that office in 1890, and reelected two years later. He is one of the most prominent citizens, and has held many official positions of trust. Mr. Tyndall was born in Christian (then Greene) County, May 10, 1856. His parents, William V. and Hannah (Huff) Tyndall, were natives of Georgia and Arkansas, respectively, the father born April 19, 1818, and the mother in Fulton County. Our subject’s great-grandfather came from England to this country at an early date, and settled at … Read more

Biography of Dr. E. B. Brown

DR. E. B. BROWN. The gentleman, the salient points of whose history we shall endeavor to give below, is one of the most prominent physicians of Christian County, and his experience in civil life has been supplemented by the crucial one of witnessing death and the most terrible wounds with their attendant surgical operations. Dr. E. B. Brown commends himself most pleasantly to those with whom he comes in contact. He is a man of great force of character and one whose very presence would soothe a nervous and weakened patient. He is well read and informed, not only as … Read more

Biography of John M. French

JOHN M. FRENCH. It should be impressed upon the minds of youth that at an early age they should practice introspection and should seriously study the famous Delphic oracle, “know thyself.” They will thus find as suitable an occupation as did John M. French, who at an early age showed much ability as an agriculturist. While Mr. French would unquestionably have made a success as a business man, or as a practitioner of law or many other of the learned professions, it is likewise true that no farmer of the county has gone deeper into the details of his occupation, … Read more

Biography of J. W. Miller

J. W. MILLER has been a resident of Douglas County, Missouri, since 1856, in which year he removed to this section from his native State of Tennessee. He was born January 1, 1827, a son of Dobson and Mary A. (Burnett) Miller, who came to this section at the same time as their son and settled on a farm in this county, on which both eventually died, the father in 1868 and the mother in 1867. The Millers are of English and Irish descent, while the Burnetts are of French extraction,and have been residents of America from the very early … Read more

Biography of Rev. William J. Fulton

REV. WILLIAM J. FULTON. The career of this gentleman is one well worthy the respect of all, for he has for many years labored faithfully for the good of others, and on many occasions has cast aside personal considerations in order to do this. He was born in Robertson County, Tennessee,, November 26, 1840, and was there reared and educated. His parents, William and Elizabeth (Chapman) Fulton, were also born in that State, the birth of the former occurring in 1809. He was a son of Ira Fulton, who was one of the very early pioneers of the State. William … Read more

Biography of Thomas L. Viles

THOMAS L. VILES. To attain success in any calling, it is necessary that a man should be possessed of a keen and discerning mind, with the energy and determination to push his business or profession instead of allowing it to push him. These qualities are possessed in an eminent degree by Thomas L. Viles, who is the able prosecuting attorney of Stone County, in which he has made his home for many years. He is a native of Roane County, Tennessee, where he was born October 3, 1850. The son of John and Martha (Roberts) Viles, who were also Tennesseans. … Read more