Biographical Sketch of Charles Taylor Burns

Charles Taylor Burns, member of the Muskogee bar, devoting his practice to civil law cases, was born in Smithville, Arkansas, August 20,1871, and is a son of John Henry and Elizabeth Frances (Thornburgh) Burns. The father devoted his life to merchandising and thus provided for the support of his family. Charles T. Burns, having completed a public school education, afterward pursued a business course in the Central Business College at Sedalia, Missouri, and later entered upon preparation for his professional career as a law student in the University of Arkansas. On the completion of the course he was admitted to … Read more

Biography of Hon. William M. Duffy

Hon. William M. Duffy, attorney at law in Checotah and now serving his first term as justice of the peace, was born in Callaway County, Missouri, on the 21st of August, 1866, a son of Mathew and Caroline (Ellis) Duffy. The father was born in Ireland and came to America when a young man, locating in Missouri, where he engaged in farming. He followed agricultural pursuits the remainder of his life and died in 1874, one of the prominent and representative citizens of the community in which he resided. Mrs. Duffy was born in Missouri and her death occurred in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Durrett Simms

The subject of this sketch was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, January 6, 1880, his parents being James M. and Mary Durrett Simms. While a child his parents moved to Missouri and his education was received in the schools of that state. In September, 1900, he went to St. Louis, studied shorthand there, accepted a position in a law office in February, 1901, and took up the study of law, attending the lectures of the Benton College of Law at night. In June, 1902, he was admitted to the bar in the city of St. Louis. He resided in St. … Read more

Biography of Clark Nichols

Clark Nichols, attorney at law in Eufaula and a member of the State senate from McIntosh, Muskogee and Haskell counties, was born in Elk County, Kansas, on the 16th of November, 1880, a son of John A. and Mary C. (Conover) Nichols, both natives of Illinois. The father removed to Kansas at an early age and acquiring land in Elk County, farmed there until 1889, in which year he, removed to Joplin, Missouri. There he engaged in mining but in 1911 he disposed of his interests and came to Hanna, Oklahoma. He bought land near here, which he still operates. … Read more

Biography of W. M. Crawford

W. M. Crawford, pumper for the St. Clair Oil & Gas Company is now active in that connection on the C. Weavel farm, six and a quarter miles northeast of Delaware. A native of Van Buren County, Iowa, his birth occurred on the 19th of September, 1876, a son of J. H. and Susan (Smith) Crawford. W. M. Crawford received his education in the schools of his native County and also in Missouri and Iowa, but when thirteen years of age he put his textbooks aside and came to Indian Territory with his parents. For three years they resided on … Read more

Crawford, Jennie Gale – Obituary

1910-2004 Jennie Gale Crawford, 94, of Wallowa died Dec. 7 at a care center. The funeral will begin at 1 p.m. Dec. 11 at Bollman Funeral Home, 315 W. Main St., Enterprise. Mrs. Crawford was born Feb. 13, 1910, to James and Lucy Rutledge in Princeton, Mo. She grew up in Mercer, Mo., and on June 11, 1930, married Theodore Crawford in Corydon, Iowa. The couple lived in Powersville, Mo., Pleasant Valley, Telocaset and North Powder where they stayed for 24 years. They moved to Pilot Rock until retirement in 1972 and then to Wallowa. She was a member of … Read more

Biography of Joseph A. Bartles

Joseph A. Bartles, prominently identified with the development of the oil and gas industry in northern Oklahoma, makes his home in Dewey and has spent almost his entire life in Washington County. Actuated by a spirit of progress and enterprise at all times he has become a dynamic force in connection with the development of this section of the state. His judgment is sound, his enterprise unfaltering and the essential features of success he readily recognizes and utilizes. Joseph A. Bartles was born December 15, 1874, on Turkey creek, in the Cherokee Nation, his parents being Colonel J. H. and … Read more

Biography of Neil Baxter Gardner

Since 1915 Neil Baxter Gardner has been Superintendent of the Oklahoma State Home for Orphans at Pryor. He was first appointed to that position of public service by Governor R. L. Williams, and he discharged his duties with such efficiency during that administration, that he was reappointed by Governor Robertson, with a substantial increase in salary. Mr. Gardner is one of Oklahoma’s sons by adoption, for he was born in Independence, Henderson County, Tennessee, on the 12th of October, 1875. His parents were Nathan A. and Frances Leona (Autry) Gardner, both of whom were born in Tennessee. They are now … Read more

Biography of K. J. Montgomery

K. J. Montgomery, a progressive young business man, familiarly known as “Jack” to his many friends in Vinita, is numbered among the leading cattlemen of northeastern Oklahoma and worthily bears a name which for the past eighteen years has been synonymous with enterprise and integrity in business circles of Craig County. He is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Cedar County on the 21st of January, 1887, and is a son of Thomas R. Montgomery, who was born in Tennessee. The father subsequently removed to the west, becoming the owner of one of the finest farms in … Read more

Bean, Rufus Eusebeous – Obituary

Rufus E. Bean of Milton, well-known civic and political leader of Umatilla County, died Saturday afternoon [April 5] at a Walla Walla hospital of cerebral thrombosis. Born January 1, 1876 at Virgil City, Mo., he was the youngest of 13 children. After four years of schooling in a one-room school in Michigan, he learned telegraphy at Janesville, Wis., where his teacher was George Parker, fountain pen inventor. He worked as a telegraph operator at Floodwood, Minn., and at Portland. He became and agent for the O.W.R. & N. Company at Milton, and lived in this community for the rest of … Read more

Sharp, James Meilke – Obituary

J. M. Sharp, Aged Pioneer, Dies At Ranch Home. Month’s Illness Is Fatal For Santa Paula Rancher. Funeral Rites Will Be Monday. Deceased Organized Bank And Other Corporations. J. M. Sharp, who played an important part in the general development of Ventura County, passed away at his home west of Santa Paula at 8:30 o’clock last night (December 8, 1932), following a four weeks’ illness with influenza. He was one of the first citrus growers in Ventura County and within the past few years had undertaken the development of 125 additional acres in orchard. He was recognized as a progressively-minded … Read more

Barnes, S. T. – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon In this city Friday, October 20, 1905. S.T. Barnes, aged 66 years. Deceased was a native of Missouri, but was one of the pioneer residents of Summerville, having been engaged in business here until a few years ago. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mochell and the remains were interred in the Summerville cemetery. Elgin Recorder Friday October 27,1905

Burford, James S. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Pioneer, Passes; Burial Thursday James S Burford, 76 year old pioneer of Union County, died this morning (June 25, 1935) at the Grande Ronde hospital after a short illness. (He was born February 19, 1859 per funeral card). Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Methodist church at Cove with Rev. Smits in charge of the services. Burial will take place at the family plot in the Cove Cemetery. Friends may view the body at the chapel of Walters Funeral Home. Mr. Burford crossed the plains to Oregon at the age … Read more

Bidwell, Charles Calvin – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon In Union, Oregon, Nov. 25, 1915, Charles Calvin Bidwell, aged 89 years, 9 months and 5 days. The deceased was born at Verona, New York, Feb 20., 1827. In early manhood he went to Illinois and from there to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, at which place he was married Sept, 5, 1858, to Mary A. Gilbert. To them were born five children, three boys and two girls. The oldest, Geneveive, died at four years of age. Later he moved to Minnesota and took up a homestead. When the civil war broke out he enlisted at Fort … Read more

Bidwell, Mary A. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Died-At North Powder, Oregon, Tuesday, August 30, 1921, Mary A. Bidwell, age 82 years and 5 months. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church, Union, Oregon, Thursday, September 1, at 2 p.m. Mary Ann Gilbert was born March 31, 1839, at Spencer, New York. When but a small child she moved with her parents to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where she lived till she reached womanhood. On September 5, 1859, she was united in marriage to Charles C. Bidwell who passed away November 25, 1915. To this union were born five children, four … Read more

Biography of Warren Butz

Warren Butz, chief deputy clerk of the United States courts at Muskogee, was born in Hope, Illinois, August 1, 1872, a son of J. K. and Rebecca (Tillotson) Butz. He matriculated in the Union Christian College, after completing his public school course and thus studied at Merom, Indiana, for a time, while later he became a student in the University of Illinois, his liberal educational training well qualifying him for life’s practical and responsible duties: He started out in the business world in connection with the engineering department of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad and in 1899 he conducted … Read more

Biography of Alfred J. Tayrien

From pioneer times until the present the name of Tayrien has figured prominently in connection with the development and up-building of Oklahoma and Alfred J. Tayrien, who represents the third generation of the family in this state, is actuated by the same spirit of progress and enterprise which dominated his for-bears, worthily bearing his part in the work of progress and advancement here. He was born in Osage County on the 17th of May, 1899, and is a son of Andrew, and Francis Tayrien, the latter May of Osage extraction. The father is also a native of Osage County, his … Read more

Benson, David R. – Obituary

Near his residence in the town of Union, at 5 o’clock, Sunday morning, Oct. 7th, D. R. Benson, aged 67 years. David R. Benson, the subject of this sketch was well and favorably known, from Idaho to California, as a man of most remarkable energy and undoubted honesty and integrity. There are indeed, few, if any men in this entire community, whose loss would be so deeply felt. Many years of constant and active business relations with citizens of Union, Umatilla and Baker counties, has served to make his name known far and wide, and his word with heavy cattle … Read more

Childers, J. P. – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon A Paralytic Stroke Mr. J. P. Childers, an aged resident of Summerville, suffered a stroke of paralysis about half-past one o’clock Wednesday afternoon. He had been up and around during the day and was in his usual health up to the time of the attack. His condition is considered very critical. Separate Column (same newspaper) James P. Childers, an old and respected citizen of Union County, died Friday afternoon at his home near Summerville. Death was the result of a stroke of paralysis that came last Wednesday. Eastern Oregon Semi-Weekly Republican Volume VIII, Number 28 Brief … Read more

Boly, Mrs. Jemimah

Elgin, Union County, Oregon Death Of Grandma Boly Mrs. Jemimah Boly, one of the aged pioneer settlers of this section, died at her home on the Flat, Sunday morning at 7 o’clock. She was born in Missouri in 1818, and in company with her husband and children emigrated to the Pacific coast at an early day. She was the mother of 12 children, only four of whom survive her. She had been a conscientious member of the Christian church for many years, and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Benton, pastor of the Christian church here. She was laid … Read more