Biography of William Lee Vaughan

William Lee Vaughan for a number of years had been one of the foremost business men and merchants of Kansas City, Kansas. Nearly all the residents of that city know his place of business at Eighteenth and Central Avenue, and particularly in that district of Kansas City his influence is recognized as having been one of the chief factors in many lines of development and improvement which have been brought about during the last decade or so. Mr. Vaughan had an interesting family history. He was born at Sedalla, Missouri, June 29, 1873, but had lived in Kansas for thirty … Read more

Biography of Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D.

Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D. Since 1899 Doctor Browne had been in steady demand for his exceptional professional ability as a physician and surgeon in Galena. His offices are at 305½ Main Street. Doctor Browne is an active member of the Cherokee County, Southeastern Kansas and State Medical Societies and the American Medical Association, and by these associations and by all other standards of judgment that can be applied to members of this profession he ranks as one of the leaders in his section of the state. Doctor Browne came to Galena after one year of practice in Kansas City, … Read more

Biography of Oscar Maxel Yount

Oscar Maxel Yount. The person of this sketch, Oscar Maxel Yount, is perhaps the most wonderful example, everything being taken into consideration, of what a determined will-power can accomplish that the Sunflower State had ever produced. He had been a lawyer and engaged in the active practice of his profession since June 22, 1905. He is a native son of Kansas, and the work he had done in his profession and in civic affairs had brought him a place of special esteem throughout the state and especially in his home community of Galena. He was not born with a “silver … Read more

Biography of Roy L. Fruit

Roy L. Fruit, one of the progressive newspaper men of the state, is publisher and proprietor of the Sedan Times-Star, one of the oldest republican journals in the southeastern quarter of the state. The Times-Star inherits the history of half a dozen or more papers which have had their share in the newspaper history of Chautauqua County. The Chautauqua Journal was founded at Sedan in 1875 by H. B. Kelley and R. S. Turner. It was consolidated with the Sedan Times in 1885. The Cedarvale Times, founded in 1878, was removed to Sedan the same year and the name changed … Read more

Biography of James A. Vaughan M. D.

James A. Vaughan, M. D. During his long and active career as a physician Doctor Vaughan had spent his most useful and profitable years in the State of Kansas. For more than ten years he had practiced successfully in Mound Valley in Labette County. Though most of his early years were spent in Southwest Missouri, Doctor Vaughan was born in Benton County, Arkansas, October 21, 1868. He is of English stock, and his great-grandfather came over from England and settled in Tennessee in the early days. His father, G. W. Vaughan, was born in Illinois in 1843, was reared in … Read more

Biography of William L. McNaughten, M. D.

William L. McNaughten, M. D., had been long and favorably known as a capable physician and surgeon in Chautauqua County, and now controls a large practice at Sedan. In his younger days he met and overcame obstacles and had to work for every step of his advancement while gaining his education and preparing himself for his profession. When nineteen years of age his education in the common schools was completed, and he then began working on a farm and learning the carpenter’s trade. As a carpenter he worked in Missouri and in 1883 moved to Kansas, locating in Montgomery County. … Read more

Biography of H. L. Kinnaman

H. L. Kinnaman. The present county treasurer of Chautauqua County is one of the oldest residents of that section of the state. More than forty years ago he began farming on some of the virgin acres of this county, and the careful study and energy he gave to the business brought him an ample competence besides providing liberally for his growing family. He is now a resident of the City of Sedan and had recently been chosen for a second term to the responsibilities of the county treasuryship. Mr. Kinnaman represents old American stock. His Kinnaman ancestors were German people … Read more

Biography of Charles P. Beebe

Charles P. Beebe. Among the well known newspaper men of Wilson County, one who had had broad experience in his vocation is Charles P. Beebe, who during the past three years had been managing editor of the Neodesha Daily Sun. Mr. Beebe learned the newspaper business at the case, and had worked his way up through the various departments of the business so that he had a thorough knowledge of all its details. Under his editorial management this publication had become one of the best daily papers of Wilson County and wields a wide influence all over this section. Mr. … Read more

Biography of Washington Grayson

Washington Grayson, prominently identified with the tribal government of the Creek Nation and closely associated with many public interests of importance to community and state, makes his home in Eufaula, where he is held in high respect and honor by all who know him. Mr. Grayson was born at Eufaula, Oklahoma, on the 15th of May, 1882, and is a son of George W. and Annie (Stidham) Grayson, both of whom are half-blood Creeks. The former was reared in and near Eufaula and was closely associated with public events in that section of Oklahoma then a part of the Indian … Read more

Biography of Cyprian Tayrien

Fifty years or more have been added to the cycle of the centuries since Cyprian Tayrien took up his abode on the farm which is still his home and through all these years he has contributed to the agricultural development of the region, thus utilizing the natural resources of the state and adding to the general prosperity of the community, as well as to his individual fortunes. Mr. Tayrien is a native of Missouri. He was born in Clay County, in 1836, his parents being Enoch and Mary Louise (Borboney) Tayrien. The father was a French-Canadian, while the mother was … Read more

Biography of Oliver Bagby, M. D.

Dr. Oliver Bagby, a pioneer physician of Vinita, who for twenty-nine years was engaged in practice here, has become widely and favorably known throughout this section of the state, both in his professional capacity and also as a leader in financial affairs. He was born near New Haven, in Franklin County, Missouri, December 26, 1858, his parents being Julian and Mary E. (Bridges) Bagby, both of whom were born in the year 1834. The Bagby family came originally from. Glasgow, Scotland, and the maternal ancestors were also natives of the land of hills and heather, the grandfather, Andrew W. Bridges, … Read more

Biography of S. J. Miller

Among the substantial residents of Rogers county are Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Miller, who are residing on their farm seven and one-half miles northwest of Chelsea. Mr. Miller is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred at Butler, Bates County, on the 4th of June, 1884. His parents were John M. and Rachael (North) Miller, natives of Ohio. In 1866 they moved to Missouri and locating in Bates County, the father farmed until his demise in 1919. He was one of the well known agriculturists in that county and a representative and progressive citizen who did much toward … Read more

Biography of Carl F. Mayer

In the sudden demise of Carl F. Mayer, which occurred at Joplin, Missouri, on the 19th of September, 1921, when he was fifty years of age, Miami lost one of its most progressive, public-spirited and highly respected citizens and the government a trusted official whose entire active life had been spent in its service. The place which he left vacant will be a difficult one to fill, for broad experience had given him a comprehensive understanding of Indian affairs, and the service which he rendered was one of great value to the nation. He was born at Leavenworth, Kansas, August … Read more

Draper, Sarah Frances – Obituary

Frances Draper Dies At Hospital Sarah Frances Draper, for the past 64 years a resident of Wallowa County died February 16, 1957 at the Wallowa Memorial Hospital, after a very short illness. Mrs. Draper was born April 7, 1874 in Missouri. She was the daughter of Thomas and Sarah Baldwin. In 1894 she was married at La Grande, Oregon to Judson W. Draper, who preceded her in death a few years ago. Funeral services were held Tuesday, February 19, 1957 at the Booth Bollman Chapel with Rev. John Sincliar, officiating. Mrs. Ralph Kay and Mrs. H.R. Weatherford sang “In the … Read more

Biography of Simeon S. Forrest

Simeon S. Forrest, one of the reliable citizens of Tahlequah, is the incumbent of the office of County assessor of Cherokee County. He is a native of Missouri, in which state he was born on the 21st of November, 1874, at Vienna, Maries County. His parents were William and Mary J. Forrest, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of North Carolina. They both went to Missouri with their parents at an early age and in that state their marriage took place. For some time the father followed farming in Maries County but he removed to Ozark County … Read more

Biography of George L. Wilkie

George L. Wilkie, a progressive farmer residing near Bartlesville, is interested in all modern developments along agricultural lines and by his prosperity in a modern enterprise conducted along scientific lines, is proving the value of system in promoting productiveness. He is a native son of Oklahoma, his birth having occurred at Bartlesville on the 26th of June, 1890, and his parents were Andrew and Leona (Tayrien) Wilkie, the latter a representative of one of the pioneer families of this state. His father was a native of Germany and when a young man of eighteen years he came to the United … Read more

Biography of John G. Land

John G. Land, whose intimate friends call him Jack and who is representing the Prudential Life Insurance Company of America as manager for the territory embracing Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas, was born in Springfield, Missouri, May 26, 1878, and is a son of J. G. and Nancy A. (Berry) Land, both of whom are deceased. The son was educated in the public schools of St. John, Kansas, and in Marmaduke College at Sweet Springs, Missouri. When sixteen years of age he took up the study of telegraphy and for fifteen years was an operator. In 1898 he came to Muskogee … Read more

Biography of Nicholas Boyns

Nicholas Boyns. Any community however large is the better off for the presence of a citizen of such commercial calibre and individual enterprise as Nicholas Boyns. The time of his arrival on the scene which had been his permanent home for many years was 1871. In that year he landed in Kansas City, Missouri. His arrival made no particular stir, and he was practically unknown and his possibilities of work were unvalued. Deep within him he had ambition, energy and a long look ahead. The first employment which he was not long in finding was as clerk in the famous … Read more

Biography of H. N. Gunn

Modern agriculture requires for its development an efficiency and a thorough knowledge which amount almost to a science and it has become recognized as an occupation in which practical methods result in a high degree of prosperity. This statement finds verification in the life record of H. N. Gunn, a pioneer farmer of Oklahoma, and by his success in a modern enterprise conducted along progressive lines he has proven the efficiency of system in promoting productiveness. A native of Missouri, he was born in the northern part of the state on the 20th of June, 1877, and came to Oklahoma … Read more

Biography of Carl E. Kayser

Carl E. Kayser, son of Carl F. and Lillian P. (Eble) Kayser, was born May 20, 1889, in Newark, New Jersey. His father was born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, and his mother was born in the state of New Jersey. His father came to the United States at the age of eighteen years and has been in the teaching profession ever since, being now professor of Germanic languages in Hunter College, New York city. Carl E. Kayser attended the public schools in Newark, New Jersey, and in New York City, and from 1905 to 1909 he attended … Read more