Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Joel Mayer

Well known at Oilton and in Creek county is Mrs. Joel Mayer, who was born in Ramona, Oklahoma, on the 6th of February, 1900. She is a daughter of Reuben Bartlett and Roxie Ann (Pierson) Tuner. The former was one of the well to do old settlers of Oklahoma, important in the tribal affairs of his people in the early days, and the family has long been represented in this section of the state. The daughter, Mrs. Mayer, pursued her education in St. Francis Convent at Nevada, Missouri, and then returned to her home in Oklahoma, having since been a … Read more

Biography of Art Harris

Art Harris, president of the Art Harris Transfer & Storage Company of Muskogee, was born in McDonald county, Missouri, December 31, 1876, and is a son of M. A. and Rhoda A. (Richardson) Harris, the former a native of New York and the latter of Tennessee. The father went to Texas with his parents when a boy and later became a resident of Missouri, settling in Pineville, where he engaged in contracting and building. Later his work of this character took him into Arkansas and Kansas and he continued his contract work in those states and in Missouri until the … Read more

Biography of Webb Littlefield

Webb Littlefield, treasurer of the Guaranty Trust. Company of Muskogee, was born March 12; 1884, in Knobnoster, Missouri, a son of Charles B. and Theodosia (Webb) Littlefield, who were at one time residents of Kentucky and afterward established their home in Johnson county, Missouri. The father engaged in banking in Missouri for thirty years and in 1906 came to the Indian Territory, settling at Claremore. Webb Littlefield pursued a public school education in Missouri and afterward attended the Teachers’ College at Warrensburg, that state. He started out in the business world as a clerk in the employ of the National … Read more

Biography of Ad V. Coppedge

Ad V. Coppedge, the pioneer lawyer of Delaware county and the first county attorney, has also been connected with every important constructive measure that has led to the up building, development and progress of this section of the state. He became a resident of Grove in 1963 and throughout all the intervening period has taken active part in shaping the county’s up building. Mr. Coppedge was born on a farm in Missouri near the Arkansas line, January 26, 1870, the old homestead being situated at Thayer. His parents were Houston Harrison and Tennessee Martha (Bledsoe) Coppedge, and the mother, a … Read more

Biography of James G. Mehlin

James G. Mehlin, a pioneer farmer of Nowata county who is now residing one and one-half miles northeast of Alluwe, was born in Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, Germany, on the 21st of January, 1841. His parents were both born in that country and the father died there. Mrs. Mehlin came to America prior to her son James G. and located in New York, where her death occurred in 1870. James G. Merlin came to America in 1854 and, landing in New York, remained there a short time, but later removed to Maryland. Subsequently he went to Chicago, Illinois, where his brother Charles … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward E. Hedges

Edward E. Hedges has built up an extensive and profitable business as proprietor of the Bartlesville Decorating Company of Bartlesville, which he established in 1909 and has successfully conducted throughout the intervening period of twelve years. His birth occurred in Weston, Missouri, on the 15th of June, 1890, his parents being William and Jennie (Bammer) Hedges, who now make their home in Leavenworth, Kansas. He obtained his education in the public schools, passing through consecutive grades to his graduation from the high school, and on leaving his native state he made his way to Leavenworth, Kansas, but a year later … Read more

Biography of J. O. Crane

Among the popular and efficient public officials of Washington county is numbered J. O. Crane, who since 1914 has capably filled the office of county surveyor of Washington county. He is a native of Kansas, his birth having occurred in a log cabin in Labette county. His paternal grandfather, William Crane, successfully followed agricultural pursuits in Illinois, becoming the owner of large property holdings in that state. His son, J. H. Crane, was a native of Illinois and followed the trades of painting and wagon making in that state. In 1854 he left Decatur, Illinois, and journeyed across the plains … Read more

Biography of Martin E. Turner

Martin E. Turner, who has been numbered among the able representatives of the legal fraternity at Eufaula for the past decade, is now practicing successfully as a member of the firm of Turner, Turner, Harley & Paris. His birth occurred in Columbia, Missouri, on the 2d of May, 1878, his parents being George W. and Elizabeth J. (Martin) Turner, both of whom were also natives of that state, where the father followed general agricultural pursuits throughout his entire business career. During the period of the Civil war he was captured while endeavoring to reach Price’s army and was incarcerated in … Read more

Biography of J. R. Wade

J. R. Wade, a leading agriculturist of Osage county, exemplifies in his career the progressive spirit that has been the dominant factor in the up building of the west and is a typical frontiersman, having spent much of his life on the wide, open ranges and gained that breadth of vision and keen insight which come through close communion with nature. He was born in the southeastern part of Berry county, Missouri, September 3, 1883, and his parents were E. B. and E. J. (Bradley) Wade, the former a native of Virginia, while the latter way born in Missouri. The … Read more

Rodgers, Henrietta Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Henrietta Rogers (sic) born October 15, 1854, in Missouri, died December 15th, 1919 in Enterprise, Oregon, aged 65 years and two months. The deceased was married to Robt. D. Rodgers in 1869 and to this union was born three sons, James W., Chas. J., Edward E., all of whom survive her. A sister Ellen Hubbard and a brother Chas. A. Graves also survive her. After living in Missouri thirty years, Mrs. Rodgers moved to North Dakota where they resided sixteen years and thence to Oregon and she has resided in Enterprise for thirteen years. The … Read more

Ralls, Johnny – Obituary

Paradise, Wallowa County, Oregon Johnny D. Ralls, son of J. W. and Mary A. Ralls, was born in Knox Co., Missouri, May 1, 1885 and died in Paradise, Oregon, June 7, 1903 at the age of 18 years, 1 month and 6 days. He suffered intensely for about 8 days. The deceased was a kind, affectionate and obedient son. The family has the sympathy of the entire community in it’s bereavement. The funeral sermon was preached in Paradise school house on June 9th and the remains interred in the Paradise cemetery, the services being conducted by rev. Henry Martin. A … Read more

McCormack, William – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Settler in the Valley Dead William McCormack First Permanent resident, Expires Suddenly William McCormack, the first settler in the Wallowa valley, died last Friday morning in his home on Alder Slope. He had not been robust for some time, but retired Thursday night in seemingly normal health. At 2 o’clock Friday morning, other members of the family heard groans coming from his room. He was found apparently suffering great pain although scarcely conscious. When a physician arrived, after being called in haste from Enterprise, the pioneer was dead. He never regained consciousness after the family … Read more

Biography of Henry Clay Dale, Prof.

Prof. Henry Clay Dale. No person in a community wields a greater influence in the molding and shaping of character than does the school teacher. The capable, conscientious instructor stands nearer to the hearts of his charges than does any other persons. On entering the schoolroom the child’s mind is as plastic clay and is as readily made to take shape in the hands of the skilled educator. Therefore his great responsibility, and therefore the honored position which he holds in the community when his duties are faithfully discharged. Of the educators of Columbus, Kansas, Prof. Henry Clay Dale is … Read more

Biography of T. W. Truskett

T. W. Truskett. The real estate brokerage business established by Thomas W. Truskett, in 1908, had gone hand in hand with the development of Caney since its inception and undoubtedly had contributed largely toward the advantageous disposal of property and the honorable and satisfactory placing of loans, as any concern of the kind in Montgomery County. Mr. Truskett is one of Caney’s substantial citizens; his success is self-made and in its scope and usefulness directs attention to qualities of perseverance, business integrity and ability and high regard for the welfare of the community. Mr. Truskett was born in Monroe County, … Read more

Biography of George K. Reid

George K. Reid, who had been a resident of Kansas nearly thirty-five years, had built up and maintained what is unquestionably the largest business at Howard in abstracts, loans and insurance. When it is stated that Mr. Reid is the son of a minister, there is no need to explain that he was not reared in a home of luxury or wealth, and as a matter of fact from an early age he had been dependent upon his own resources and had made good. His Reid ancestors at one time lived in England, moved from there to Scotland, thence to … Read more

Biography of Bertrand Rockwell, Captain

Bertrand Rockwell, who had had his home at Kansas City, Missouri, since 1906 was one of the constructive figures in Kansas from the close of the Civil war until he retired from business. Apart from the individual interest of his career, his activities have had the greatest value in connection with Junction City and that section of the state. Before he had reached his majority he had left school and entered the army, and came out with the rank of captain. Two weeks after being mustered out, in September, 1865, Captain Rockwell reached Leavenworth, Kansas. From there he was carried … Read more

Biography of Martin Van Buren Cagney

Martin Van Buren Cagney, whose home had been in Emporia for the past thirty years, is an old time printer, having first taken up the art of typography when a boy before the Civil war, and had followed his trade under many changing conditions and in many localities. For many years he had been proprietor of a commercial printing establishment at Emporia, and had also been frequently honored with positions of trust and responsibility in that city. His own career had the interest of much variety and he belongs to an interesting family. His father Maurice Cagney was born in … Read more

Biography of William Frank Flack, M. D.

William Frank Flack, M. D. While the medical profession for centuries had enlisted some of the most profound minds of all times, modern discoveries and developments have opened up new fields for the brilliant physician and surgeon, and many of this profession have turned their attention to particular branches, specializing along certain lines. This development had been necessary, for the problems presented in the calling today are so serious and difficult of solution that the average physician had not the expert knowledge to handle all satisfactorily. For some years past William Frank Flack, the pioneer physician of Elk County, had … Read more

Biography of William Lester Kellogg

William Lester Kellogg. The superintendent of motive power of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad, William L. Kellogg, had worked his way to his present position through his own initiative. At the outset of his career he had no favorable influences to assist him, and he had depended upon no happy circumstances to aid him in his promotion. The chances he had had have been the chances that have come to every man who had been placed in a position similar to his own; the reason that he had gone further than some of his fellow workmen is due to … Read more

Biography of Samuel Brownlee Fisher

Samuel Brownlee Fisher of Parsons, consulting engineer of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad Company, is one of the eminent railway engineers of America. He had had nearly fifty years of active experience and had been identified with the construction of various railway lines in the West and East. He comes of an old Scotch family of Covenanter stock. On the maternal side his ancestors were the Brownlees, who were Covenanters in Scotland and were exiled because of their religious belief and settled in Pennsylvania. Mr. Fisher’s great-great-grandfather in the maternal line, George Wilie, was a soldier in the Revolutionary … Read more