Harmon, W. T. Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. W.T. Harmon whose death occurred at La Grande on July 29th was born in Missouri in 1864. She was a resident of Enterprise a number of years, moving to La Grande recently. Services were held at the Church of God Tuesday at 2:30 by Rev. Cooper. Interment was made at Alder Slope. Wallowa County Reporter Wednesday July 31, 1918

Biographical Sketch of Casper James Miller

Miller, Casper James; steamship agency; born, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 12, 1876; son of Casper and Frances Speck Miller; education, common and high schools; married at Cleveland, June 25, 1907, May R. Hart; issue, Casper Hart Miller, Lawrence William Miller; first employed as clerk in the Collver Steamship Agency, in 1896, and rose to partnership; now in full charge of the steamship business of Collver & Miller; member Gilmour Council, Knights of Columbus. Chief recreation: Baseball.

Biography of Dunham O. Munson, M. D.

Dunham O. Munson, M. D., is one of the leading specialists of Southeastern Kansas. He has practiced at Pittsburg upwards of twenty years, and while the earlier part of his practice was devoted to general medicine and surgery, for the past five years he has given his time exclusively to the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He is a man of splendid attainments in his profession and undoubtedly inherits much from his fine old Ameriean ancestry. He was born at Brockport, New York, June 27, 1859, but a part of his early life was spent in Ontario, … Read more

Hovis, Earl – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Former Wallowa County resident, Earl Hovis, of North Bend, died Feb. 1, 1992, at St. Katherine’s Nursing Home in Coos Bay. At his request, no public services were held. Interment will be in Wallowa County at a later date. Arrangements are under the direction of Cool Bay Chapel. Mr. Hovis was born July 12, 1902, in Wayne County, Mo., the son of Robert E. and Minnie Hovis. He came to Wallowa County as a young person and attended Gwynn School, located between Lostine and Enterprise. On June 26, 1924, he married Vivian Emmons at Enterprise. They … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Stone

Joseph E. Stone. A resident of Montgomery County since 1870, Joseph E. Stone has long been one of the leading farmers and stockraisers of this part of the state, and since 1907 has been president of the Home National Bank of Caney, one of the most reliable and substantial financial institutions of the county. It is difficult to conceive of a more solid combination for the attainment of financial security than a bank founded upon the prosperity and landed values of such a rich agricultural country as Montgomery County. Mr. Stone is one of the largest stockholders in the bank … Read more

Biography of James N. Dunbar, Hon.

Hon. James N. Dunbar. As lawyer, judge, farmer and stockraiser, Judge Dunbar has long been one of the prominent citizens of Cherokee County, and has taken an active and valuable part in local affairs. It was the confidence felt by the people in his judgment and integrity as well as his sterling reputation as a lawyer that brought about his election to the district bench, and his administration of that position has more than justified the expectations of those who supported him for the office. Though most of his life has been spent in this section of Kansas, Judge Dunbar … Read more

Biography of Al F. Williams

Al F. Williams. Whether as a lawyer, as a business man or in the circles of the republican party, Al F. Williams is a recognized leader in civic affairs in Cherokee County. His interests have been so many that while some may know him best as a lawyer, others would think of him as one of the most virile personalities in republican politics in the state, and still others would recognize his prominent relations with the business growth and development of his home city. Born in Appleton City, St. Clair County, Missouri, July 10, 1876, Mr. Williams is of Welsh … Read more

Biography of George M. Gray, M. D.

George M. Gray, M. D. There is hardly a more eminent physician and surgeon in the State of Kansas than Dr. George M. Gray, of Kansas City, Kansas. He is ex-president of the Kansas State Medical Society, a member of the American Medical Association, and has been accorded the honor of a fellowship in the American College of Surgeons. In 1915 Governor Capper appointed him a member of the State Board of Medical Registration and Examination for Kansas and he is now president of the board. Doctor Gray has been in active practice at Kansas City, Kansas, for more than … Read more

Biography of W. F. Maberry

In the final analysis farming is the basis of prosperity in America. It is the very beginning of the intricate operations which furnish man with food, and among those whose activity in the cultivation of the soil has promoted the development of northeastern Oklahoma, is numbered W. F. Maberry, who resides on a well improved farm in the vicinity of Bartlesville. A native of Missouri, he was born December 12, 1874, and in 1899, when twenty-five years of age, he came to Oklahoma, first locating on Marmon creek, in Nowata county. For two years he engaged in farming in that … Read more

Biography of Jefferson D. Cox

Jefferson D. Cox is actively connected with a profession that has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of every community, and one in which advancement depends upon individual merit and ability. Ability becomes in a measure prominence, and that Mr. Cox occupies a leading position in the ranks of the legal profession is an indication of his learning and skill in his chosen field. He is also a successful stock man and he owns a large ranch where fancy Duroc hogs and Durham cattle are raised. Jefferson D. Cox was born in Walhalla, South Carolina, on the 1st … Read more

Biography of James Albert Pitts

James Albert Pitts, a prominent figure, in real estate and loan circles in Muskogee, having developed a business of very substantial proportions, was born in Hickory county, Missouri, in 1877, and is a son of Robert Virgil and Pauline C. (Robertson) Pitts. The father was a merchant in Missouri and in 1889 removed to Muskogee, where he engaged in the live stock business. He continued a resident of this city until his demise, which occurred in 1900. James A. Pitts, who is usually called “Bert” by his warmest friends, was educated in the public schools, in the Harrell Institute at … Read more

Biography of Omer Romanes Young

An extensive clientele attests the ability of Omer Romanes Young in the practice of law, to which he has devoted his attention since 1915, and he now ranks with the leading representatives of the Miami bar. He was born on a farm near Hartville, in Wright county, Missouri, October 16, 1883, his parents being Jackson Davis and Sarah Ann (Smith) Young, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Illinois. In young manhood the father went to Missouri, settling in Wright county, where he devoted his attention to farming and stock raising, in which he won a gratifying … Read more

Biography of Floyd E. Doubleday

Floyd E. Doubleday. It has been the fortune of Floyd E. Doubleday to realize many of his worthy ambitions, and through the exercise of good judgment and business ability to wrest from his opportunities financial and general success. For many years he has been interested in the coal industry, and at the present time is accounted one of the leading operators of Pittsburg. Mr. Doubleday was born at Italy, New York, June 23, 1859, and is a son of Guy L. and Caroline (Hobart) Doubleday. The Doubleday family is of English origin and traces its ancestry back in America to … Read more

Biography of Lewis C. Nelson .

Lewis C. Nelson. The large industries in and about Coffeyville have naturally drawn to that city many of the expert technical men as well as business executives, and one of these is Lewis C. Nelson, superintendent of the Ludowici-Celadon Company, manufacturers of hollow roofing tile. Mr. Nelson as a young man became an expert wood worker, later developed a proficiency and familiarity with the pottery industry and for a number of years has been one of the trusted officials of the present company. His birth occurred in Glasgow, Scotland, July 15, 1871. His father Charles W. Nelson, who was born … Read more

Biography of Henry R. Ransom

The Pittsburg Sash & Door Company. One of the very considerable industries of the City of Pittsburg is The Pittsburg Sash & Door Company, which like many successful concerns had a very modest heginning but is now contributing a great deal of wealth to the city and is furnishing support to many families whose members find employment there. This business was originally started as a bay press by L. N. Mosteller, now a retired business man of Pittsburg. In October, 1902, Henry R. Ransom arrived in Pittsburg and bought what was then known as the Pittsburg Planing Mill, situated at … Read more

Biography of Browning E. Lewis

Browning E. Lewis is identified with one of the representative business interests of Strang, Mayes county, as president and manager of the Cherokee Grain & Mercantile Company. He was born near Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, on the 11th of January, 1884, a son of Joe L. and Elizabeth (Wilson) Lewis. The father was born in Ohio and the mother in Kentucky. They both went to Missouri at an early age, with their respective parents, and their marriage was celebrated in Clinton, that state. In 1886 they came to Fairland, Oklahoma, and the father was active in the conduct of a … Read more

Biography of Claude A. Niles

One of the prominent attorneys of Checotah is Claude A. Niles, senior member of the firm of Niles & Staley. A native of Missouri, he was born near Rolla, on the 5th of November, 1882, a son of Asa S. and Nettie E. (Burns) Niles, the former a native of New York and the latter of Nebraska. The father went to Rolla, Missouri, about 1865, when sixteen years of age, and subsequently engaged in the real estate business, which he has followed for the past thirty years. He has won gratifying success in that connection and is one of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bower Broaddus

Bower Broaddus, attorney and counselor at law, devoting his attention to civil law practice in Muskogee, was born in Chillicothe, Missouri, May 30, 1888, a son of Elbridge Jackson and Emma (Hollingsworth) Broaddus, the former also a member of the bar. Liberal educational opportunities were accorded Bower Broaddus, who obtained his more advanced training in the Missouri State University and in the Kansas City School of Law, from which he was graduated in 1910. Seeking the opportunities of the growing southwest he came to Muskogee in the same year and here opened a law office. Through the intervening period he … Read more

Biography of Thomas Albert Chandler

Thomas Albert Chandler, representative in congress from the First district of Oklahoma and a resident of Vinita, is a man of liberal education and of broad and important interests who has been a prominent figure not only in political circles but also in connection with extensive business interests of the state. He was born in the Indian Territory on the 26th of July, 1871, and is a representative of the Cherokee Nation. Liberal educational advantages were accorded him and following his graduation from the Worcester Academy of Vinita as a member of the class of 1888 he entered Drury College … Read more

Biography of Max Davidson

Prominent among the energetic, farsighted and successful business men of Muskogee is Max Davidson, a clothing merchant who has developed a large business in handling the Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothing, his store being located at Main and Broadway. He is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, born November 17, 1880, his parents being Leopold and Fannie (Schwartz) Davidson, the former a native of Germany, while the latter was born in Bohemia. The father came to America in his boyhood days, settling in St. Joseph, Missouri, where he was engaged in the towel supply business for a number of years. … Read more