List of Officers Connected with the United States Indian Service

Last Updated on August 9, 2013 by Dennis

List Of Officers Connected With The United States Indian Service, Including Agents, Superintendents, Inspectors, Special Agents, And Supervisors Of Indian Schools.

[Corrected to February 20, 1902.]

  1. William A. Jones, Commissioner 1334 Vermont avenue
  2. A. Clarke Tonner, Assistant Commissioner 1916 Sixteenth street N W.
  3. Miss Estelle Reel, superintendent of Indian schools Arlington Hotel

Chiefs Of Divisions.


  1. Samuel E. Slater 1415 S street NW,


  1. Chas. F. Larrabee 1514 Twenty-first street NW.


  1. Chas. H. Dickson. 201 A street SE.


  1. Josiah H. Dortch 2931 Fifteenth street N W.


  1. Lewis Y. Ellis 101 Eleventh street SE.


  1. M. S. COOK, stenographer in charge 1328 Twelfth street NW.


  1. Walter H. Graves Colorado
  2. Cyrus Beede Iowa
  3. James McLaughlin North Dakota
  4. J. George Wright South Dakota
  5. Charles F. Nesler New Jersey
  6. Arthur M. Tinker Massachusetts
  7. James E. Jenkins Iowa

Special Agents.

  1. Samuel L. Taggart Iowa
  2. Eugene MacComas Illinois
  3. Daniel W. Manchester Ohio
  4. Charles S. McNicnols Arizona
  5. Frank M. Conser Ohio

Supervisors Of Indian Schools.

  1. Albert O. Wright Wisconsin
  2. Edwin L. Chalcraft Washington
  3. Millard F. Holland Maryland
  4. John Charles (Construction) Wisconsin
  5. Egbert M. Pringle (Engineering) Missouri

Superintendents Of Indian Warehouses.

  1. Koger C. Spooner 235 Johnson Street, Chicago, Ill.
  2. Louis L. Bobbins 77 And 79 Wooster Street, New York, N. Y.
  3. Richard C. Jordan 815 And 817 Howard Street, Omaha, Nebr.

Superintendent Insane Asylum, Canton, S. Dak.

  1. Oscar S. Gifford South Dakota

Members Of The Board Of Indian Commissioners, With Their Post-Office Addresses.

  1. Darwin K. James, Chairman 226 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
  2. Merrill E. Gates, Secretary 1429 New York Avenue, Washington, D. C.
  3. Albert K. Smiley Mohonk Lake, N. Y.
  4. E. Whittlesey 1429 New York Avenue, Washington, D. C.
  5. William D. Walker Buffalo, N. Y.
  6. William H. Lyon 170 New York Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
  7. Joseph T. Jacobs Peninsular Bank Building, Detroit, Mich.
  8. Philip C. Garrett Logan Post-Office, Philadelphia, Pa.
  9. Henry B. Whipple F Faribault, Minn.
  10. William M. Beardshear Ames, Iowa

Secretaries Of Missionary Societies Engaged In Educational Work Among The Indians.

  1. (American) Baptist Home Mission Society: Rev. T. J. Morgan, D. D., Ill Fifth avenue, New York City.
  2. Baptist (Southern): Rev. I. Tichenor, D. D., and Rev. F. C. McConnell, Atlanta, Ga.
  3. Catholic (Roman) Bureau of Indian Missions: Rev. William H. Ketcham, 941 F street NW., Washington, D. C.
  4. (Congregational) American Missionary Association: Rev. F. P. Woodbury, D. D., Fourth avenue and Twenty-second street, New York City.
  5. Episcopal Church Mission: Rev. A. S. Lloyd, D. D., 281 Fourth Avenue, New York City.
  6. Friends Yearly Meeting: Joseph J. Janney, 104 South Charles street, Baltimore, Md.
  7. (Friends Orthodox) Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs: E. M. Wistar, 905 Provident Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
  8. Methodist Missionary Society: Rev. A. B. Leonard and Rev. H. K. Carroll, 150 Fifth avenue, New York City.
  9. Methodist Episcopal Church (Southern): Rev. W. R. Lambuth and Rev. J. H. Pritchett, Nashville, Tenn.
  10. Mennonite Mission: Rev. A. B. Shelly, Quakertown, Pa.
  11. (Moravian Mission) The Society for Propagating the Gospel: Rev. M. W. Leibert, Bethlehem, Pa.
  12. Presbyterian Board of Home Missions: Rev. Charles L. Thompson, D. D. , 156 Fifth avenue, New York City.
  13. Presbyterian (Southern) General Assembly’s Home Missions: Rev. S. L. Morris, Atlanta, Ga. Deceased.



Board Of Indian Commissioners. Thirty-Third Annual Report Of The Board Of Indian Commissioners. Government Printing Office. 1901.

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