I- North Carolina Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Ibitoupa. A small tribe of unknown affinity, but the theory that they were connected with the Chickasaw has more arguments in its favor than any other. In 1699 they formed one of the villages mentioned by Iberville (Margry, Dec., iv, 180, 1880) as situated on Yazoo r., Ibitoupa being near the upper end of the group between the Chaquesauma (Chakchiuma) and the Thysia (Tioux) , according to the order named, which appears to be substantially correct, although Coxe (Carolana, 10, 1741) who omits Thysia, makes the Ibitoupa settlement expressly the uppermost of the series. The Ibitoupa and Chakchiuma, together with the Tapoucha (Taposa), were united in one village on the upper Yazoo by 1798. What eventually became of them is not known, but it is probable that they were absorbed by the Chickasaw. See Itomapa. (A. S. G.)

Itseyi (Itséyĭ, new green place, or ‘place of fresh green’; often falsely rendered ‘Brasstown’, from the confusion of Itséyĭ and Uñtsaiyĭ, the latter term signifying brass). The name of several former Cherokee settlements. One was on Brasstown cr. of Tugaloo r., in Oconee co., S. C. ; another was on Little Tennessee r., near the present Franklin, Macon co., N. C., and probably about the junction of Cartoogaja cr. ; a third, known to the whites as Brasstown, was on upper Brasstown cr. of Hiwassee r., Towns co., Ga. Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 523, 1900.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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