G – Mexican Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Galilali (Galilali, ‘the houses’; i. e., ancient cave houses). A Tarahumare rancheria in the Sierra Madre, w. Chihuahua, Mexico. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Guachochic (place of the blue herons). A rancheria of “civilized” Tarahumare on the headwaters of Rio Fuerte, about lat. 26° 50′, long. 106° 55′, in s. Chihuahua, Mexico; entire population 1,147 in 1900. The inhabitants gain a livelihood mainly as servants of the Mexicans. Lumholtz (l) in Scribner’s Mag., xvi, 32, 39, 1894; (2) Unknown Mexico, i, 194, 205, 1902.

Guadalupe. A Papago village about 10 leagues s. of Areitorae, in Sonora, Mexico.

Guadalupe y Ocotan. A Huichol pueblo near Rio Chapalagana, Jalisco, Mexico. See Lumholtz (1) Huichol Indians, 5, 1898; (2) Unknown Mexico, n, 16, map, 1902.

Guajochic (‘place of the guajo’, a small variety of mosquito). A small rancheria of the Tarahumare, not far from Norogachic, Chihuahua, Mexico. Lumholtz, Unknown Mexico, i, 218, 1902.

Guasamota. A Cora pueblo on the upper Rio Jesus Maria, on the E. slope of the Sierra de Nayarit, in the N. part of the territory of Tepic, Mexico (Lumholtz, Unknown Mexico, i, 487; n, 16, map, 1902). Orozco y Berra records it as a Tepehuane settlement.

Guasigochic (a flat). A small rancheria of the Tarahumare, N. E. of Norogachic, Chihuahua, Mexico. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Guayabas. A Huichol rancheria and religious place, containing a temple; situated about 2J m. s. w. of San Andres Coamiata, q. v. Lumholtz, Unknown Mex., n, 52, 1902.

Guaynamota. A former Cora pueblo and the seat of a mission, situated on the E. bank of Rio San Pedro, lat, 22° 30′, Jalisco, Mexico.

Guazapar. A division of the Tarahumare occupying the village of Guazapares, w. Chihuahua, Mexico. It includes also the Temoris who inhabit the pueblos of Santa Maria Magdalena, Nuestra Senora del Valle Humbroso, and Cerocahui. The Guazapar dialect is said to resemble more closely the Tarahumare proper than the Varohio. ( F. W. H.)

Guazapares. A village of the Guazapar division of the Tarahumare in the district of Arteaga, w. Chihuahua, Mexico; pop. 542 in 1900.

Guazarachic. A Tarahumare settlement in the Hidalgo district, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Guazavas (probably from Opata guasaca, where the (pitahaya) fruit ripens first. Rudo Ensayo). A former Coguinachi Opata pueblo, containing also some Apache, and the seat of a Spanish mission founded in 1645, on Rio Bavispe, about lat. 29° 40′, Sonora, Mexico. Its inhabit ants numbered 632 in 1678, and 191 in 1730. A new church was built in 1764. The place is now civilized, but 50 Yaqui were settled in and about the town in 1900. (F. W. H.)

Guazave. A subdivision of the Vacoregue, formerly occupying the pueblos of San Pedro Guazave and Tamazula, on Rio Sinaloa, about lat. 25° 45′, N. w. Sinaloa, Mexico. The Vacoregue were also some times known as Guazave. A Jesuit mission was established among them in 1600, but the natives burned the church and fled. They were brought back, however, and the offenders hanged. Between 1646 and 1649 they again threatened trouble, but they later became Christianized and noted for their faith in the new religion. Orozco y Berra (Geog., 332, 1864) says: “In Guazave were united several factions, and although they were known as Guazaves they speak the Mexican tongue between themselves; this is the civilized language in all parts.” (F. W. H.)

Gueguachic. A former Tarahumare settlement in Chihuahua, Mexico. Orozco y Berra, Geog., 322,1864.

Guepacomatzi. A former Opata rancheria N. of Oputo, E. Sonora, Mexico. It was abandoned in the 18th century owing to the hostility of the Apache, Suma, and Jocome. Not to be confounded with Huepaca.

Guerachic. Mentioned as a Tepehuane pueblo on the Upper Rio Fuerte, in the Sierra Madre, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Gumisachic (‘arroyo’). A Tarahumare rancheria about 20 in. N. E. of Norogachic, Chihuahua, Mexico. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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