Cherokee Advocate 1885 – 1886

December 4, 1885

The Cherokee Advocate
Published Every Friday Morning
Tahlequah Cherokee Nation

Terms: One Dollar A Year, Invariably In Advance.

J A Thompson, MD
Permanently located at Tahlequah, I T

Will do the practice of his profession, either in any departments of Surgery, Male or Female, the general practice of medicine and will insure a cure of the Opium habit, and no fee is required until the patient is completely cured and dismissed. He will always dismiss any case of the Opium patient in 20 days at the fartherest period. Some cases are dismissed in 12 days.

This is a painless cure and any child can stand the treatment. Come on poor sufferer and be cured. J A Thompson, MD.

February 5, 1886

The heaviest snow that this part of the Nation ever saw within the memory of man fell last Monday night, Tuesday and Tuesday night. The fall measuring 20 inches on the level prairie. The roads are almost impassable and stock of all kids are suffering to a great extent.

Local Items

No mails since Monday.

Valentine’s day next Sunday week.

Wolves are reported in large numbers near this place.

The public schools of the Nation open the summer session next Monday.

It is said that Captain J L Smith wants to sell out and move back to Alabama.

Mr. James Stapler’s wagon shed shelters all the vagrant stock around town.

On Monday night and Tuesday forenoon the snow fell to a depth of 22 to 24 inches.

Mrs. Blue Foreman has been dangerously ill during the past week but is now convalescent.

Deputy High Sheriff, Caleb Starr, has resigned and Dick Robinson now officiates in his stead.

Wm Fields who was shot by Wm Boot in Canadian District some time ago is not expected to live.

Two “trusts” of the National Prison succeed in stealing from __________ who was as mad a wet hen in consequence.

It is said now that Frank Adair and Mrs. Gus Ivey will teach the Tahlequah Public School the coming session.

Mr. Blue Alberty put in most of the day Wednesday trying to resurrect his wood pile a buried ax from under the snow.

Captain Smith don’t want his friends to think because he has been in bed for the past day or two, he is sick. Because he isn’t. He is out of wood.

Some of the young men of Tahlequah have purchased some Cherokee Testaments and hymn books for the use of the prisoners at the National Prison.

The trial of George McDaniel and Levi Christie set for last Monday in Illinois District was again postponed on account of inclement weather, until the 8th.

Caleb Starr while searching for whiskey in a little house of not very savory repute on the Tahlequah spring branch came across a pistol that had been stolen from him about a month ago.

George Mitchell and Mr. Vann Edmondson left the National Hotel this morning in a wagon with four horses hitched to it, bound for Beatie’s Prairie. They expect to be two days getting home.

Mr. Oce P Daniel of Park Hill had a horse stolen out of his stable one night last week. As it was taken the night after the escape of a convict, the presumption is, that rode off Oce’s horse.

Mr. James W McSpadden has been recuperating at home for the past week or so preparatory to another year’s work in town. He will commence with Mr. Robert French about the 1st present month.

Mr. Van Edmonson, one of the most substantial farmers and stockmen of Batie’s Prairie, was in town two or three days this week on business connected with the contracts for furnishing the supplies of each of the Seminaries and the Orphan Asylum.

Mr. James Stapler informs us that as soon as the weather will permit, the Telephone Company, with which he is connected, will commence the erection of the line from this place to Muskogee and push it to completion at the earliest possible date.

Your reporter went out day before yesterday to kill some more deer, but got lost in the snow. But for the sagacity of the horse his chances would have been good to have laid out all night. He finally landed at Rev. Lacy Hawkin’s where he spent the night.

Professor J H Covel the Orphan Asylum writes us as to the general prosperity of that section of the Nation and renews his subscription to the Advocate with an encouraging word. Thanks, many thanks, old boy, may this world appreciate you and treat you accordingly.

Judge “Red” Watt Adair, the father of Aunt Betsy (Judge Tim Walker’s wife) and Mont Adair, used to live in Flint District.

Once, when Aunt Betsy and her older brother Warren, were young folks, they went on a visit to Baties’s Prairie. They happened to stay two or three days over their time. On their return, their father, the Judge, without saying anything to the delinquents, promptly gave each of the ponies, ridden by them, a thrashing. Admonishing them (the ponies) meantime on the evil of straying away from home longer than the appointed time.

Mr. John Brown Sheriff of Illinois District was shot and wounded last Monday night at the Illinois Court House by a man named Cloud whom the sheriff was trying to disarm for disorderly conduct. About 9 o’clock at night the Sheriff’s attention was called to whooping and shooting on the road north of the Court House- Summoning two men Mr. Brown went to disarm the parties and succeeded in securing one pistol and was in the act of disarming Cloud when he was shot, the ball taking the middle finger of the left hand off at the second joint and severely wounding the third finger. The sheriff and one of his posse Johnny Fields immediately returned the fire though with what effect was not ascertained until the next morning when Cloud was found to have been hit twice, once in the ankle and once through the body near the left hip bone. The night was very dark and it was impossible to distinguish several parties who were with Cloud and two of whom also fired upon the Sheriff and guard Johnny Fields getting two bullets through his clothing. Mr. Brown is now at this place receiving medical attention. When last heard from Cloud was in a precarious condition.

Post Office Department
Washington, DC, February, 1886

Proposals will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 4 p m, of April 17, 1886, for carrying the mails of the United States upon the routes, and according to the schedule of arrival and departure specified by the Department in the Indian Territory from July 1st, 1886 to June 30th, 1890. Lists of routes, with schedules of arrivals and departures, instructions to bidders, with forms for contracts and bonds, and all other necessary information will be furnished, upon application to the Second Assistant Postmaster General. William F Vilas, Postmaster General.

Notice Of Sale, Intruders Improvements
Whereas, One David Boles, one Willis Boles, one Dr. Comer and one other Boles, residents of Canadian District, Cherokee Nation, and Citizens of the United States are considered intruders of the Cherokee Nation. And Whereas,

Page 299, Sec. 129 Compiled Laws of the Cherokee Nation provides that, “improvements made or held by intruders at the time when reported, if there be no adverse title held by a bonafide citizen of the Nation, should be sold to the highest bidder by the sheriff of the District in which located after Fifteen days notice in the Cherokee Advocate or by posting at three of the most public places in the District. Such sales to be prompt payment in cash or National warrants or Certificates, and after deducting his fees the proceeds to be turned over to the general fund of the National Treasury. Now Therefore.

By virtue of the requirements of said quoted law, I William Vann, Sheriff of Canadian District do hereby advertise to be sold by me to the highest bidder on the 5th day of February, 1886, the same not being less than Fifteen days from this date. The following described improvements, held by the above named persons are as follows:

One improvement situated One mile North of Scoonovers on the Muskogee road near the Creek line. The improvement consists of one Box-house, a crib and stable, Ten acres of cultivated land and a well; the same being in Canadian District, Cherokee Nation, and held by the above David Boles.

Second, an improvement situated two miles North of Scoonovers on the Muskogee road near the Creek line. This improvement consists of a Box-house, a crib and stable, and ten acres of cultivated land. The same improvement is in Canadian District and held by Willis Boles.

Third, an improvement situated Three and a half miles North of Scoonovers near the Creek line on the Muskogee road. This improvement consists of two log cabins, a crib and stable and about twelve acres of cultivated land, fenced with a shanghy fence. This improvement is held by Dr. Comer who resides in the aforesaid district.

Fourth, one improvement situated about Four miles North of Scoonovers on the Muskogee road near the Creek line and consisting of a Box house, a crib and stable seven or eight acres of land in cultivation with a good fence around it. This is held by a Boles in the same Canadian District.

The sale of the above described improvements will be on the day above mentioned and at the Court House in this district. William Vann, Sheriff Canadian District, Cherokee Nation.


Cherokee Advocate Various issues. Elias C. Boudinot Jr. Editor. 1885-1886.

1 thought on “Cherokee Advocate 1885 – 1886”

  1. My great grandfather lived in Cherokee Co. Kansas. Baxter Springs was born in 1839 and moved to Leavenworth, Ks on my Mother side. My grandfather (Dad side) Alonzo English born 1865 lived in Cherokee Co. Kansas in Spring Valley. I was told on DNA that I am 30% Native American. Can you help me to verify this claim.


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