Chastacosta Indians

Last Updated on July 4, 2012 by Dennis

Chastacosta Indians. From Shista-kwŭsta, their own name, significance unknown. Also called:

  • Atcháshti amē’mnei, by the Atfalati Kalapuya.
  • Atchashti ámim, another form of the Kalapuya name.
  • Katuku, by the Shasta.
  • Wálamskni, by the Klamath.
  • Wálamswash, by the Modoc.

Chastacosta Connections. The Chastacosta belonged to the Athapascan stock.

Chastacosta Location. On the lower course of Illinois River, both sides of Rogue River for some distance above its confluence with the Illinois, and on the north bank somewhat farther.

Chastacosta Villages

Dorsey recorded the following:

  • Chetuttunne.
  • Chunarghuttunne, east of the junction of Rogue River and Applegate River.
  • Chunsetunneta.
  • Chunsetunnetun.
  • Chushtarghasuttun.
  • Chusterghutmunnetun, the highest on Rogue River.
  • Chuttushshunche.
  • Khloshlekhwuche.
  • Khotltacheche.
  • Khtalutlitunne.
  • Kthelutlitunne, at the junction of Rogue River and a southern affluent.
  • Kushlatata.
  • Mekichuntun.
  • Musme.
  • Natkhwunche.
  • Nishtuwekulsushtun.
  • Sechukhtun.
  • Senestun.
  • Setaaye.
  • Setsurgheake.
  • Silkhkemechetatun.
  • Sinarghutlitun.
  • Skurgnut.
  • Sukechunetunne.
  • Surghustesthitun.
  • Tachikhwutme, above the mouth of Illinois River.
  • Takasichekhwut.
  • Talsunme.
  • Tatsunye.
  • Thethlkhuttunne.
  • Tisattunne.
  • Tsetaame, east of the junction of Rogue River with Applegate River.
  • Tsetutkhlalenitun.
  • Tukulittatun.
  • Tukwilisitunne.
  • Tuslatunne.

Twenty of these at least were on the north side of Rogue River. The following may be synonymous with some in the above list: Klothchetunne, on or in the vicinity of Rogue River; Sekhatsatunne, on the north bank of Rogue River; Tasunmatunne, in the Rogue River country.
Drucker (1937) merely gives the “Chasta Costa (cista kwusta)” as one town near the Rogue-Illinois confluence divided into three parts called Tleattlī’ntun, Tcetcī’wut, and Setla’tun.

Chastacosta Population. Mooney (1928) estimates the population of the Chastacosta and 10 other Athapascan tribes in the vicinity at 5,600. In 1856 the remnant which was removed to Siletz Reservation numbered but 153, and the census of 1910 returned only 7. The 1930 census returned a total Athapascan population in Oregon of 504. The United States Office of Indian Affairs reported 30 Chastacosta in 1937.


Swanton, John R. The Indian Tribes of North America. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 145. Washington DC: US Government Printing Office. 1953.

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