Calapooya Indians

Calapooya Indians. Meaning unknown. Also called:

  • Kait-ka, by the Umpqua.
  • Tsänh-alokual amím, by the Luckiamute Kalapuya.

Calapooya Connections. The Calapooya belonged to the Calapooya dialectic division of the Kalapooian linguistic stock.

Calapooya Location. On the headwaters of Willamette River including McKinzie, Middle, and West Forks.

Calapooya Subdivisions or Bands

  • Ampishtna, east of upper Willamette River.
  • Tsanchifin, on the site of Eugene City.
  • Tsanklightemifa, at Eugene City.
  • Tsankupi, at Brownsville, Lynn County.
  • Tsawokot, north of Eugene City.

Calapooya Population. Mooney (1928) estimates the population of the entire Kalapooian stock at 3,000 in 1780. The Kalapooian bands on Grande Ronde Reservation numbered 351 in 1880; 164 in 1890; 130 in 1905. The census of 1910 returned 5 of the Calapooya tribe by itself, and 106 in the entire stock; and that of 1930, 45 individuals in the stock.

Connections in which the Calapooya Indians have become noted. The Calapooya tribe is of note:


  1. Because its name has been used for all the tribes of the stock.
  2. From its later application to Calapooya River, a branch of the Willamette; Calapooya Creek, an affluent of the Umpqua; and the Calapooya Mountains.

Calapooya, Kaloopian,

Swanton, John R. The Indian Tribes of North America. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 145. Washington DC: US Government Printing Office. 1953.

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