Assiniboin Indian Bands and Divisions

Last Updated on July 28, 2020 by Dennis

    The names of their bands or divisions, as given by different writers, vary considerably, owing to the loose organization and wandering habit of the tribe. Lewis and Clark mention as divisions in 1805:
(1) Menatopa (Otaopabiné of Maximilian), Gens de Feuilles [for filles] (Itscheabine), Big Devils (Watopachnato ), Oseegah, and another the name of which is not stated. The whole people were divided into the northern and southern and into the forest and prairie bands. Maximilian (Tray., 194, 1843) names their gentes as follows:
(1) Itscheabine (gens des filles)
(2) Jatonabine (gens des roches)
(3) Otopachgnato (gens du large)
(4) Otaopabine (gens des canots)
(5) Tschantoga (gens des bois)
(6) Watopachnato (gens de (l’age)
(7) Tanintauei (gens des osayes)
(8) Chabin (gens des montagnes)
     A band mentioned by Hayden (op. cit., 387), the Minishinakato, has not been identified with any named by Maximilian. Henry (Jour., it, 522-523, 1897) enumerated 11 bands in 1808, of which the Red River Rabbit, Eagle Hills, Saskatchewan, Foot and Swampy Ground Assiniboin, and Those – who – have – water- for- themselves only can not be positively identified. This last may be Hayden’s Minishinakato. Other divisions mentioned, chiefly geographical, are: Assiniboin of the Meadows, Turtle Mountain Sioux, Wawaseeasson, and Assabaoch (?)

The books presented are for their historical value only and are not the opinions of the Webmasters of the site.   Handbook of American Indians, 1906


Index of Tribes or Nations


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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