A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.
Aguastayas. A tribe, possibly Coahuiltecan, mentioned by Rivera (Diario, leg. 1,994, 2,602, 1736) in connection with the Mesquites and Payayas, as residing s. S.E. of San Antonio presidio, Tex. The three tribes mentioned numbered 250 people.
Ahehouen. A former village or tribe between Matagorda bay and Maligne (Colorado) r., Tex. The name was told to Joutel in 1687 by the Ebahamo Indians, who lived in that region, and probably applied to a tribe or division closely affiliated to the Karankawa. Tribes belonging to the Tonkawan family also roamed in this vicinity, and those of the Caddoan family sometimes visited the country. See Gatschet in Peabody Museum Papers, I, 35, 46, 1891. (A. C. F.)
Ahouerhopihein (probably a combination of Ahouergomahe and Kemahopihein of Joutel’s list; see Margry, Dec., in, 288, 289, 1878) . A village or possibly two villages in Texas. The people are mentioned by Joutel as living in 1687 between Matagorda bay and Maligne (Colorado) r., Tex. The region was inhabited by Karankawan tribes, and the name was given by the Ebahamo, who were probably closely affiliated to that group. See Gatschet, Karankawa Indians, 35, 46, 1891. (A. C. F.)
Akasquy. An extinct tribe, probably Caddoan, visited by La Salle in Jan., 1687, when its people resided between the Palaquesson and the Penoy in the vicinity of Brazos r., Tex. They made cloth of buffalo wool and mantles deco rated with bird feathers and the “hair of animals of every color.” See Cavelier in Shea, Early Voy., 39, 1861.., (A. C. F.)
Amediche. A tribe, probably Caddoan, that lived about 68 leagues w. of Natchitoches, in E. Texas. La Harpe stated that in 1714-16 they were at war with the Natchitoches, and that the Spaniards had established a settlement among them a few years previously, but soon abandoned it. (A. C. F. )
Anamis. A village visited by La Salle in 1686 on his first journey from Ft St Louis, on Matagorda bay, Tex., to search overland for the Mississippi, and again in 1687 on his last journey northward. The people seem to have lived in the vicinity of the Caddoan tribes, but their ethnic; relationship is uncertain. See Cavelier in Shea, Early Voy., 40, 1861. Cf. Aranama. (A. C. F. )
Arhau. A. village or tribe formerly between Matagorda bay and Colorado r., Texas; mentioned to Joutel in 1687 by the Ebahamo Indians. The region was the domain of the Karankawan tribes, with whom the Arhau people were possibly affiliated. See Gatschet, Karankawa Inds., Peabody Mus. Papers, i, 35, 46, 1891. (A. C. F.)
Villages of the Untied States | Texas Indian Villages
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Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, Frederick Webb Hodge, 1906