Montana Territorial Appointments 1864-1888

Last Updated on August 19, 2013 by Dennis

Territorial Secretaries:

Henry P. Torsey, commissioned June 22, 1864
John Coburn, March 3, 1865
Thomas F. Meagher, Aug. 4, 1865
James Tufts. March 28, 1867
Wiley S. Scribner, April 20, 1869
A. H. Sanders, July 19, 1870
James R. Callaway, Jan. 27, 1871
James H. Mills, May 10, 1877
Isaac D. McCutcheon, 1881
John S. Tooker, April 21, 1884
William B. Webb, 1886-8
Louis A. Walker, 1889

Territorial Treasurers

John J. Hull, 1864-6;
John S. Rockfellow, 1866-7;
William G. Barkley, 1867-71;
Richard O. Hickman, 1871-5;
Daniel H. Weston, 1875-87;
W. G. Prewitt, 1887-9.

Territorial Auditors

John S. Lott, 1864-6
John H. Wing, 1866-7
William N. Rodgers, 1867
George Callaway, 1874, resigned
Solomon Starr, 1874-6
David H. Cuthbert. 1876-87
James Sullivan, 1887-9

Superintendents of Public Instruction:

Thomas J. Dimsdale, 1864-6
Peter Ronan, resigned, 1866
Alexander H. Barrett, resigned, 1866
A. M. S. Carpenter, 1866-7 T
homas F. Campbell, 1867-9
James H. Mills, resigned, 1869
S. G. Lathrop, 1869-72
Cornelius Hedges, 1872-8
R. H. Howie, 1878-83
Cornelius Hedges, 1883-5
W. W. Wylie, 1885-7
N. C. Logan, 1887-9

Receivers of United States Land Office:

George McLean, 1867-70;
Richard F. May, 1870-2;
Solomon Starr, 1872-5;
H. M. Keyser, 1875-7;
J. V. Bogert, 1877-9;
Frank P. Sterling, 1877-9;
E. Ballou, dates of commissions not known.
C. H. Gould, dates of commissions not known.
Z. F. Burton, dates of commissions not known.
John T. Carlin, dates of commissions not known.
H. S. Howell, dates of commissions not known.
John T. Carlin, dates of commissions not known.
Abram Hall, dates of commissions not known.

Registers of United States Land Office:

Orville B. O’Bannon, 1867-9
Lorenzo H. Lyman, 1869
Addison H. Sanders, 1870-2
William C. Child, 1872-5
James H. Moe, 1875-9
David Wilson, 1879
E. A. Kreidler, dates of commissions not known.
Francis Atkinson, dates of commissions not known.
O. P. Chisholm, dates of commissions not known.
Washington Berry, dates of commissions not known.
S. W. Langhorne, dates of commissions not known.
Eddy F. Ferris, dates of commissions not known.
A. Grover, dates of commissions not known.

Collectors of Internal Revenue:

Nathaniel P. Langford, 1864
Andrew J. Simmons, 1868
W. B. Judd, acting collector, 1869
Samuel L. Watson, 1869
Thomas P. Fuller, 1873-83
James Shields.

Assessors of Internal Revenue:

Truman C. Evarts, 1864
Lucius B. Church, 1870-3

Collectors of Customs for District Montana and Idaho:

John X. Beidler, 1867
Walter W. Johnson, 1869
Thomas A. Cummings, 1873
William A. Hunt, 1881
Thomas A. Cummings
James H. Mills

Surveyors General United States Land:

Solomon Meredith, 1867
Henry D. Washburn, 1869
John E. Blaine, 1871-3
Andrew J. Smith, 1874
Roswell H. Mason, 1877-9
John S. Harris, 1881
B. H. Greene. Id. 259-60


Montana Territory,

Bancroft, Hubert H. Bancroft Works, Volume 31, History Of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco: The History Company. 1890.

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