Houses of the Arikara Tribe

"Riccaree Village" - George Catlin

When or where the Arikara separated from their kindred tribe, the Pawnee, may never be determined, but during the years which followed the separation they continued moving northward, leaving ruined villages to mark the line of their migration. Sixty years ago it was said: “That they migrated upward, along the Missouri, from their friends below is established by the remains of their dirt villages, which are yet seen along that river, though at this time mostly overgrown with grass. At what time they separated from the parent stock is not now correctly known, though some of their locations appear to … Read more

Houses of the Missouri Tribe

In the narrative of the Lewis and Clark expedition appears this record: “June 13, 1804. We passed a bend of the river. Missouri and two creeks on the north, called the Round Bend creeks. Between these two creeks is the prairie, in which once stood the ancient village of the Missouri. Of this village there remains no vestige, nor is there any thing to recall this great and numerous nation, except a feeble remnant of about thirty families. They were driven from their original seats by the invasions of the Sauks and other Indians from the Mississippi, who destroyed at … Read more

Houses of the Osage Tribe

Frame of an Osage habitation, near Hominy, Okla., 1911

From the earliest historical times the habitat of the Osage was among the hills and valleys of the Ozarks, south of the Missouri, in the present State of Missouri, and here they continued to dwell until their removal during the early part-of the 19th century. When Père Marquette passed down the Mississippi, late in the month of June 1673, he learned of the Osage, and on his map, prepared soon afterwards, indicated the villages of that tribe near a stream which was evidently the river bearing their tribal name. They continued to occupy rather permanent villages until the beginning of … Read more

Houses of the Illinois Confederacy

Although the tribes of the loosely constituted Illinois confederacy claimed and occupied a wide region east of the Mississippi, in later years centering in the valley of the Illinois River, nevertheless certain villages are known to have crossed and re-crossed the great river. Thus, in the early summer of 1673, Père Marquette arrived at a village of the Peoria then standing on the right Mississippi, at or near the or west bank of the later it had removed to the upper Illinois. Two months passing the Peoria, Marquette discovered another of  the Illinois tribes, the Michigamea, living near the northeastern … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michael A. Fanning

Fanning, Michael A.; construction work; born, Cleveland, Aug. 26, 1857; son of Michael Fanning, Sr.; common school education at St. Patrick’s Parish School, but graduated from The University of the Printing Office; in 1885, married Miss Octavia Dix, of New Orleans; issue, two daughters and one son; early business life spent in newspaper work in St. Louis, Mo., Columbus, O., and political correspondent for a number of western papers; came back to Cleveland, and in 1899, made sec’y of the Municipal Ass’n; in 1900, state agt. for the Barber Asphalt Co., and later took agencies of Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Jackson Hard

Hard, Dudley Jackson; secretary; born, Wooster, O., April 4, 1872; son of Curtis V. and Adeline Jackson Hard; educated, University of Wooster, A. B., 1893; married, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 18, 1903, Mildred J. Hopkins; two children; First Lieut. Troop A. 1906-1910; Adjutant First Squadron Ohio Cavalry 1910, First Lieut. Co. J, 8th O. V. I., War with Spain, Spanish-American War in campaign against Santiago; sec ‘y and treas. The Cleveland Light & Power Co.; vice pres. The Wooster Electric Co.; director Ohio Chemical Mfg. Co.; member Military Order of Foreign Wars, Society of the Army of Santiago, Chamber of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Max Hilman

Hilman, Max; merchant; born in 1875; educated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; married, St. Louis, Mo., 1906, Helen Schwab; two children; for twelve years, mgr. and vice pres. the Emerson Elm Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo.; since 1908, vice pres. and treas. The Lindner Co., Cleveland; vice pres. and treas. The Wadsworth Co., Akron, O.; vice pres. and treas., The Wadsworth Stone Co., Cleveland; and vice pres. The Gruby Co., Logansport, Ind.; member The Chamber of Commerce, the Advertising Club, Oakwood, and City Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Isador Grossman

Grossman, Isador; lawyer; born, St. Ivan, Hungary, July 13, 1880; son of Jacob and Louisa (Farkasch) Grossman; Cleveland public schools, Central High School, Harvard College, A. B., 1902, Harvard Law School, LL. B., 1904; married, St. Louis, Mo., January 9, 1911, Adele Seasongood; one son, James Grossman, born, April 8, 1912; associated with Judge A. W. Lamson, 1904-1906; formed law partnership with Henry B. Howells, 1906, still continuing; attorney for Legal Aid Society, 1906-1911; member firm Howells and Grossman; sec’y and director The Chandler Motor Car Co.; director The Grossman Drug Co.; director The Merit Pharmacal Co.; director The Cragin … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Z. Howe

Howe, Albert Z.; contract mgr.; born, Lockport, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1872; son of Albert E. and Olga C. Zallee Howe; educated, public schools, Buffalo, N. Y., and private tutor in mathematics, geometry, and trigonometry; married, St. Louis, Mo., July 31, 1897, Mary Frances Hogue; first business experience, at seven-teen years of age, was in surveying and civil engineering in Buffalo, N. Y., followed by several years of the same class of work in railroad construction in the West and Southwest; later chief draftsman for the St. Louis Water Department, six years, when the sedentary occupation compelled a change; came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Felix Hughes

Hughes, Felix; singer; born at Lancaster, Mo., Oct. 1, 1874; son of Felix Turner and Jean Amelia Summerlin Hughes; brother of Rupert H. (q. v.); academic education; studied at Rudy Institution, Paris, and under singing masters in Paris, Berlin and London; married, Adella Prentiss, of Cleveland, Oct. 5, 1904; appeared in concerts in France; made debut in La Juive, Liege, Belgium; returned to United States, 1901; has sung in concerts, recitals, and oratorios under Van der Stucken and Paur; baritone; repertoire includes 40 operas and all standard oratorios. Clubs: Hermit, Euclid, Mayfield Country.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Gibson

Archibald Gibson, of Ireland, emigrated to America and settled in Virginia. He had a son named Joseph, who served in the war of 1812. Joseph married Susan Hudson, and settled in Lincoln County, Mo., in 1818. His children were Mary, Elizabeth, Archibald, Nancy, John, William, Patsy, Susan, Lucinda, and Malinda. Mr. Gibson was married the second time to the widow Caffer, whose maiden name was Matilda Wright: By her he had Rufus, Mary, Waller, Matilda, Martha, Richard, Emma, and Thomas J. Mr. Gibson died in Lincoln County in his 87th year. Archibald, Elizabeth, and John married and settled in Warren … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Gray

When Robert Gray was a small boy he lost his father, while they were moving from North Carolina to Tennessee. He had four sisters Polly, Dorcas, Elizabeth, and Jane. After the death of his father, his mother proceeded on her way to Tennessee, with her children; and they remained in that State until 1809, when they came to (now) Warren County, Mo. During the Indian war they lived the greater portion of the time in Castlio’s Fort, in St. Charles County. Polly Gray married Rueben Thornhill, Dorcas, Barney Thornhill and Jane Bryant Thornhill, all of whom were early settlers of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Griswold and Harvey Griswold

Harvey and Frederick Griswold, of Connecticut, were cousins. They emigrated to the West, and settled in (now) Warren County, Mo., at a very early date. Frederick married Rebecca Shobe, and opened the first store in Pinckney. They had no children. Harvey came to Missouri when he was only about sixteen years of age, and walked from St. Louis to Pinckney, carrying his wardrobe and all the property he possessed tied up in a cotton handkerchief. His cousin Frederick at first hired him to clerk in his store, but afterward bought a store at Marthasville, and sent him there to take … Read more

Biography of John Jones

Giles Jones was an Englishman, but came to America and served as a soldier in the revolutionary war. His son John came to Missouri in 1817, and studied medicine under Dr. Young. Dr. Jones married Minerva Callaway, daughter of Flanders Callaway, and granddaughter of Daniel Boone, and settled near Marthasville. They had the following children James, Caroline, Emily, Daniel, John S., Ellen, Paul, Samuel, George, and Anna. The Doctor became celebrated as a physician, and had an extensive practice. He was also very fond of hunting, and had a horse named Nick, that he generally rode on his hunting expeditions. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of the Lamme Brothers

William T. and James Lamme were sons of Robert Lamme, of Bourbon Co., Ky. William T. settled in (now) Warren Co., Mo., in 1803. He was 1st Lieutenant in Nathan Boone’s company of rangers, and was afterward major of a regiment. He married Frances Callaway, daughter of Flanders Callaway, and granddaughter of Daniel Boone, by whom he had ten children Serena, Zarina, Hulda, Cornelia, Missouri, Josephine, Jackson, Leonidas, Achiles, and. Napoleon B. Mr. Lamme had a good education, was a fine business man, and left his family in good circumstances at his death. Zarina Lamme married Willis Bryan, a son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Norman Pringle

Norman Pringle, of Connecticut, settled in Warren County in 1819. He was a very intelligent man, and was frequently solicited to run for office, but always refused, because he had so great a dislike for politics. He married Sally Kellogg, by whom he had nine children Jane, Judith, Helen, Harriet, Huldah IL, Virgil, Mark, Norman O., and Charles W. All of the children except Mark (who died a bachelor) married, and most of them live in Warren County.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Pratt

Thomas Pratt, of Culpepper County, Virginia, married a Miss Smith, by whom he had Thomas B., Elizabeth, and Ann. His first wife died, and he was married the second time to Martha Terrell, by whom he had Jonathan, Milton W., Lucinda, Mary, and Martha. Mr. Pratt settled in Warren County in 1831, with all of his children except Thomas B., and most of them now reside in that county.

Biographical Sketch of George Owings

George Owings, of Maryland, married a Miss Wells, by whom he had twelve children. He was married the second time, and had twelve children more. Two of his sons, John and Thomas, by his first wife, came to Missouri in 1816, and settled in Warren County. Thomas married Mary O’Brien, and moved to Illinois. John was in the war of 1812. He married Hattie McGarvey, by whom he had fifteen children James M., Richard, George W., David R., Joseph E., John B., Thomas, William H., Wesley, Rachel, Nancy, Julia, Maria, Eliza J., and Emily. All the children lived to be … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Northcut

John Northcut, of Kentucky, married Jane Trimble, and settled on Charrette creek in 1820. He was an ardent Methodist, and used to exhort and preach in a style peculiar to himself. He had three daughters, and was very much opposed to their getting married. He was not willing for them to learn to write, lest they should send letters to their sweethearts; but they all contrived to get married in spite of his precautions. The names of his children were Elizabeth, George, John, Polly, Joseph E., Stemmons, and June. Elizabeth married Mr. Keithey, of St. Charles County. George married Kitty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mr. Ketchersides

Ketchersides. A man named Ketchersides, a cooper by trade, came from Tennessee at a very early date, and settled on Massey’s Creek in (now) Warren County. He remained only one year, when he sold out and returned to Tennessee. In about another year he made his appearance in Missouri again, but remained only a short time, when he went back to his old State. He continued in this way until his death, remaining in one State only so long as it was necessary to get money enough to take him back to the other.